Time | Activity | Slides | Hands-on |
Morning | Read-based analyses (Part 1) | Link here | Link here |
Afternoon | Read-based analyses (Part 2) | Link here |
First login to the Amazon Cloud and cd
to your working directory.
We migh have made changes to the GitHub repository, so let's pull those changes now:
git pull
For the read-based analyses, we will use seqtk
Like yesterday, the script is provided and can be found from the Scripts
Let's take a look at the script using less
less Scripts/READ_BASED.sh
NOTE: You can scroll up and down using the arrow keys on your keyboard, or move one "page" at a time using the spacebar.
NOTE: To quit less
, hit the letter q.
As you will see, we are first running seqtk
to subsample the data to an even number of sequences per sample (2,000,000).
Then we are running DIAMOND
to annotate the reads against the NCBI nr database.
Then we will use MEGAN
to parse the annotations and get taxonomic and functional assignments.
In addition to DIAMOND
, we will also use a different approach to get taxonomic profiles using METAXA
This will happen in two steps: the first command finds rRNA genes among our reads, and the second summarises the taxonomy.
Now let's run the script:
bash Scripts/READ_BASED.sh
Again, because we are using real data, some steps are quite intensive and require some time to be completed.
Let's wait a while to see if the script seems to be running correctly.
Then let's stop it by hitting ctrl+c.
Now take a look at the MEGAN
folder inside ~/Share
, which contains the actual output from the script we tried to run before:
ls ~/Share/MEGAN
For each sample, you should find:
: DIAMOND output$SAMPLE.diamond.log.txt
: MEGAN output$SAMPLE.megan.log.txt
: MEGAN log
The .rma6
files are compressed binary files created by MEGAN
(command-line version).
These describe the taxonomic and functional composition of the samples based on the DIAMOND
annotation against the NCBI nr database.
also has a powerful GUI version, that you have installed in your own computer.
First let's copy the four .rma6
files to your own computers using FileZilla.
When that's done let's launch MEGAN
and take a look together at one of the samples.
Now, by using the Compare
tool, let's try to find differences between the samples.
On the slides for the first day ("Course outline and practical info") we saw that we have two heathland and two fen soils.
Can we see major differences in community structure between these two ecosystems? For example:
- Are samples from the same ecosystem type more similar to each other than to the other samples? HINT: Try changing the view to the Genus Rank and then going to "Window" > "Cluster Analysis" and chosing "UPGMA Tree".
- What is the most abundant phylum in the heathland soils? And in the fen soils?
- By the way, what is the main environmental difference between these two ecosystems? Can you think about how this could explain the difference in phylum abundance?
- Now looking at the functional profiles (e.g. SEED), can you spot differences between these two ecosystems? Specially regarding energy and metabolism?
- Again, how these differences relate to the environmental aspects of these ecosystems?
MEGAN is a really poweful tool to explore the data.
However, to really dig in and perform more advanced statistical analyses, we will use R.
First download the READ_BASED_R
folder that is inside the Share
folder to your own computer using FileZilla.
We also need some external packages for the analyses, including:
for data wrangling (includesggplot2
for plotting)phyloseq
for easy storage and manipulation of ’omics datavegan
for diversity analysesDESeq2
for differential abundance analysispatchwork
for plot layouts
Now we will work on the output of METAXA
, the other tool we have employed to obtain taxonomic profiles for the communities.
Let's start RStudio and load the necessary packages:
And let's change the directory the READ_BASED_R
# Read metadata
metadata <- read.table("sample_info.txt", sep = "\t", row.names = 1, header = TRUE)
# Read METAXA results at the genus level
metaxa_genus <- read.table("metaxa_genus.txt", sep = "\t", header = TRUE, row.names = 1)
# Make taxonomy data frame
metaxa_TAX <- data.frame(Taxa = row.names(metaxa_genus)) %>%
separate(Taxa, into = c("Kingdom", "Phylum", "Class", "Order", "Family", "Genus"), sep = ";")
row.names(metaxa_genus) <- paste0("OTU", seq(nrow(metaxa_genus)))
row.names(metaxa_TAX) <- paste0("OTU", seq(nrow(metaxa_genus)))
# Make a phyloseq object
metaxa_genus <- phyloseq(otu_table(metaxa_genus, taxa_are_rows = TRUE),
# Take a look at the phyloseq object
# See the first few OTUs
# Take a look at the samples
# Plot the number of reads within each sample
barplot(sample_sums(metaxa_genus), las = 3)
# See the top 10 OTUs (most abundant throughout all samples)
metaxa_abund <- taxa_sums(metaxa_genus) %>%
sort(decreasing = TRUE) %>%
head(10) %>%
# See taxonomy for these OTUs
# And their abundance in our samples
metaxa_top10 <- prune_taxa(metaxa_abund, metaxa_genus)
heatmap(as.matrix(sqrt(t(otu_table(metaxa_top10)))), col = rev(heat.colors(20)))
tax_table(metaxa_top10)[rownames(otu_table(metaxa_top10)), ]
# Calculate and plot Shannon diversity
metaxa_shannon <- diversity(t(otu_table(metaxa_genus)), index = "shannon")
barplot(metaxa_shannon, ylab = "Shannon diversity", las = 3)
# Calculate and plot richness
metaxa_observed <- specnumber(t(otu_table(metaxa_genus)))
barplot(metaxa_observed, ylab = "Observed taxa", las = 3)
# Calculate distance matrix and do ordination
metaxa_dist <- vegdist(t(otu_table(metaxa_genus)))
metaxa_ord <- cmdscale(metaxa_dist)
metaxa_ord_df <- data.frame(metaxa_ord, Ecosystem = sample_data(metaxa_genus)$Ecosystem)
# Plot ordination
ggplot(metaxa_ord_df, aes(x = X1, y = X2, color = Ecosystem)) +
geom_point(size = 3) +
scale_color_manual(values=c("firebrick", "royalblue")) +
theme_classic() +
labs(x = "Axis-1", y = "Axis-2") +
geom_text(label = row.names(metaxa_ord_df), nudge_y = 0.03) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom")
# Test if differences are significant
adonis(metaxa_ord ~ Ecosystem, metadata)
# Remove eukaryotes
metaxa_genus_noeuk <- subset_taxa(metaxa_genus, Kingdom == "Bacteria" | Kingdom == "Archaea")
# Run deseq
metaxa_deseq <- phyloseq_to_deseq2(metaxa_genus_noeuk, ~ Ecosystem)
metaxa_deseq <- DESeq(metaxa_deseq, test = "Wald", fitType = "local")
# Get deseq results
metaxa_deseq_res <- results(metaxa_deseq, cooksCutoff = FALSE)
# Keep only p < 0.01
metaxa_deseq_sig <- metaxa_deseq_res[which(metaxa_deseq_res$padj < 0.01), ]
metaxa_deseq_sig <- cbind(as(metaxa_deseq_sig, "data.frame"), as(tax_table(metaxa_genus_noeuk)[rownames(metaxa_deseq_sig), ], "matrix"))
### Plot differentially abundanta taxa
left_join(otu_table(metaxa_genus_noeuk) %>% as.data.frame %>% rownames_to_column("OTU"),
metaxa_TAX %>% rownames_to_column("OTU")) %>%
filter(OTU %in% rownames(metaxa_deseq_sig)) %>%
unite(taxonomy, c(OTU, Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus), sep = "; ") %>%
gather(Library, Reads, -taxonomy) %>%
left_join(metadata %>% rownames_to_column("Library")) %>%
mutate(Reads = sqrt(Reads)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = Library, y = taxonomy, fill = Reads)) +
geom_tile() +
facet_grid(cols = vars(Ecosystem), scale = "free") +
scale_fill_gradient(low = "white", high = "skyblue4", name = "Reads (square root)") +
scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0))
Let's also look at the data we exported from MEGAN
using R.
After importing the data as shown below, repeat the steps you have done for the METAXA
data, this time using as input the megan_genus
, megan_COG
# Read MEGAN results at the genus level
megan_genus <- import_biom("MEGAN_genus.biom")
sample_data(megan_genus) <- sample_data(metadata)
# Read COG functions
megan_COG <- import_biom("MEGAN_EGGNOG.biom")
sample_data(megan_COG) <- sample_data(metadata)
# Read SEED functions
megan_SEED <- import_biom("MEGAN_SEED.biom")
sample_data(megan_SEED) <- sample_data(metadata)