This is a set of plugins for Statick that will discover documentation related files and perform static analysis on those files.
Custom exceptions can be applied the same way they are with Statick exceptions.
This set of plugins was merged into the main Statick repository and Python package. All future development will happen in that repository.
The recommended method to install these Statick plugins is via pip:
pip install statick-md
You can also clone the repository and use it locally.
Make sure you install all the dependencies from apt/npm. See for Node/npm installation instructions.
Configure npm to allow a non-root user to install packages.
npm config set prefix '~/.local/'
Make sure ~/.local/bin
Check your PATH
with echo $PATH
If ~/.local/bin
is not listed then add it to your PATH
mkdir -p ~/.local/bin
echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
Install packages.
npm install -g markdownlint-cli
npm install -g write-good
Markdownlint-cli has occasionally changed defaults via an upgrade that results in lots of new warnings.
To mitigate this you can pin the version of markdownlint-cli when installing by changing markdownlint-cli
to markdownlint-cli@0.19
The most common usage is to use statick and statick-md from pip. In that case your directory structure will look like the following:
|- md-project
To run with the default configuration for the statick-md tools use:
statick md-project/ -o /tmp/statick-output/ --level md --log info
There are times when you will want to have a custom Statick configuration. This is usually done to run a different set of tools than are called out in the default profile, or to add exceptions. For this case you will have to add the new Statick configuration somewhere. This example will have custom exceptions in the md-project, such that the directory structure is:
|- md-project
|- statick-config
|- rsc
|- exceptions.yaml
For this setup you will run the following:
statick md-project/ --o /tmp/statick-output/ -u md-project/statick-config/ --level md
File Type | Extensions |
markdown | .md |
reStructuredText | .rst |
Tool | About |
markdownlint | A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files. |
rstcheck | Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it. |
rst-lint | Checks syntax of reStructuredText and code blocks nested within it. |
write-good | Naive linter for English prose. |
If you write a new feature for Statick or are fixing a bug, you are strongly encouraged to add unit tests for your contribution. In particular, it is much easier to test whether a bug is fixed (and identify future regressions) if you can add a small unit test which replicates the bug.
Before submitting a change, please run tox to check that you have not introduced any regressions or violated any code style guidelines.
Statick Markdown uses mypy to check that type hints are being followed properly. Type hints are described in PEP 484 and allow for static typing in Python. To determine if proper types are being used in Statick Markdown the following command will show any errors, and create several types of reports that can be viewed with a text editor or web browser.
pip install mypy
mkdir report
mypy --ignore-missing-imports --strict src
Statick code is formatted using black. To fix locally use
pip install black
black src tests