This file is part of the documentation of svg-sprite — a free low-level Node.js module that takes a bunch of SVG files, optimizes them and creates SVG sprites of several types. The package is hosted on GitHub.
You may use svg-sprite as a command line tool. Type svg-sprite --help
to get all the available options:
Usage: svg-sprite [options] files
--version Show version number [boolean]
--help Display this help information [boolean]
-D, --dest Main output directory (base path) [default: "."]
-C, --config Path to external JSON config file
-l, --log Logging verbosity ("info", "verbose" or "debug")
--shape-id-separator Separator for traversing a directory structure into a shape ID [default: "--"]
--shape-id-generator ID generation callback [via CLI only template strings] [default: "%s"]
--shape-id-pseudo Separator for CSS pseudo classes [default: "~"]
--shape-id-whitespace Whitespace replacement string for shape IDs [default: "_"]
-w, --shape-dim-width Maximum shape width in pixels [default: 2000]
-h, --shape-dim-height Maximum shape height in pixels [default: 2000]
--shape-dim-precision Precision (decimal places) for dimension calculations [default: 2]
--shape-dim-attributes Whether to add width and height attributes to the shapes [boolean] [default: false]
-p, --shape-spacing-padding Padding around shape (up to 4 x comma-separated) [default: "0,0,0,0"]
-b, --shape-spacing-box Box sizing strategy ("content", "padding" or "icon") [default: "content"]
-m, --shape-meta Path to YAML file with meta information
-a, --shape-align Path to YAML file with alignment information
--ims, --shape-dest Path to output directory for intermediate SVG files
--shape-transform Comma-separated list of predefined transformers (see docs) [default: "svgo"]
--shape-transform-* External JSON config files for named transformers
--svg-xmldecl Whether to include an XML declaration in SVG files [boolean] [default: true]
--svg-doctype Whether to include a doctype declaration in SVG files [boolean] [default: true]
--svg-namespace-ids Whether to apply ID namespacing to the sprite [boolean] [default: true]
--svg-namespace-classnames Whether to apply CSS class namespacing to the sprite [boolean] [default: true]
--svg-dimattrs Whether to add width and height attributes to the sprite [boolean] [default: true]
--svg-rootattrs Custom root attributes for the outermost <svg> element (external JSON file)
--svg-precision Floating point precision for CSS positioning values [default: -1]
-c, --css Activates the «css» mode [boolean] [default: false]
--css-dest Mode specific output directory [default: "css"]
--cl, --css-layout Sprite layout ("vertical"/"horizontal"/"diagonal"/"packed") [default: "packed"]
--css-common Common CSS rule selector for all shapes [default: null]
--css-mixin Preprocessor mixin name with properties for all shapes [default: null]
--css-prefix CSS selector prefix for all shapes (including placeholders) [default: ".svg-%s"]
--css-dimensions CSS selector suffix for shape dimension rules ("" for inline) [default: "-dims"]
--cs, --css-sprite Sprite path and filename (relative to --css-dest) [default: "svg/sprite.css.svg"]
--css-bust Enable cache busting [boolean] [default: true]
--ccss, --css-render-css Whether to render a CSS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--css-render-css-template CSS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.css"]
--css-render-css-dest CSS stylesheet destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.css"]
--cscss, --css-render-scss Whether to render a Sass stylesheet (SCSS) [boolean] [default: false]
--css-render-scss-template Sass stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.scss"]
--css-render-scss-dest Sass stylesheet destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.scss"]
--cless, --css-render-less Whether to render a LESS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--css-render-less-template LESS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.less"]
--css-render-less-dest LESS stylesheet destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.less"]
--cstyl, --css-render-styl Whether to render a Stylus stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--css-render-styl-template Stylus stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.styl"]
--css-render-styl-dest styl stylesheet destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.styl"]
--css-render-* Custom output renderings
--css-render-*-template Custom output Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir)
--css-render-*-dest Custom output destination (relative to the --css-dest)
--cx, --css-example Whether to render an example HTML document [boolean] [default: false]
--css-example-template HTML document Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.html"]
--css-example-dest HTML document destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.css.html"]
-v, --view Activates the «view» mode [boolean] [default: false]
--view-dest Mode specific output directory [default: "view"]
--vl, --view-layout Sprite layout ("vertical"/"horizontal"/"diagonal"/"packed") [default: "packed"]
--view-common Common CSS rule selector for all shapes [default: null]
--view-mixin Preprocessor mixin name with properties for all shapes [default: null]
--view-prefix CSS selector prefix for all shapes (including placeholders) [default: ".svg-%s"]
--view-dimensions CSS selector suffix for shape dimension rules ("" for inline) [default: "-dims"]
--vs, --view-sprite Sprite path and filename (relative to --view-dest) [default: "svg/sprite.css.svg"]
--view-bust Enable cache busting [boolean] [default: true]
--vcss, --view-render-css Whether to render a CSS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--view-render-css-template CSS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.css"]
--view-render-css-dest CSS stylesheet destination (relative to the --view-dest) [default: "sprite.css"]
--vscss, --view-render-scss Whether to render a Sass stylesheet (SCSS) [boolean] [default: false]
--view-render-scss-template Sass stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.scss"]
--view-render-scss-dest Sass stylesheet destination (relative to the --view-dest) [default: "sprite.scss"]
--vless, --view-render-less Whether to render a LESS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--view-render-less-template LESS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.less"]
--view-render-less-dest LESS stylesheet destination (relative to the --view-dest) [default: "sprite.less"]
--vstyl, --view-render-styl Whether to render a Stylus stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--view-render-styl-template Stylus stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.styl"]
--view-render-styl-dest styl stylesheet destination (relative to the --view-dest) [default: "sprite.styl"]
--view-render-* Custom output renderings
--view-render-*-template Custom output Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir)
--view-render-*-dest Custom output destination (relative to the --view-dest)
--vx, --view-example Whether to render an example HTML document [boolean] [default: false]
--view-example-template HTML document Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/view/sprite.html"]
--view-example-dest HTML document destination (relative to the --view-dest) [default: "sprite.view.html"]
-d, --defs Activates the «defs» mode [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-dest Mode specific output directory [default: "defs"]
--defs-prefix CSS selector prefix for all shapes (including placeholders) [default: ".svg-%s"]
--defs-dimensions CSS selector suffix for shape dimension rules ("" for inline) [default: "-dims"]
--ds, --defs-sprite Sprite path and filename (relative to --defs-dest) [default: "svg/sprite.css.svg"]
--defs-bust Enable cache busting [boolean] [default: false]
--dcss, --defs-render-css Whether to render a CSS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-render-css-template CSS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.css"]
--defs-render-css-dest CSS stylesheet destination (relative to the --defs-dest) [default: "sprite.css"]
--dscss, --defs-render-scss Whether to render a Sass stylesheet (SCSS) [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-render-scss-template Sass stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.scss"]
--defs-render-scss-dest Sass stylesheet destination (relative to the --defs-dest) [default: "sprite.scss"]
--dless, --defs-render-less Whether to render a LESS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-render-less-template LESS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.less"]
--defs-render-less-dest LESS stylesheet destination (relative to the --defs-dest) [default: "sprite.less"]
--dstyl, --defs-render-styl Whether to render a Stylus stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-render-styl-template Stylus stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.styl"]
--defs-render-styl-dest styl stylesheet destination (relative to the --defs-dest) [default: "sprite.styl"]
--defs-render-* Custom output renderings
--defs-render-*-template Custom output Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir)
--defs-render-*-dest Custom output destination (relative to the --defs-dest)
--di, --defs-inline Create sprite variant suitable for inline embedding [boolean] [default: false]
--dx, --defs-example Whether to render an example HTML document [boolean] [default: false]
--defs-example-template HTML document Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/defs/sprite.html"]
--defs-example-dest HTML document destination (relative to the --defs-dest) [default: "sprite.defs.html"]
-s, --symbol Activates the «symbol» mode [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-dest Mode specific output directory [default: "symbol"]
--symbol-prefix CSS selector prefix for all shapes (including placeholders) [default: ".svg-%s"]
--symbol-dimensions CSS selector suffix for shape dimension rules ("" for inline) [default: "-dims"]
--ss, --symbol-sprite Sprite path and filename (relative to --css-dest) [default: "svg/sprite.css.svg"]
--symbol-bust Enable cache busting [boolean] [default: false]
--scss, --symbol-render-css Whether to render a CSS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-render-css-template CSS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.css"]
--symbol-render-css-dest CSS stylesheet destination (relative to the --symbol-dest) [default: "sprite.css"]
--sscss, --symbol-render-scss Whether to render a Sass stylesheet (SCSS) [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-render-scss-template Sass stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.scss"]
--symbol-render-scss-dest Sass stylesheet destination (relative to the --symbol-dest) [default: "sprite.scss"]
--sless, --symbol-render-less Whether to render a LESS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-render-less-template LESS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.less"]
--symbol-render-less-dest LESS stylesheet destination (relative to the --symbol-dest) [default: "sprite.less"]
--sstyl, --symbol-render-styl Whether to render a Stylus stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-render-styl-template Stylus stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.styl"]
--symbol-render-styl-dest styl stylesheet destination (relative to the --symbol-dest) [default: "sprite.styl"]
--symbol-render-* Custom output renderings
--symbol-render-*-template Custom output Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir)
--symbol-render-*-dest Custom output destination (relative to the --symbol-dest)
--si, --symbol-inline Create sprite variant suitable for inline embedding [boolean] [default: false]
--sx, --symbol-example Whether to render an example HTML document [boolean] [default: false]
--symbol-example-template HTML document Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/symbol/sprite.html"]
--symbol-example-dest HTML document destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.symbol.html"]
-S, --stack Activates the «stack» mode [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-dest Mode specific output directory [default: "stack"]
--stack-prefix CSS selector prefix for all shapes (including placeholders) [default: ".svg-%s"]
--stack-dimensions CSS selector suffix for shape dimension rules ("" for inline) [default: "-dims"]
--Ss, --stack-sprite Sprite path and filename (relative to --css-dest) [default: "svg/sprite.css.svg"]
--stack-bust Enable cache busting [boolean] [default: false]
--Scss, --stack-render-css Whether to render a CSS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-render-css-template CSS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.css"]
--stack-render-css-dest CSS stylesheet destination (relative to the --stack-dest) [default: "sprite.css"]
--Sscss, --stack-render-scss Whether to render a Sass stylesheet (SCSS) [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-render-scss-template Sass stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.scss"]
--stack-render-scss-dest Sass stylesheet destination (relative to the --stack-dest) [default: "sprite.scss"]
--Sless, --stack-render-less Whether to render a LESS stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-render-less-template LESS stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.less"]
--stack-render-less-dest LESS stylesheet destination (relative to the --stack-dest) [default: "sprite.less"]
--Sstyl, --stack-render-styl Whether to render a Stylus stylesheet [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-render-styl-template Stylus stylesheet Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/css/sprite.styl"]
--stack-render-styl-dest styl stylesheet destination (relative to the --stack-dest) [default: "sprite.styl"]
--stack-render-* Custom output renderings
--stack-render-*-template Custom output Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir)
--stack-render-*-dest Custom output destination (relative to the --stack-dest)
--Sx, --stack-example Whether to render an example HTML document [boolean] [default: false]
--stack-example-template HTML document Mustache template (relative to svg-sprite basedir) [default: "tmpl/stack/sprite.html"]
--stack-example-dest HTML document destination (relative to the --css-dest) [default: "sprite.stack.html"]
--variables Path to external JSON file with Mustache variable definitions
Both the following commands are doing the same (with the second one using the shorter argument syntax): They use the SVG files found in the directory "assets"
, create a CSS sprite of them and write them to the subdirectory "out"
along with accompanying CSS stylesheets.
$ svg-sprite --css --css-render-css --css-example --dest=out assets/*.svg
$ svg-sprite -cD out --ccss --cx assets/*.svg
The next one renders a Sass stylesheet (instead of plain CSS) and adds a 10px padding around all shapes in the sprite:
$ svg-sprite -cD out --cscss -p 10 assets/*.svg
Using config file (config.json in project base path) instead of command line options. Config file can be generated with the online configurator.
$ svg-sprite --config config.json assets/*.svg
To get the shape dimensions inlined into the main shape CSS rules, you need to pass an empty dimension selector suffix. There are two ways of doing so:
$ svg-sprite -cD out --css-dimensions "" --ccss assets/*.svg
$ svg-sprite -cD out --css-dimensions= --ccss assets/*.svg