Week 4 homework assignment for CodePath iOS Bootcamp: http://courses.codepath.com/courses/ios_for_designers/week/4#!assignment
Time spent: 11.5 hours
- ~ 2 initial setup based on Monday lab
- ~ 1 adding black view and trying to figure out how to hide initial image and start/end positioning, watching Tim's video
- ~ 6 removing initial work and doing it the way it was in the video during group work session
- ~ 2 getting black view to send to photoVC and getting the drag to close to look smooth
- ~ 0.5 for zoom and redoing it because I messed up something in git and had to reset hard
- Tapping on a photo in the news feed should expand the photo full screen.
- Tapping the Done button should animate the photo back into its position in the news feed.
- On scroll of the full screen photo, the background should start to become transparent, revealing the feed.
- If the user scrolls a large amount and releases, the full screen photo should dismiss.
- Optional: The full screen photo should be zoomable.
- Optional: The user should be able to page through the other photos in full screen mode
![Video Walkthrough] (hw4_facebook_walkthrough.gif)
GIF created with LiceCap.