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Commands for the Twitch chat

Vanilla commands for Twitch chat integration.

Sprite Commands
Items Row 1
Goat Mode goat, goatmode
Tunic tunic, clothes
Shield (L1) shield, shield1
Sword sword, knife
Bombs bomb, bombs, boomboom, boombooms
Bow bow, D, rottenwatermelon
Shovel shovel
Ocarina ocarina, flute, floot, doot, dootdoot
Mushroom mushroom, shroom, toadstool
Magic Pouch powder, magicpowder
Items Row 2
Roc's Feather feather, jumpyleaf
Power Bracelet (L1) pb, pb1, powerbracelet, bracelet, bracelet1
Pegasus Boots boots, pegasusboots
Zora's Flippers swimshoes, flippers, zorasflippers
Hookshoot hookshot, ninjastar
Power Bracelet (L2) pb2, powerbracelet2, bracelet2
Mirror Shield shield2, mirrorshield
Magic Rod magicrod, rod, wang
Dungeon 1 dungeon1, d1
Dungeon 2 dungeon2, d2
Dungeon 3 dungeon3, d3
Dungeon 4 dungeon4, d4
Dungeon 5 dungeon5, d5
Dungeon 6 dungeon6, d6
Dungeon 7 dungeon7, d7
Dungeon 8 dungeon8, d8
Trade Sequence trade, tradeitem
Seashells seashell, shell
Golden Leaves leaf, leaves, goldenleaf, goldenleaves
Tail Key tailkey, key1
Slime Key slimekey, key2
Face Key facekey, key3
Angler Key anglerkey, key4
Eagle Key eaglekey, key5
Even More
Piece of Heart hp, heartpiece, pieceofheart, pizzaheart, heart
Marin's Song marin, balladofthewindfish, botwf, windfishsong
Manbo's Song manbo, manbosmambo, basssong, bestsong
Mamu's Song mamu, songofsoul, frogsong, worstsong
Bow Wow bowwow, dog, cheesedog
Walrus walrus
Flying Cucco cucco, rooster, spicychicken
Go Mode go, gomode