Space Pups is an interactive runner game for children ages two and up. Players start the game by picking a puppy and outfit. The puppy then rides a spaceship through outer space to collect as many stars and gems as possible. As the player travels through space, they learn and explore outer space. Flying past Earth and other planets as they work to collect more gems and stars. Gems are harder to reach and require “jumps” but are worth more points. With more points, players can win additional outfits and accessories.
The message behind Space Pups is to reach for the stars while also enjoying the ride. When we hop onto the spaceship, we are excited and want to keep winning and moving to our destination. But, it is also an equally valuable experience to stop by the planets to explore and learn. Can we find meaning in our life adventures? How can we as individuals bring positivity and inspiration to the world around us?
![Screenshot 2023-08-27 at 9 01 27 PM](
- Figma Design files:
- Meta Store
- One Unity game that supports iOS and Android Oculus Quest
- Recreate basic game mechanisms and functionality
- VR Controls: Tilt head right (right turn) tilt head left (left turn)
- Tablet Controls: Tilt tablet right (right turn) tablet iPad left (left turn)
- Tablet Controls: Left and right swipes
- Passthrough mode: Turn on/off passthrough mode in-game
- Admin mode: Turbo mode motion swipes
- Generate or purchase 3D assets
- Customize spaceship/dog outfit
- Multiplayer between tablets and Oculus Quest