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Table Names

Robert A. Petit III edited this page Sep 16, 2015 · 8 revisions

This page provides a brief overview for each table within the Staphopia database. In order to save time, tables are described from the perspective of the database. For example instead of SNP (the Django model name), variant_snp the actual name in the database will be given. This will allow for easier construction of SQL statements.

Staphopia Tables


        Column            |     Type     |                          Modifiers                          | Storage |

------------------------------|--------------|-------------------------------------------------------------|---------| id | integer | not null default nextval('assembly_stats_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | is_scaffolds | boolean | not null | plain | total_contig | smallint | not null | plain | total_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | min_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | median_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | mean_contig_length | numeric(9,2) | not null | main | max_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | n50_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | l50_contig_count | smallint | not null | plain | ng50_contig_length | integer | not null | plain | lg50_contig_count | smallint | not null | plain | contigs_greater_1k | smallint | not null | plain | contigs_greater_10k | smallint | not null | plain | contigs_greater_100k | smallint | not null | plain | contigs_greater_1m | smallint | not null | plain | percent_contigs_greater_1k | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | percent_contigs_greater_10k | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | percent_contigs_greater_100k | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | percent_contigs_greater_1m | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_percent_a | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_percent_t | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_percent_g | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_percent_c | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_percent_n | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | contig_non_acgtn | numeric(4,2) | not null | main | num_contig_non_acgtn | smallint | not null | plain | sample_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "assembly_stats_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "assembly_stats_sample_id_2701b767476a61b7_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, is_scaffolds)
    "assembly_stats_2242a234" btree (is_scaffolds)
    "assembly_stats_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)


       Column           | Type | Modifiers | Storage  |

----------------------------|------|-----------|----------| experiment_accession | text | not null | extended | experiment_title | text | not null | extended | experiment_alias | text | not null | extended | sample_accession | text | not null | extended | secondary_sample_accession | text | not null | extended | submission_accession | text | not null | extended | tax_id | text | not null | extended | scientific_name | text | not null | extended | instrument_platform | text | not null | extended | instrument_model | text | not null | extended | library_layout | text | not null | extended | library_strategy | text | not null | extended | library_selection | text | not null | extended | center_name | text | not null | extended | study_accession | text | not null | extended |

    "ena_experiment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (experiment_accession)
    "ena_experiment_6a0c5df2" btree (instrument_platform)
    "ena_experiment_8cd0a95d" btree (study_accession)
    "ena_experiment_experiment_accession_78e80ad55e7e5209_like" btree (experiment_accession text_pattern_ops)
    "ena_experiment_instrument_platform_7826b6971eb893db_like" btree (instrument_platform text_pattern_ops)
    Column        |  Type   |                          Modifiers                           | Storage  |

----------------------|---------|--------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('ena_publication_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | pmid | text | not null | extended | experiment_accession | text | not null | extended |

    "ena_publication_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "ena_publication_experiment_accession_36f9435cdb3ab754_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (experiment_accession, pmid)
    "ena_publication_c4f15a54" btree (experiment_accession)
    "ena_publication_experiment_accession_77abbd3c8c8dae5b_like" btree (experiment_accession text_pattern_ops)
    Column        |     Type      | Modifiers | Storage  |

----------------------|---------------|-----------|----------| run_accession | text | not null | extended | is_paired | boolean | not null | plain | run_alias | text | not null | extended | read_count | bigint | not null | plain | base_count | bigint | not null | plain | mean_read_length | numeric(10,2) | not null | main | coverage | numeric(10,2) | not null | main | first_public | text | not null | extended | fastq_bytes | text | not null | extended | fastq_md5 | text | not null | extended | fastq_aspera | text | not null | extended | fastq_ftp | text | not null | extended | experiment_accession | text | not null | extended |

    "ena_run_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (run_accession)
    "ena_run_c4f15a54" btree (experiment_accession)
    "ena_run_experiment_accession_292794787d933064_like" btree (experiment_accession text_pattern_ops)
    "ena_run_run_accession_3325d003c60f8137_like" btree (run_accession text_pattern_ops)
      Column           | Type | Modifiers | Storage  |

---------------------------|------|-----------|----------| study_accession | text | not null | extended | secondary_study_accession | text | not null | extended | study_title | text | not null | extended | study_alias | text | not null | extended |

    "ena_study_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (study_accession)
    "ena_study_study_accession_607a0e827f9b141d_like" btree (study_accession text_pattern_ops)
    Column        |  Type   |                         Modifiers                         | Storage  |

----------------------|---------|-----------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('ena_tosample_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | experiment_accession | text | not null | extended | sample_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "ena_tosample_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "ena_tosample_experiment_accession_1bd15d0ef3d7f0e1_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (experiment_accession, sample_id)
    "ena_tosample_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
    "ena_tosample_c4f15a54" btree (experiment_accession)
    "ena_tosample_experiment_accession_3656e834d439ae9f_like" btree (experiment_accession text_pattern_ops)


Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_clustermembers_id_seq'::regclass) plain
member text not null extended
entry_name text not null extended
length integer not null plain
is_rep boolean not null plain
is_seed boolean not null plain
cluster_id integer not null plain
gene_id integer not null plain
organism_id integer not null plain
protein_id integer not null plain
    "gene_clustermembers_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "gene_clustermembers_member_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (member)
    "gene_clustermembers_2bf283a7" btree (organism_id)
    "gene_clustermembers_4ff9f3a6" btree (protein_id)
    "gene_clustermembers_6c57aa00" btree (gene_id)
    "gene_clustermembers_a97b1c12" btree (cluster_id)
    "gene_clustermembers_member_2dc472e1ea5b1a21_like" btree (member text_pattern_ops)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_clusters_id_seq'::regclass) plain
name text not null extended
aa text not null extended
    "gene_clusters_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "gene_clusters_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
    "gene_clusters_name_3fc4e1fe22fcccca_like" btree (name text_pattern_ops)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_contigs_id_seq'::regclass) plain
name text not null extended
sequence text not null extended
sample_id integer not null plain
    "gene_contigs_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "gene_contigs_sample_id_78af5785299a980d_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, name)
    "gene_contigs_b068931c" btree (name)
    "gene_contigs_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
    "gene_contigs_name_2a6dbe9155b0f4fb_like" btree (name text_pattern_ops)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_features_id_seq'::regclass) plain
start integer not null plain
end integer not null plain
is_positive boolean not null plain
is_tRNA boolean not null plain
phase smallint not null plain
dna text not null extended
aa text not null extended
cluster_id integer not null plain
contig_id integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
    "gene_features_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "gene_features_sample_id_2d59ee91e76f3b20_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, contig_id, cluster_id, start, "end")
    "gene_features_a97b1c12" btree (cluster_id)
    "gene_features_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
    "gene_features_c90fc43a" btree (contig_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_names_id_seq'::regclass) plain
name text not null extended
    "gene_names_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('gene_organism_id_seq'::regclass) plain
taxon_id integer not null plain
name text not null extended

Indexes: "gene_organism_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

Column     |  Type   |                          Modifiers                           | Storage  |

---------------|---------|--------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('gene_references_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | dna | text | not null | extended | aa | text | not null | extended | annotation_id | integer | not null | plain | cluster_id | integer | not null | plain | reference_id | integer | not null | plain | end | integer | not null | plain | is_positive | boolean | not null | plain | is_tRNA | boolean | not null | plain | start | integer | not null | plain |

    "gene_references_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "gene_references_10d1a950" btree (reference_id)
    "gene_references_a97b1c12" btree (cluster_id)
    "gene_references_e70a1874" btree (annotation_id)


Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('kmer_binary_id_seq'::regclass) plain
string bytea not null extended
    "kmer_binary_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "kmer_binary_string_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (string)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('kmer_count_id_seq'::regclass) plain
count integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
string_id integer not null plain
    "kmer_count_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "kmer_count_sample_id_3851872189dfeb40_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, string_id)
    "kmer_count_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
    "kmer_count_fa206039" btree (string_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('kmer_total_id_seq'::regclass) plain
total integer not null plain
singletons integer not null plain
new_kmers integer not null plain
runtime integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
    "kmer_total_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "kmer_total_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)


Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('mlst_blast_id_seq'::regclass) plain
locus_name character varying(4) not null extended
locus_id smallint not null plain
bitscore smallint not null plain
slen smallint not null plain
length smallint not null plain
gaps smallint not null plain
mismatch smallint not null plain
pident numeric(5,2) not null main
evalue numeric(7,2) not null main
sample_id integer not null plain
    "mlst_blast_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "mlst_blast_sample_id_15f1e0f68e36debb_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, locus_name, locus_id)
    "mlst_blast_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
Column    |           Type           |                            Modifiers                            | Storage |

--------------|--------------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|---------| id | integer | not null default nextval('mlst_sequencetypes_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | ST | integer | not null | plain | arcc | integer | not null | plain | aroe | integer | not null | plain | glpf | integer | not null | plain | gmk | integer | not null | plain | pta | integer | not null | plain | tpi | integer | not null | plain | yqil | integer | not null | plain | last_updated | timestamp with time zone | not null | plain |

    "mlst_sequencetypes_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "mlst_sequencetypes_ST_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree ("ST")
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('mlst_srst2_id_seq'::regclass) plain
ST text not null extended
arcc text not null extended
aroe text not null extended
glpf text not null extended
gmk text not null extended
pta text not null extended
tpi text not null extended
yqil text not null extended
mismatches text not null extended
uncertainty text not null extended
depth numeric(8,3) not null main
maxMAF numeric(11,7) not null main
sample_id integer not null plain
    "mlst_srst2_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "mlst_srst2_sample_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id)

Sample Information

      Column           |          Type          |                          Modifiers                           | Storage  |

---------------------------|------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('sample_metadata_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | sample_tag | text | not null | extended | contact_name | text | not null | extended | contact_email | character varying(254) | not null | extended | contact_link | character varying(200) | not null | extended | sequencing_center | text | not null | extended | sequencing_center_link | character varying(200) | not null | extended | sequencing_date | date | not null | plain | sequencing_libaray_method | text | not null | extended | sequencing_platform | text | not null | extended | publication_link | character varying(200) | not null | extended | pubmed_id | text | not null | extended | doi | text | not null | extended | funding_agency | text | not null | extended | funding_agency_link | character varying(200) | not null | extended | strain | text | not null | extended | isolation_date | date | not null | plain | isolation_country | text | not null | extended | isolation_city | text | not null | extended | isolation_region | text | not null | extended | host_name | text | not null | extended | host_health | text | not null | extended | host_age | smallint | not null | plain | host_gender | text | not null | extended | comments | text | not null | extended | vancomycin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | penicillin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | oxacillin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | clindamycin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | daptomycin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | levofloxacin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | linezolid_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | rifampin_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | tetracycline_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | trimethoprim_mic | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | source | text | not null | extended | is_public | boolean | not null | plain | is_paired | boolean | not null | plain | is_published | boolean | not null | plain | user_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "sample_metadata_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "sample_metadata_11725655" btree (is_public)
    "sample_metadata_75892900" btree (is_published)
    "sample_metadata_b3fa01dd" btree (sample_tag)
    "sample_metadata_e8701ad4" btree (user_id)
    "sample_metadata_sample_tag_329e6fe76c09a51f_like" btree (sample_tag text_pattern_ops)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('sample_pipeline_id_seq'::regclass) plain
assembly text not null extended
gene text not null extended
kmer text not null extended
mlst text not null extended
sequence text not null extended
variant text not null extended
sample_id integer not null plain
    "sample_pipeline_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "sample_pipeline_sample_id_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
sample_id integer not null plain
path character varying(100) not null extended
md5sum character varying(32) not null extended
    "sample_upload_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (sample_id)
    "sample_upload_md5sum_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (md5sum)
    "sample_upload_md5sum_4c1e5476f2ea753_like" btree (md5sum varchar_pattern_ops)

Sequence Quality

  Column      |     Type      |                           Modifiers                           | Storage |

------------------|---------------|---------------------------------------------------------------|---------| id | integer | not null default nextval('sequence_quality_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | is_original | boolean | not null | plain | rank | smallint | not null | plain | total_bp | bigint | not null | plain | total_reads | bigint | not null | plain | coverage | numeric(7,2) | not null | main | min_read_length | integer | not null | plain | mean_read_length | numeric(10,3) | not null | main | max_read_length | integer | not null | plain | qual_mean | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | qual_std | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | qual_25th | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | qual_median | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | qual_75th | numeric(6,3) | not null | main | sample_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "sequence_quality_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "sequence_quality_sample_id_2748bdad20282c51_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, is_original)
    "sequence_quality_3d0351e8" btree (is_original)
    "sequence_quality_65dc5d2a" btree (rank)
    "sequence_quality_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)

Variant (SNP/InDel) Calling

Column    |         Type          |                            Modifiers                            | Storage  |

--------------|-----------------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('variant_annotation_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | locus_tag | character varying(24) | not null | extended | protein_id | character varying(24) | not null | extended | gene | character varying(12) | not null | extended | db_xref | text | not null | extended | product | text | not null | extended | note | text | not null | extended | reference_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "variant_annotation_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_annotation_10d1a950" btree (reference_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_comment_id_seq'::regclass) plain
comment text not null extended
    "variant_comment_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_comment_comment_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (comment)
    "variant_comment_comment_767f0ad1828fdabf_like" btree (comment text_pattern_ops)
   Column       |     Type     |                            Modifiers                            | Storage  |

--------------------|--------------|-----------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('variant_confidence_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | AC | text | not null | extended | AD | text | not null | extended | AF | numeric(8,3) | not null | main | DP | integer | not null | plain | GQ | integer | not null | plain | GT | text | not null | extended | MQ | numeric(8,3) | not null | main | PL | text | not null | extended | QD | numeric(8,3) | not null | main | quality | numeric(8,3) | not null | main | reference_position | integer | not null | plain | sample_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "variant_confidence_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_confidence_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_counts_id_seq'::regclass) plain
snp integer not null plain
indel integer not null plain
confidence integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
    "variant_counts_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_counts_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_filter_id_seq'::regclass) plain
name text not null extended
    "variant_filter_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_filter_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
    "variant_filter_name_400bafac6f2822a6_like" btree (name text_pattern_ops)
   Column       |  Type   |                         Modifiers                          | Storage  |

--------------------|---------|------------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('variant_indel_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | reference_position | integer | not null | plain | reference_base | text | not null | extended | alternate_base | text | not null | extended | is_deletion | boolean | not null | plain | annotation_id | integer | not null | plain | reference_id | integer | not null | plain |

    "variant_indel_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
    "variant_indel_reference_id_547a401e880b518c_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (reference_id, reference_position, reference_base, alternate_base)
    "variant_indel_10d1a950" btree (reference_id)
    "variant_indel_1c86ae80" btree (reference_position)
    "variant_indel_6c00cd75" btree (is_deletion)
    "variant_indel_e70a1874" btree (annotation_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_reference_id_seq'::regclass) plain
name text not null extended
        "variant_reference_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "variant_reference_name_key" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (name)
        "variant_reference_name_481c1fbe9b67c108_like" btree (name text_pattern_ops)
    Column        |         Type         |                        Modifiers                         | Storage  |

----------------------|----------------------|----------------------------------------------------------|----------| id | integer | not null default nextval('variant_snp_id_seq'::regclass) | plain | reference_position | integer | not null | plain | reference_base | character varying(1) | not null | extended | alternate_base | character varying(1) | not null | extended | reference_codon | character varying(3) | not null | extended | alternate_codon | character varying(3) | not null | extended | reference_amino_acid | character varying(1) | not null | extended | alternate_amino_acid | character varying(1) | not null | extended | codon_position | integer | not null | plain | snp_codon_position | smallint | not null | plain | amino_acid_change | text | not null | extended | is_synonymous | smallint | not null | plain | is_transition | smallint | not null | plain | is_genic | smallint | not null | plain | annotation_id | integer | not null | plain | reference_id | integer | not null | plain |

        "variant_snp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "variant_snp_reference_id_7a69b43c78491f2b_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (reference_id, reference_position, reference_base, alternate_base)
        "variant_snp_10d1a950" btree (reference_id)
        "variant_snp_1c86ae80" btree (reference_position)
        "variant_snp_e70a1874" btree (annotation_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_toindel_id_seq'::regclass) plain
filters_id integer not null plain
indel_id integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
        "variant_toindel_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "variant_toindel_sample_id_ebbe8d32d6f85fb_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, indel_id)
        "variant_toindel_6628046e" btree (filters_id)
        "variant_toindel_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
        "variant_toindel_f8c5f21f" btree (indel_id)
Column Type Modifiers Storage
id integer not null default nextval('variant_tosnp_id_seq'::regclass) plain
comment_id integer not null plain
filters_id integer not null plain
sample_id integer not null plain
snp_id integer not null plain
        "variant_tosnp_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
        "variant_tosnp_sample_id_2d8402c0fb24b75_uniq" UNIQUE CONSTRAINT, btree (sample_id, snp_id)
        "variant_tosnp_6628046e" btree (filters_id)
        "variant_tosnp_69b97d17" btree (comment_id)
        "variant_tosnp_c09c8085" btree (sample_id)
        "variant_tosnp_c57207ae" btree (snp_id)