Thanks for thinking about contributing to Datastar 🚀
Before you contribute, please consider that Datastar is a lightweight JavaScript framework that aims to simplify reactive web apps by using a minimalist, attribute-based approach for state management and event handling directly in HTML.
Anything outside of this scope may not be accepted. If you have a need for a feature that is not within the scope of Datastar, consider using a Web Component or writing your own Datastar plugin.
Before submitting bug reports and feature requests, please search the open issues and the #help channel in the Discord server to see if it has already been addressed. When submitting a new issue, please use a descriptive title and include a clear description and as much relevant information as possible.
Always open an issue to discuss your idea before submitting a pull request. Pull requests must be made to the develop
branch, have a descriptive title and clearly describe the problem and solution. If the pull request adds or changes behavior, documentation and examples should be updated accordingly.
Datastar’s documentation is written in markdown files that live in this folder. Improvements to them can be submitted via pull requests.
We are currently only accepting SDKs from people willing to contribute and maintain them.
SDKs must follow the Architecture Decision Record. Pull requests for new SDKs must also include the following (use alphabetical order, where appropriate):
- A README file that explains how to use the SDK.
- An entry in the SDKs reference guide.
- A value in
. - A
file for generating constants and defaults. - Sample code snippets in the language of your SDK.
- An implementation of each of the examples.
- Template values for consts and examples in
Datastar comes with instructions for building, either manually or via Docker. Read the Building Guidelines »