- Pro
🦾 low-cost automation
Add CircuitPython hardware API and libraries to MicroPython & CPython devices
Files and intro page for first version of CM6 COBOT robotic arm
Full-body tracking in VR using AprilTag markers.
AprilTag is a visual fiducial system popular for robotics research.
Automation Utility - Recorder & Script Generator
MAKER-PI-RP2040 | Simplifying RP2040 for Robotics
Anything related to Raspberry Pi Pico and Pi Pico W
This repository has now moved to GitLab.com/openflexure/openflexure-microscope
A MicroPython class for the ov2640 camera.
Take a photo with an ESP32-CAM running MicroPython
An Arduino based high precision powder dispenser to reload ammunition
Fully 3D printed fibre spectrometer. The spectrometer is a scientific instrument used to separate and measure components of light. The optical fibre guides the light into the spectrometer where the…
CircuitPython library for use with the Adafruit AS7341 breakout
CircuitPython - a Python implementation for teaching coding with microcontrollers
Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
ramanPi - the DIY 3D Printable Raman Spectrometer
AutoVis: a Python tool for automating visualization of colored reactions