In Pyccel we try to support the NumPy functions which developers use the most.. Here are some of them:
Supported parameters:
x: array_like Input array. If axis is None, x must be 1-D or 2-D, unless ord is None. If both axis and ord are None, the 2-norm of x.ravel will be returned. axis: {None, int, 2-tuple of ints}, optional. If axis is an integer, it specifies the axis of x along which to compute the vector norms. If axis is a 2-tuple, it specifies the axes that hold 2-D matrices, and the matrix norms of these matrices are computed. If axis is None then either a vector norm (when x is 1-D) or a matrix norm (when x is 2-D) is returned. The default is None. New in version 1.8.0.
Supported languages: Fortran (2-norm)
Python code:
from numpy.linalg import norm from numpy import array arr1 = array([1,2,3,4]) nrm = norm(arr1) print(nrm) arr2 = array([[1,2,3,4],[4,3,2,1]]) nrm2 = norm(arr2, axis=1) print(nrm)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_norm use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: arr1(:) real(C_DOUBLE) :: nrm integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: arr2(:,:) real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: nrm2(:) allocate(arr1(0:3_C_INT64_T)) arr1 = [1_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T, 3_C_INT64_T, 4_C_INT64_T] nrm = Norm2(Real(arr1, C_DOUBLE)) print *, nrm allocate(arr2(0:3_C_INT64_T, 0:1_C_INT64_T)) arr2 = reshape([[1_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T, 3_C_INT64_T, 4_C_INT64_T], [ & 4_C_INT64_T, 3_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T, 1_C_INT64_T]], [ & 4_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T]) allocate(nrm2(0:1_C_INT64_T)) nrm2 = Norm2(Real(arr2, C_DOUBLE),1_C_INT64_T) print *, nrm end program prog_test_norm
Supported languages: C, Fortran
Python code:
from numpy import imag, real, array arr1 = array([1+1j,2+1j,3+1j,4+1j]) real_part = real(arr1) imag_part = imag(arr1) print("real part for arr1: " , real_part, "\nimag part for arr1: ", imag_part)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_imag_real use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), allocatable :: arr1(:) real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: real_part(:) real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: imag_part(:) allocate(arr1(0:3_C_INT64_T)) arr1 = [(1.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), (2.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), ( & 3.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), (4.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE)] allocate(real_part(0:3_C_INT64_T)) real_part = Real(arr1, C_DOUBLE) allocate(imag_part(0:3_C_INT64_T)) imag_part = aimag(arr1) print *, 'real part for arr1: ' // ' ' , real_part, ACHAR(10) // 'imag part for arr1: ' // ' ' , imag_part end program prog_test_imag_real
C equivalent:
#include <complex.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "ndarrays.h" #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> int main() { t_ndarray arr1; t_ndarray real_part; t_ndarray imag_part; int64_t i_0001; int64_t i; int64_t i_0002; arr1 = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_cdouble); double complex array_dummy_0001[] = {(1.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (2.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (3.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (4.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I)}; memcpy(arr1.nd_cdouble, array_dummy_0001, arr1.buffer_size); real_part = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 4; i_0001 += 1) { real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, i_0001)] = creal(arr1.nd_cdouble[get_index(arr1, i_0001)]); } imag_part = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 4; i_0001 += 1) { imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, i_0001)] = cimag(arr1.nd_cdouble[get_index(arr1, i_0001)]); } printf("%s ", "real part for arr1: "); printf("%s", "["); for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { printf("%.12lf ", real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, i)]); } printf("%.12lf]", real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, 3)]); printf("%s ", "\nimag part for arr1: "); printf("%s", "["); for (i_0002 = 0; i_0002 < 3; i_0002 += 1) { printf("%.12lf ", imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, i_0002)]); } printf("%.12lf]\n", imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, 3)]); free_array(arr1); free_array(real_part); free_array(imag_part); return 0; }
Python code with arrays:
from numpy import imag, real, array arr1 = array([1+1j,2+1j,3+1j,4+1j]) real_part = real(arr1) imag_part = imag(arr1) print("real part for arr1: " , real_part, "\nimag part for arr1: ", imag_part)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_imag_real use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none complex(C_DOUBLE_COMPLEX), allocatable :: arr1(:) real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: real_part(:) real(C_DOUBLE), allocatable :: imag_part(:) allocate(arr1(0:3_C_INT64_T)) arr1 = [(1.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), (2.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), ( & 3.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE), (4.0_C_DOUBLE, 1.0_C_DOUBLE)] allocate(real_part(0:3_C_INT64_T)) real_part = Real(arr1, C_DOUBLE) allocate(imag_part(0:3_C_INT64_T)) imag_part = aimag(arr1) print *, 'real part for arr1: ' // ' ' , real_part, ACHAR(10) // 'imag part for arr1: ' // ' ' , imag_part end program prog_test_imag_real
C equivalent:
#include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "ndarrays.h" #include <complex.h> #include <stdint.h> int main() { t_ndarray arr1; t_ndarray real_part; t_ndarray imag_part; int64_t i_0001; int64_t i; int64_t i_0002; arr1 = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_cdouble); double complex array_dummy_0001[] = {(1.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (2.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (3.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I), (4.0 + 1.0 * _Complex_I)}; memcpy(arr1.nd_cdouble, array_dummy_0001, arr1.buffer_size); real_part = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 4; i_0001 += 1) { real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, i_0001)] = creal(arr1.nd_cdouble[get_index(arr1, i_0001)]); } imag_part = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){4}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 4; i_0001 += 1) { imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, i_0001)] = cimag(arr1.nd_cdouble[get_index(arr1, i_0001)]); } printf("%s ", "real part for arr1: "); printf("%s", "["); for (i = 0; i < 4 - 1; i += 1) { printf("%.12lf ", real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, i)]); } printf("%.12lf]", real_part.nd_double[get_index(real_part, 4 - 1)]); printf("%s ", "\nimag part for arr1: "); printf("%s", "["); for (i_0002 = 0; i_0002 < 4 - 1; i_0002 += 1) { printf("%.12lf ", imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, i_0002)]); } printf("%.12lf]\n", imag_part.nd_double[get_index(imag_part, 4 - 1)]); free_array(arr1); free_array(real_part); free_array(imag_part); return 0; }
Supported parameters:
a: array_like, Input data.
Supported languages: Fortran
Python code:
from numpy import array, prod arr = array([1,2,3,4]) prd = prod(arr) print("prd: ", prd)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_prod use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: arr(:) integer(C_INT64_T) :: prd allocate(arr(0:3_C_INT64_T)) arr = [1_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T, 3_C_INT64_T, 4_C_INT64_T] prd = product(arr) print *, 'prd: ' // ' ' , prd end program prog_test_prod
Supported parameters:
x1: array_like Dividend array. x2: array_like, Divisor array. If x1.shape != x2.shape, they must be broadcastable to a common shape (which becomes the shape of the output).
Supported language: Fortran.
Python code:
from numpy import array, mod arr = array([1,2,3,4]) res = mod(arr, arr) print("res: ", res)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_mod use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: arr(:) integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: res(:) allocate(arr(0:3_C_INT64_T)) arr = [1_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T, 3_C_INT64_T, 4_C_INT64_T] allocate(res(0:3_C_INT64_T)) res = MODULO(arr,arr) print *, 'res: ' // ' ' , res end program prog_test_prod
Supported parameters:
x1, x2: array_like, Input arrays (must be 1d or 2d), scalars not allowed.
Supported languages: Fortran (1d or 2d arrays only).
Python code:
from numpy import array, matmul arr = array([[1,2],[3,4]]) res = matmul(arr, arr) print("res: ", res)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_test_matmul use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_BINDING implicit none integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: arr(:,:) integer(C_INT64_T), allocatable :: res(:,:) allocate(arr(0:1_C_INT64_T, 0:1_C_INT64_T)) arr = reshape([[1_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T], [3_C_INT64_T, 4_C_INT64_T]], & [2_C_INT64_T, 2_C_INT64_T]) allocate(res(0:1_C_INT64_T, 0:1_C_INT64_T)) res = matmul(arr,arr) print *, 'res: ' // ' ' , res end program prog_test_matmul
Supported languages: C, Fortran
Supported parameters:
start, stop: array_like, num: int, optional (Default is 50) endpoint: bool, optional (Default is True) dtype: dtype, optional
Python code:
from numpy import linspace if __name__ == "__main__": x = linspace(0, 10, 20, endpoint=True, dtype='float64') print(x)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_prog_test use test use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T , f64 => & C_DOUBLE implicit none real(f64), allocatable :: x(:) integer(i64) :: linspace_index allocate(x(0:19_i64)) x = [((0_i64 + linspace_index*Real((10_i64 - 0_i64), f64) / Real(( & 20_i64 - 1_i64), f64)), linspace_index = 0_i64,19_i64)] x(19_i64) = 10.0_f64 print *, x if (allocated(x)) then deallocate(x) end if end program prog_prog_test
C equivalent:
#include "test.h" #include "ndarrays.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> int main() { t_ndarray x; int64_t i_0001; int64_t i; x = array_create(1, (int64_t[]){20}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 20; i_0001 += 1) { GET_ELEMENT(x, nd_double, i_0001) = (0 + i_0001*(double)((10 - 0)) / (double)((20 - 1))); GET_ELEMENT(x, nd_double, 19) = (double)10; } printf("%s", "["); for (i = 0; i < 19; i += 1) { printf("%.12lf ", GET_ELEMENT(x, nd_double, i)); } printf("%.12lf]\n", GET_ELEMENT(x, nd_double, 19)); free_array(x); return 0; }
Supported languages: C, Fortran
Supported parameters:
a: array_like,
Python code:
from numpy import transpose def print_transpose(y : 'int[:,:,:]'): print(transpose(y)) print(y.T)
Fortran equivalent:
program prog_prog_tmp use tmp use, intrinsic :: ISO_C_Binding, only : i64 => C_INT64_T , f64 => & C_DOUBLE implicit none real(f64), allocatable :: a(:,:) integer(i64) :: i integer(i64) :: j real(f64), allocatable :: b(:,:) real(f64), allocatable :: c(:,:) integer(i64) :: i_0001 allocate(a(0:3_i64, 0:2_i64)) do i = 0_i64, 2_i64, 1_i64 do j = 0_i64, 3_i64, 1_i64 a(j, i) = i * 4_i64 + j end do end do allocate(b(0:2_i64, 0:3_i64)) allocate(c(0:2_i64, 0:3_i64)) do i_0001 = 0_i64, 3_i64, 1_i64 b(:, i_0001) = a(i_0001, :) c(:, i_0001) = a(i_0001, :) end do if (allocated(a)) then deallocate(a) end if if (allocated(b)) then deallocate(b) end if if (allocated(c)) then deallocate(c) end if end program prog_prog_tmp
C equivalent:
#include "tmp.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include "ndarrays.h" #include <stdint.h> int main() { t_ndarray a = {.shape = NULL}; int64_t i; int64_t j; t_ndarray b = {.shape = NULL}; t_ndarray c = {.shape = NULL}; int64_t i_0001; int64_t i_0002; a = array_create(2, (int64_t[]){3, 4}, nd_double); for (i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) { for (j = 0; j < 4; j += 1) { GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, (int64_t)i, (int64_t)j) = i * 4 + j; } } b = array_create(2, (int64_t[]){4, 3}, nd_double); c = array_create(2, (int64_t[]){4, 3}, nd_double); for (i_0001 = 0; i_0001 < 4; i_0001 += 1) { for (i_0002 = 0; i_0002 < 3; i_0002 += 1) { GET_ELEMENT(b, nd_double, (int64_t)i_0001, (int64_t)i_0002) = GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, (int64_t)i_0002, (int64_t)i_0001); GET_ELEMENT(c, nd_double, (int64_t)i_0001, (int64_t)i_0002) = GET_ELEMENT(a, nd_double, (int64_t)i_0002, (int64_t)i_0001); } } free_array(a); free_array(b); free_array(c); return 0; }
Supported math functions (optional parameters are not supported):
. -
Supported array creation routines (fully supported):
parameter is not supported).empty_like
, andones_like
parameter is not supported).rand
(Fortran only)nonzero
(Fortran only, 1D only)
If discrepancies beyond round-off error are found between NumPy's and Pyccel's results, please create an issue at and provide a small example of your problem. Do not forget to specify your target language.