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File metadata and controls

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Programs and scripts

There are several programs coming with instamatic. These docs are autogenerated from the program description (i.e. instamatic -h).


These are the main tools to work with instamatic.


These are specialized programs to run a particular subroutine of instamatic.


These tools help calibrate instamatic for some experiments.


Arbitrary tools for viewing, analyzing, or working with instamatic data.


Instamatic has several servers built-in that can be used to communicate over a socket or network interface.


Help set up instamatic.


Start instamatic with various functions (see below). If no arguments are given, start the instamatic GUI. The GUI is modular and can be defined using the config system. The GUI can be used to control the microscope and run the experiments. The GUI itself is further described on the GUI page.


instamatic [-h] [-s SCRIPT] [-n NAV_FILE] [-a] [-l LOCATE] [-o SHOW]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-s SCRIPT, --script SCRIPT : Run the script given

-n NAV_FILE, --nav NAV_FILE : Load the given .nav file

-a, --acquire_at_items : Run the script file --script at every point marked with Acquire in the nav file --nav.

-l LOCATE, --locate LOCATE : Locate a requested directory and exit, i.e. config, data, scripts, base, work, logs

-o SHOW, --open SHOW : Open the requested directory and exit, see --locate.

-i, --info : Show info about the current instamatic installation.


Connect to the microscope and camera, and open an IPython terminal to interactively control the microscope. Useful for testing! It initializes the TEMController (accessible through the ctrl variable) using the parameters given in the config.


instamatic.controller [-h] [-u] [-c TEM_NAME] [-t CAM_NAME]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-u, --simulate : Simulate microscope connection (default: False)

-c TEM_NAME, --camera TEM_NAME : Camera configuration to load.

-t CAM_NAME, --tem CAM_NAME : TEM configuration to load.


Command line program to run the serial ED data collection routine.


instamatic.serialed [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

Simple program to acquire image data from the camera.

Usage: [-h] [-b N] [-e N] [-o image.png] [-d] [-s]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-b N, --binsize N : Binsize to use. Must be one of 1, 2, or 4 (default 1)

-e N, --exposure N : Exposure time (default 0.5)

-o image.png, --out image.png : Where to store image

-d, --display : Show the image (default True)

-s, --series : Enable mode to take a series of images (default False)


Program to calibrate the lowmag mode (100x) of the microscope (Deprecated).


instamatic.calibrate_stage_lowmag [-h] [IMG [IMG ...]]

Positional arguments:

IMG : Perform calibration using pre-collected images. The first image must be the center image used as the reference position. The other images are cross-correlated to this image to calibrate the translations. If no arguments are given, run the live calibration routine.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Program to calibrate the mag1 mode of the microscope (Deprecated).


instamatic.calibrate_stage_mag1 [-h] [IMG [IMG ...]]

Positional arguments:

IMG : Perform calibration using pre-collected images. The first image must be the center image used as the reference position. The other images are cross-correlated to this image to calibrate the translations. If no arguments are given, run the live calibration routine.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Program to calibrate the beamshift of the microscope (Deprecated).


instamatic.calibrate_beamshift [-h] [IMG [IMG ...]]

Positional arguments:

IMG : Perform calibration using pre-collected images. The first image must be the center image used as the reference position. The other images are cross-correlated to this image to calibrate the translations. If no arguments are given, run the live calibration routine.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Program to calibrate the diffraction shift (PLA) to correct for beamshift movements (Deprecated).


instamatic.calibrate_directbeam [-h] [IMG [IMG ...]]

Positional arguments:

IMG : Perform calibration using pre-collected images. They must be formatted as such: DiffShift:pattern.tiff BeamShift:pattern.tiff, where pattern is a globbing pattern that finds the images corresponding to the key BeamShift or DiffShift. The first image must be the center image used as the reference position. The other images are cross-correlated to this image to calibrate the translations. If no arguments are given, run the live calibration routine.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Run the stagematrix calibration routine for all magnifications specified. Return the updates values for the configuration file.

Calibrate the stage movement (nm) and the position of the camera (pixels) at a specific magnification.

The stagematrix takes the image binning into account.


instamatic.calibrate_stagematrix [-h] [-m MODE] [-k K [K ...]] [-A]
                                 [-v X] [-l STAGE_LENGTH] [-a N] [-b N]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-m MODE, --mode MODE : Select the imaging mode (mag1/mag2/lowmag/samag). If all is specified, all imaging modes+mags are calibrated.If the imaging mode and magnification are not given, the currentvalues are used.

-k K [K ...], --mag K [K ...] : Select the imaging magnification(s).

-A, --all_mags : Run calibration routine for all mags over selected mode.

-v X, --overlap X : Specify the approximate overlap between images for cross correlation.

-l STAGE_LENGTH, --stage_length STAGE_LENGTH : Specify the minimum length (in stage coordinates) the calibration should cover.

-a N, --min_n_steps N : Specify the minimum number of steps to take along X and Y for the calibration.

-b N, --max_n_steps N : Specify the maximum number of steps to take along X and Y for the calibration. This is used for higher magnifications.

-s, --save : Save the data to the data directory [C:\instamatic].


This is a program that can collect and apply flatfield/darkfield corrections link. To do so, use a spread, bright beam on a hole in the carbon, or a clear piece of carbon film, and run:

instamatic.flatfield --collect

This will collect 100 images and average them to determine the flatfield image. A darkfield image is also collected by applying the same routine with the beam blanked. Dead pixels are identified as pixels with 0 intensities. To apply these corrections:

instamatic.flatfield image.tiff [image.tiff ..] -f flatfield.tiff [-d darkfield.tiff] [-o drc]

This will apply the flatfield correction (-f) and optionally the darkfield correction (-d) to images given as argument, and place the corrected files in directory corrected or as specified using -o.


instamatic.flatfield [-h] [-f flatfield.tiff] [-d darkfield.tiff]
                     [-o DRC] [-c]
                     [image.tiff [image.tiff ...]]

Positional arguments:

image.tiff : Image file paths/pattern

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-f flatfield.tiff, --flatfield flatfield.tiff : Path to flatfield file

-d darkfield.tiff, --darkfield darkfield.tiff : Path to darkfield file

-o DRC, --output DRC : Output directory for image files

-c, --collect : Collect flatfield/darkfield images on microscope


Program to determine the stretch correction from a series of powder diffraction patterns (collected on a gold or aluminium powder). It will open a GUI to interactively identify the powder rings, and calculate the orientation (azimuth) and extent (amplitude) of the long axis compared to the short axis. These can be used in the config under camera.stretch_azimuth and camera.stretch_percentage.


instamatic.stretch_correction [-h] powder_pattern.tiff

Positional arguments:

powder_pattern.tiff : Diffraction pattern (TIFF) from a nanocrystalline powder showing Debye-Scherrer rings.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Program for browsing through electron diffraction images collected by instamatic.


instamatic.browser images/*.tiff -r results.csv


instamatic.browser [-h] [-s] [FILE]

Positional arguments:

FILE : File pattern to image files

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-s, --stitch : Stitch images together.


Simple image viewer to open any image collected collected using instamatic. Supported formats include TIFF, MRC, HDF5, and SMV.


instamatic.viewer [-h] IMG

Positional arguments:

IMG : Image to display (TIFF, HDF5, MRC, SMV).

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Tiny button to focus and defocus the diffraction pattern.


instamatic.defocus_helper [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Find crystals in images.


instamatic.find_crystals [-h] [IMG [IMG ...]]

Positional arguments:

IMG : Images to find crystals in.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Find crystals in images using Ilastik.

Takes a .nav file and .mrc file as input. Performs pixel and object classification using the Ilastik interface in predicrystal. Crystals are filtered by their distance. The resulting data is stored in a new .nav file compatible with SerialEM or Instamatic.


instamatic.find_crystals_ilastik [-h] [-n <path>] [-m <path>]
                                 [-c <name>] [-f D] [-d <path>]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit
- n <path>, --nav <path>, --nav_location <path> : The full path to the .nav file. Enter as raw string
- m <path>, --mrc <path>, --mrc_location <path> : The full path to the .mrc file (not the global map). Enter as raw string
- c <name>, --classifier <name> : Use the classifier as defined in /classifiers/classifiers.yaml

-f D, --filter_dist D, --filter_distance D : Specify what distance the crystals should be separated
- d <path>, --output <path>, --output_name <path> : The destination of the .nav file created

--mapscaleind : Generate MapScaleInd.yaml for predicrystal from config.


Predict whether a crystal is of good or bad quality by its diffraction pattern.


instamatic.learn [-h] PAT

Positional arguments:

PAT : File pattern to glob for images (HDF5), i.e. images/*.h5.

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Connects to the TEM and starts a server for microscope communication. Opens a socket on port localhost:8088.

This program initializes a connection to the TEM as defined in the config. On some setups it must be run in admin mode in order to establish a connection (on JEOL TEMs, wait for the beep!). The purpose of this program is to isolate the microscope connection in a separate process for improved stability of the interface in case instamatic crashes or is started and stopped frequently. For running the GUI, the temserver is required. Another reason is that it allows for remote connections from different PCs. The connection goes over a TCP socket.

The host and port are defined in config/settings.yaml.

The data sent over the socket is a serialized dictionary with the following elements:

  • func_name: Name of the function to call (str)
  • args: (Optional) List of arguments for the function (list)
  • kwargs: (Optiona) Dictionary of keyword arguments for the function (dict)

The response is returned as a serialized object.


instamatic.temserver [-h] [-t MICROSCOPE]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-t MICROSCOPE, --microscope MICROSCOPE : Override microscope to use.


Connects to the camera and starts a server for camera communication. Opens a socket on port localhost:8087.

This program initializes a connection to the camera as defined in the config. This separates the communication from the main process and allows for remote connections from different PCs. The connection goes over a TCP socket.

The host and port are defined in config/settings.yaml.

The data sent over the socket is a pickled dictionary with the following elements:

  • attr_name: Name of the function to call or attribute to return (str)
  • args: (Optional) List of arguments for the function (list)
  • kwargs: (Optiona) Dictionary of keyword arguments for the function (dict)

The response is returned as a pickle object.


instamatic.camserver [-h] [-c CAMERA]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-c CAMERA, --camera CAMERA : Override camera to use.


Starts a simple server to send indexing jobs to. Runs -h for every job sent to it. Opens a socket on port localhost:8089.

The data sent to the server is a dict containing the following elements:

  • path: Path to the data directory (str)
  • rotrange: Total rotation range in degrees (float)
  • nframes: Number of data frames (int)
  • osc: Oscillation range in degrees (float)


instamatic.dialsserver [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


The script sets up socket connection between instamatic and VirtualBox software via virtualbox python API. Therefore, VirtualBox and the corresponding SDK need to be installed before running this command. This script is developed particularly for the possibility of running XDS under windows 7 or newer, a system which a lot of TEM computers may be using.

After installation of VirtualBox and the corresponding SDK, XDS needs to be installed correctly in the guest Ubuntu system. In addition, a shared folder between VirtualBox and windows system needs to be set up properly in order for the server to work.

The host and port are defined in config/settings.yaml.


instamatic.VMserver [-h] [-shelxt] [-c a b c al be ga] [-s SPGR]
                    [-m Xn [Ym ...]]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit

-shelxt : Run SHELXT when xds ASCII HKL file is generated.

-c a b c al be ga, --unitcell a b c al be ga : Six numbers of the unit cell parameters.

-s SPGR, --spgr SPGR : Space group.

-m Xn [Ym ...], --composition Xn [Ym ...] : Unit cell composition, i.e. -m H2 O1.


Starts a simple XDS server to send indexing jobs to. Runs XDS for every job sent to it. Opens a socket on port localhost:8089.

The data sent to the server as a bytes string containing the data path (must contain cRED_log.txt).


instamatic.xdsserver [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Utility script to enable rotation control from a dmscript. See [] for usage.


instamatic.temserver_fei [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


Connects to Goniotool.exe and starts a server for network communication. Opens a socket on port localhost:8090.

The host and port are defined in config/settings.yaml.

The data sent over the socket is a serialized dictionary with the following elements:

  • func_name: Name of the function to call (str)
  • args: (Optional) List of arguments for the function (list)
  • kwargs: (Optiona) Dictionary of keyword arguments for the function (dict)

The response is returned as a pickle object.


instamatic.goniotoolserver [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit


This tool will help to set up the configuration files for instamatic. It establishes a connection to the microscope and reads out the camera lengths and magnification ranges.


instamatic.autoconfig [-h]

Optional arguments:

-h, --help : Show this help message and exit