Copyright 2017 Christoph Steinbeck
License: MIT, see doc/mit.license
This project hosts various Java classes for teaching and research dealing with spectral data in chemistry and metabolomics. This project depends on the Chemistry Development Project (CDK), hosted under Please refer to these pages for updated information and the latest version of the CDK. CDK's API documentation is available though our Github site.
Latest release of casekit is at
This assumes that you have git working on your system and you have initialised your local repository. Refer to for more
Then, downloading spectra is just a matter of
$ git clone
Compiling the library is performed with Apache Maven and requires Java 1.7 or later:
spectra/$ mvn package
will create an all-in-one-jar under ./target
The following classes are to demonstrate the prediction of Carbon-13 NMR spectra with HOSE codes. They only demonstrate the basic working principle and ignore, for example, stereochemistry, which can lead to large errors in, for example, the prediction of shifts for E/Z configurations of double bonds. If you want to know more about the details and a sophisticated system implementing them, please refer to Schutz V, Purtuc V, Felsinger S, Robien W (1997) CSEARCH-STEREO: A new generation of NMR database systems allowing three-dimensional spectrum prediction. Fresenius Journal of Analytical Chemistry 359:33–41. doi: 10.1007/s002160050531.
Takes the NMRShiftDB SDF with assigned spectra (download from help section of and produces a Tab-separated file with HOSE codes and assigned shift values. This file can then be read by HOSECodePredictor and SimilarityRanker.
usage: java -jar spectra.jar casekit.NMRShiftDBSDFParser -i <arg> -o <arg> [-v] '[-d <arg>]' [-m <arg>]
Generates a table of HOSE codes and assigned shifts from an NMRShiftDB SDF
file from
-i,--infile <arg> filename of NMRShiftDB SDF with spectra
-o,--outfile <arg> filename of generated HOSE code table (required)
-v,--verbose generate messages about progress of operation
-d,--picdir <arg> store pictures in given directory
-m,--maxspheres <arg> maximum sphere size up to which to generate HOSE
Predicts a spectrum (chemical shifts, to be precise) for a given molecule provided as SDF file.
It needs the TSV file generated by NMRShiftDBSDFParser as input.
usage: java -jar casekit.jar casekit.HOSECodePredictor -s <arg> -i <arg>
[-v] [-d <arg>] [-m <arg>]
Predict NMR chemical shifts for a given molecule based on table of HOSE
codes and assigned shifts.
-s,--hosecodes <arg> filename of TSV file with HOSE codes (required)
-i,--infile <arg> filename of with SDF/MOL file of structures to be
predicted (required)
-v,--verbose generate messages about progress of operation
-d,--picdir <arg> store pictures of structures with assigned shifts
in given directory
-m,--maxspheres <arg> maximum sphere size up to which to generate HOSE
codes. Default is 6 spheres if this option is
Please report issues at
Rank structures based on given experimental spectrum and similarity to predicted spectrum.
usage: java -jar casekit.jar casekit.SimilarityRanker -i <arg> -p <arg> -o
<arg> -s <arg> [-n <arg>] [-v]
Rank structures based on given experimental spectrum and similarity to
predicted spectrum.
-i,--infile <arg> filename of with SDF/MOL file of structures to be
ranked (required)
-p,--spectrum <arg> filename of CSV file with spectrum. Format of each
line: <shift>;<number of attached H> (required)
-o,--outpath <arg> path to store pictures of ranked output structures
-s,--hosecodes <arg> filename of TSV file with HOSE codes (required)
-n,--number <arg> number of structures in output file. Default is
10, if this option is ommitted
-v,--verbose generate messages about progress of operation
Please report issues at