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Netwrok Security Game

Python Checks Autotag

The NetSecGame (Network Security Game) is a framework for training and evaluation of AI agents in the network security tasks (both offensive and defensive). It builds a simulated local network using the CYST network simulator, adds many conditions on the environment and can train reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms on how to better attack and defend the network. Examples of implemented agents can be seen in the submodule NetSecGameAgents.

The main part of he NetSecGame is the Game coordinator. It creates the enivronemnt, handles the agents and their interactions and coordinates the game(s).

Installation and Dependencies

To run this code you need an environment and access to cyst code. However, the venv needs to be created for your own user

  • If you don't have your environment
python -m venv ai-dojo-venv-<yourusername>
  • The environment can be activated with
source ai-dojo-venv<yourusername>/bin/activate
  • Install using pip by running following in the root directory
pip install -e .
  • If you use conda use
conda create --name aidojo python==3.12
conda activate aidojo
pip install -e .

Components of the NetSecGame Environment

The architecture of the environment can be seen here. The NetSecGame environment has several components in the following files:

├── AIDojoGameCoordinator/
|   ├──
|	├──
|	├──
|	├── worlds/
|		├──
|		├──
|		├──
|	├── scenarios/
|		├──
|		├──
|		├──
|		├──
|	├── utils/
|		├──
|		├──
|		├──
|		├──

Directory Details

  • Basic coordinator class. Handles agent communication and coordination. Does not implement dynamics of the world and must be extended (see examples in worlds/).
  • Implements a library with objects used in the environment. See detailed explanation of the game components.
  • Implements global (omnipresent) defender which can be used to stop agents. Simulation of SIEM.


Modules for different world configurations:

  • Coordinator for the Network Security Game.
  • Real-world NSG coordinator (actions are executed in the real network).
  • Coordinator for CYST-based simulations (requires CYST running).


Predefined scenario configurations:

  • A minimal example scenario.
  • A compact scenario configuration used for develompent and rapid testing.
  • The main scenario configuration.
  • Configuration for a three-network scenario. Used for evaluation of the model overfitting. Implements the network game's configuration of hosts, data, services, and connections. It is taken from CYST.


Helper modules:

  • General-purpose utilities.
  • Tools for parsing game logs.
  • Tools for visualizing gameplay data.
  • Parsing and analyzing game actions.

The scenarios define the topology of a network (number of hosts, connections, networks, services, data, users, firewall rules, etc.) while the task-configuration is to be used for definition of the exact task for the agent in one of the scenarios (with fix topology).

  • Agents compatible with the NetSecGame are located in a separate repository NetSecGameAgents

Assumptions of the NetSecGame

  1. NetSecGame works with the closed-world assumption. Only the defined entities exist in the simulation.
  2. If the attacker does a successful action in the same step that the defender successfully detects the action, the priority goes to the defender. The reward is a penalty, and the game ends. (From commit d6d4ac9, July 18th, 2024, the new action BlockIP removes controlled hosts from the state of others. So the state can get smaller)
  • The action FindServices finds the new services in a host. If in a subsequent call to FindServices there are less services, they completely replace the list of previous services found. That is, each list of services is the final one, and no memory of previous open services is retained.

Assumption and Conditions for Actions

  1. When playing the ExploitService action, it is expected that the agent has discovered this service before (by playing FindServices in the target_host before this action)
  2. The Find Data action finds all the available data in the host if successful.
  3. The Find Data action requires ownership of the target host.
  4. Playing ExfiltrateData requires controlling BOTH source and target hosts
  5. Playing Find Services can be used to discover hosts (if those have any active services)
  6. Parameters of ScanNetwork and FindServices can be chosen arbitrarily (they don't have to be listed in known_newtworks/known_hosts)
  7. The BlockIP action needs its three parameters (Source host, Target host, and Blocked host) to be in the controlled list of the Agent.


The global defender, available in the previous environment versions, will not be supported in the future. To enable backward compatibility, the global defender functionality can be enabled by adding use_global_defender: True to the configuration YAML file in the env section. This option is disabled by default.

How the global defender detects

The global defender is implemented as a stochastic detection, which means the detection is probabilistic.

First, all the actions are analyzed in time windows (TW) (default is 5 actions). So the last 5 actions are analyzed together. Every new action moves the slides the TW by one position.

Detection Thresholds
  • Detection Probabilities

Each action type has a predefined probability of being detected. However, detection does not happen for every action; it depends on additional behavioral patterns.

- ScanNetwork: 0.05,
- FindServices: 0.075,
- ExploitService: 0.1,
- FindData: 0.025,
- ExfiltrateData: 0.025,
- BlockIP: 0.01

This means that one action of the type ScanNetwork has a 5% probability of being detected by the defender. This way we can define some basic probabilities based on how good we want the defender to be.

  • Type Ratio Threshold

The Type Ratio Threshold defines how frequently an action must appear in the time window to be considered for detection. If the ratio is below this threshold, no detection occurs.

For example, if the last action is ScanNetwork in a TW with [ScanNetwork, FindService, ScanNetwork, FindData, ScanNetwork], the ratio is 3/5 = 0.6

The default values of the thresholds are:

- ScanNetwork: 0.25,
- FindServices: 0.3,
- ExploitService: 0.25,
- FindData: 0.5,
- ExfiltrateData: 0.25,
- BlockIP: 1
  • Consecutive Actions Threshold

The Consecutive Actions Threshold determines the maximum number of consecutive occurrences of an action type within the time window before detection is triggered.

The default values of the thresholds are:

- ScanNetwork: 2,
- FindServices: 3,
- ExfiltrateData: 2
  • Repeated Action Threshold

The Repeated Action Threshold applies to certain action types and defines the number of times a specific action must appear in the entire episode before it can be considered for detection.

The default values are:

- ExploitService: 2
- FindData: 2
Decision Logic

The system monitors actions and maintains a history of recent ones within the time window.

  • If an action's Type Ratio Threshold is met within the time window or it exceeds the Consecutive Actions Threshold, it is evaluated for detection.

  • If the action type has a Repeated Action Threshold and has not been repeated enough times in the episode, it is ignored.

  • If an action meets the conditions above, it is subject to detection based on its predefined probability.

  • Actions that do not meet any threshold conditions are ignored, ensuring that occasional activity does not lead to unnecessary detections.

This approach ensures that only repeated or excessive behavior is flagged, reducing false positives while maintaining a realistic monitoring system.

Starting the game

The environment should be created before starting the agents. The properties of the game, the task and the topology can be either read from a local file or via REST request to the GameDashboard.

To start the game with local configuration file

python3 -m AIDojoCoordinator.worlds.NSEGameCoordinator --task_config=<PATH TO CONFIGURATION FILE>

To start the game with remotely defined configuration

python3 -m AIDojoCoordinator.worlds.CYSTCoordinator --service_host=<URL OF THE REMOTE HOST> --service_port=<PORT FOR THE CONFIGURATION REST API>

When created, the environment:

  1. reads the configuration file
  2. loads the network configuration from the config file
  3. reads the defender type from the configuration
  4. creates starting position and goal position following the config file
  5. starts the game server in a specified address and port

Interaction with the Environment

When the game server is created, agents connect to it and interact with the environment. In every step of the interaction, agents submits an Action and receives Observation with next_state, reward, is_terminal, end, and info values. Once the terminal state or timeout is reached, no more interaction is possible until the agent asks for a game reset. Each agent should extend the BaseAgent class in agents.


The NetSecEnv is highly configurable in terms of the properties of the world, tasks, and agent interaction. Modification of the world is done in the YAML configuration file in two main areas:

  1. Environment (env section) controls the properties of the world (taxonomy of networks, maximum allowed steps per episode, probabilities of action success, etc.)
  2. Task configuration defines the agents' properties (starting position, goal)

Environment configuration

The environment part defines the properties of the environment for the task (see the example below). In particular:

  • random_seed - sets seed for any random processes in the environment
  • scenario - sets the scenario (network topology) used in the task (currently, scenario1_tiny, scenario1_small, scenario1 and three_nets are available)
  • save_tajectories - if True, interaction of the agents is serialized and stored in a file
  • use_dynamic_addresses - if True, the network and IP addresses defined in scenario are randomly changed at the beginning of EVERY episode (the network topology is kept as defined in the scenario. Relations between networks are kept, IPs inside networks are chosen at random based on the network IP and mask)
  • use_firewall - if True firewall rules defined in scenario are used when executing actions. When False, the firewall is ignored, and all connections are allowed (Default)
  • use_global_defender - if True, enables global defendr which is part of the environment and can stop interaction of any playing agent.
  • rewards:
    • win - sets reward which agent gets when it reaches the goal (default 100)
    • loss - sets the reward that which agent does not reach it's objective (default -10)
    • step_reward - sets reward which agent gets for every step taken (default -1)
  • actions - defines the probability of success for every ActionType
    random_seed: 'random'
    scenario: 'scenario1'
    use_global_defender: False
    use_dynamic_addresses: False
    use_firewall: True
    save_trajectories: False
        win: 100
        step: -1
        loss: -10
        prob_success: 1.0
        prob_success: 1.0
        prob_success: 1.0
        prob_success: 1.0
        prob_success: 1.0
        prob_success: 1.0

Task configuration

The task configuration part (section coordinator[agents]) defines the starting and goal position of the attacker and the type of defender that is used.

Attacker configuration ([coordinator][agents][Attacker])

Configuration of the attacking agents. Consists of three parts:

  1. Goal definition (goal) which describes the GameState properties that must be fulfilled to award win reward to the attacker:

    • known_networks:(list)
    • known_hosts(list)
    • controlled_hosts(list)
    • known_services(dict)
    • known_data(dict)
    • known_blocks(dict)

    Each of the parts can be empty (not part of the goal, exactly defined (e.g., known_networks: [,]) or include the keyword random (controlled_hosts: [, random], known_data: { [random]}. Additionally, if random keyword is used in the goal definition, randomize_goal_every_episode. If set to True, each keyword random is replaced with a randomly selected, valid option at the beginning of EVERY episode. If set to False, randomization is performed only once when the environment is

  2. Definition of starting position (start_position), which describes the GameState in which the attacker starts. It consists of:

    • known_networks:(list)
    • known_hosts(list)
    • controlled_hosts(list)
    • known_services(dict)
    • known_data(dict)
    • known_blocks(dict)

    The initial network configuration must assign at least one controlled host to the attacker in the network. Any item in controlled_hosts is copied to known_hosts, so there is no need to include these in both sets. known_networks is also extended with a set of all networks accessible from the controlled_hosts

  3. Definition of maximum allowed amount of steps:

    • max_steps:(int): defines the maximum allowed number of steps for attackers in each episode.

Example attacker configuration:

            max_steps: 20
            randomize_goal_every_episode: False
            known_networks: []
            known_hosts: []
            controlled_hosts: []
            known_services: { [Local system, lanman server, 10.0.19041, False], [Other system, SMB server, 21.2.39421, False]}
            known_data: { ["random"]}
            known_blocks: {'all_routers': 'all_attackers'}

            known_networks: []
            known_hosts: []
            # The attacker must always at least control the CC if the goal is to exfiltrate there
            # Example of fixing the starting point of the agent in a local host
            controlled_hosts: [, random]
            # Services are defined as a target host where the service must be, and then a description in the form 'name, type, version, is_local'
            known_services: {}
            known_data: {}
            known_blocks: {}
Defender configuration ([coordinator][agents][Defender])

Currently, the defender is a separate agent.

If you want a defender in the game, you must connect a defender agent. For playing without a defender, leave the section empty.

Example of defender configuration:

        description: "Block all attackers"
        known_networks: []
        known_hosts: []
        controlled_hosts: []
        known_services: {}
        known_data: {}
        known_blocks: {}

        known_networks: []
        known_hosts: []
        controlled_hosts: [all_local]
        known_services: {}
        known_data: {}
        blocked_ips: {}
        known_blocks: {}

As in other agents, the description is only a text for the agent, so it can know what is supposed to do to win. In the curent implementation, the Defender wins, if NO ATTACKER reaches their goal.

Definition of the network topology

The network topology and rules are defined using a CYST simulator configuration. Cyst defines a complex network configuration, and this environment does not use all Cyst features for now. CYST components currently used are:

  • Server hosts (are a NodeConf in CYST)
    • Interfaces, each with one IP address
    • Users that can log in to the host
    • Active and passive services
    • Data in the server
    • To which network is connected
  • Client host (are a Node in CYST)
    • Interfaces, each with one IP address
    • To which network is connected
    • Active and passive services if any
    • Data in the client
  • Router (are a RouterConf in CYST)
    • Interfaces, each with one IP address
    • Networks
    • Allowed connections between hosts
  • Internet host (as an external router) (are a Node in RouterConf)
    • Interfaces, each with one IP address
    • Which host can connect
  • Exploits
    • which service is the exploit linked to


In the current state, we support a single scenario: Data exfiltration to a remote C&C server. However, extensions can be made by modification of the task configuration.

Data exfiltration to a remote C&C

For the data exfiltration we support 3 variants. The full scenario contains 5 clients (where the attacker can start) and 5 servers where the data that is supposed to be exfiltrated can be located. scenario1_small is a variant with a single client (the attacker always starts there) and all 5 servers. scenario1_tiny contains only a single server with data. The tiny scenario is trivial and intended only for debugging purposes.

Scenario 1Scenario 1 - smallScenario 1 -tiny
Scenario 1 - Data exfiltrationScenario 1 - smallScenario 1 - tiny
3-nets scenario
Scenario 1 - Data exfiltration

Trajectory storing and analysis

The trajectory is a sequence of GameStates, Actions, and rewards in one run of a game. It contains the complete information of the actions played by the agent, the rewards observed and their effect on the state of the environment. Trajectory visualization and analysis tools are described in Trajectory analysis tools

Trajectories performed by the agents can be stored in a file using the following configuration:

  save_trajectories: True


Trajectory files can grow very fast. It is recommended to use this feature on evaluation/testing runs only. By default, this feature is not enabled.

Testing the environment

It is advised after every change you test if the env is running correctly by doing


This will load and run the unit tests in the tests folder.

Code adaptation for new configurations

The code can be adapted to new configurations of games and for new agents. See Agent repository for more details.

About us

This code was developed at the Stratosphere Laboratory at the Czech Technical University in Prague.