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Konstantin Triger edited this page Aug 4, 2019 · 23 revisions


FluentJPA provides fluent API for writing type-safe Object Oriented SQL queries with JPA.


This is an "entry-point" method to the FluentJPA. It accepts a Java lambda and translates it to SQL query. There are few conventions:

  • Lambda parameters must be entity types. This way we declare the table references to be used in this query. Like in SQL, if there is a self join, there will be 2 parameters of the same entity type. For example:

    FluentQuery query = FluentJPA.SQL((Staff emp,
                                       Staff manager,
                                       Store store) -> {
        // returns store name, employee first name and its manager first name
        // ordered by store and manager
        SELECT(store.getName(), emp.getFirstName(), manager.getFirstName());
        FROM(emp).JOIN(manager).ON(emp.getManager() == manager)
                 .JOIN(store).ON(emp.getStore() == store);
        ORDER(BY(emp.getStore()), BY(emp.getManager()));
    • In Java entity represents SQL Table or more generally a column set
    • Having entities as parameters makes clear which tables this query works on
    • Of course you never need to call this lambda - you only pass it to FluentJPA
  • In every place, where SQL expects a table reference (e.g. FROM), an entity should be passed. FluentJPA will read the required Table information via JPA annotations.

  • FluentJPA translates Lambda's body SQL clauses (written in Java syntax) in the same order as they appear. Thus the content of the sample above is translated to exactly 3 lines:

    SELECT t2.store_name, t0.first_name, t1.first_name
    FROM staffs AS t0 INNER JOIN staffs AS t1 ON (t0.manager_id = t1.staff_id) INNER JOIN stores AS t2 ON (t0.store_id = t2.store_id)
    ORDER BY t0.store_id, t0.manager_id
  • Finally, call FluentQuery.createQuery() to get a standard JPA Query instance (see JPA Integration for details):

    TypedQuery<X> typedQuery = query.createQuery(entityManager, <X>.class);
    // execute the query
    typedQuery.getResultList(); // or getSingleResult() / executeUpdate()

How does it work?

  • Translation: FluentJPA reads the Java Byte Code from the .class files in runtime and translates it to SQL.
  • SQL mapping: FluentJPA looks for special annotations on the methods. If found, it generates SQL-style "method call" for them. See Extensibility for more details.

SQL Support

FluentSQL declares most of the standard SQL DML including extensions provided by the 4 most popular databases, see static imports. Explore examples of Basic/Advanced SQL DML Statements from the sidebar

  • All functions mapped to SQL counterparts follow SQL naming convention - capitals with underscores as delimiters.
  • All the helper functions follow standard Java naming convention. They are either Library methods or Directives.

Java Support

Most of the Java language is supported, see [[Java Language Support]

FluentJPA lets you create SQL with the same coding quality standards as rest of your code