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Amplify browser support

Default browser support

Amplify currently supports the range of browsers recommended by the GOVUK Service Manual.

Implementation details

All browser versions load core.css - which includes limited enhancements to the user-agent stylesheet for global elements and some simple component styles - and print.css.

To load advanced.css in just our supported browsers, we implement logic in the media attribute of the link element for this stylesheet, loading it only in browsers that recognise the properties of that media query. The default media query looks like this:

Print (Edge doesn't apply to print otherwise)
Edge, Chrome 39+, Opera 26+, Safari 9+, iOS 9+, Android ~5+, Android UCBrowser ~11.8+
FF 47+
<link rel="stylesheet" id="advanced-stylesheet" href="/dist/styles/advanced.min.css" media="
only print,
only all and (pointer: fine), only all and (pointer: coarse), only all and (pointer: none),
only all and (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (display-mode:browser), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio:0) and (display-mode:fullscreen)

The loading of JavaScript is tied to the loading of the advanced CSS. Using window.matchMedia we detect when the browser loads the advanced.css within the media query. Once the advanced CSS loads, this will cause the JavaScript code to load too. We also change the no-js class on html to js:

(function() {
	let linkEl = document.getElementById('advanced-stylesheet');
	if (window.matchMedia && window.matchMedia( {
		let head = document.querySelector('head');
		// Add main JS
		let jsMain = document.createElement('script');
		jsMain.src = 'path/to/main.js';
		jsMain.defer = true;
		// Update classname to show JS is available

How to update Amplify browser support

Browserslist in package.json

The package.json file in the project root includes a browserslist entry. This is the single source of truth for browser support within Amplify and is referenced by the Autoprefixer NPM package (which adds the necessary vendor prefixes to the CSS files) and by the Babel/Webpack NPM packages (which transpile the JavaScript to support the specified browsers).

CSS media query in head of your web page templates

Choose the media query most relevant for your needs.