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302 lines (252 loc) · 11.4 KB

File metadata and controls

302 lines (252 loc) · 11.4 KB


  1. Enable or disable the search abilities
  2. Text Filter
  3. Number Filter
  4. Select Filter
  5. Select2 Filter
  6. DateRange Filter

1. Enable or disable the search abilities

class PostDatatable extends AbstractDatatable
        'individual_filtering' => true,
        'individual_filtering_position' => 'head', // or 'foot', 'both'
        'order' => array(array(0, 'asc')),
        'order_cells_top' => true,
        //'global_search_type' => 'gt',
        'search_in_non_visible_columns' => true,


2. Text Filter

Default template



Option Type Default Description
search_type string 'like' The search type (e.g. 'like').
search_column string or null null Column name, on which the filter is applied, based on options for this column.
initial_search string or null null Define an initial search (same as DataTables 'searchCols' option).
classes string or null null Additional classes for the html filter element.
cancel_button bool false Renders a Cancel-Button to reset the filter.
placeholder bool true Specifies whether a placeholder is displayed.
placeholder_text string or null null (The Column Title is used.) The placeholder text.


    ->add('test', VirtualColumn::class, array(
        'title' => 'Test virtual',
        'searchable' => true,
        'orderable' => true,
        'order_column' => 'createdBy.username', // use the 'createdBy.username' column for ordering
        'search_column' => 'createdBy.username', // use the 'createdBy.username' column for searching
        'filter' => array(TextFilter::class, array(
            'cancel_button' => true


3. Number Filter

Default template



Option Type Default Description
search_type string 'like' The search type (e.g. 'like').
search_column string or null null Column name, on which the filter is applied, based on options for this column.
initial_search string or null null Define an initial search (same as DataTables 'searchCols' option).
classes string or null null Additional classes for the html filter element.
cancel_button bool false Renders a Cancel-Button to reset the filter.
min string '0' Minimum value.
max string '100' Maximum value.
step string '1' The Step scale factor of the slider.
show_label bool false Determines whether a label with the current value is displayed.
datalist array or null null Pre-defined values.
type string 'number' (allowed values: 'number' and 'range) The type.


    ->add('id', Column::class, array(
        'title' => 'Id',
        'searchable' => true,
        'orderable' => true,
        'filter' => array(NumberFilter::class, array(
            'classes' => 'test1 test2',
            'search_type' => 'eq',
            'cancel_button' => true,
            'type' => 'number',
            'min' => '1',
            'max' => '120',
            'show_label' => true,
            //'datalist' => array('3', '50', '75')


4. Select Filter

Default template



Option Type Default Description
search_type string 'like' The search type (e.g. 'like').
search_column string or null null Column name, on which the filter is applied, based on options for this column.
initial_search string or null null Define an initial search (same as DataTables 'searchCols' option).
classes string or null null Additional classes for the html filter element.
cancel_button bool false Renders a Cancel-Button to reset the filter.
select_search_types array array() This allows to define a search type (e.g. 'like' or 'isNull') for each item in 'selectOptions'.
select_options array array() Select options for this filter type (e.g. for boolean column: '1' => 'Yes', '0' => 'No').
multiple bool false Lets the user select more than one option in the select list.


    ->add('visible', BooleanColumn::class, array(
        'title' => 'Visible',
        'filter' => array(SelectFilter::class, array(
            'classes' => 'test1 test2',
            'search_type' => 'eq',
            'multiple' => true,
            'select_options' => array(
                '' => 'Any',
                '1' => 'Yes',
                '0' => 'No'
            'cancel_button' => true,
    ->add('title', Column::class, array(
        'title' => 'Title',
        'searchable' => true,
        'orderable' => true,
        'filter' => array(SelectFilter::class, array(
            'multiple' => true,
            'cancel_button' => true,
            'select_search_types' => array(
                '' => null,
                '2' => 'like',
                '1' => 'eq',
                'send_isNull' => 'isNull',
                'send_isNotNull' => 'isNotNull'
            'select_options' => array(
                '' => 'Any',
                '2' => 'Title with the digit 2',
                '1' => 'Title with the digit 1',
                'send_isNull' => 'is Null',
                'send_isNotNull' => 'is not Null'
        'type_of_field' => 'integer', // If the title consists only of digits.
    ->add('createdBy.username', Column::class, array(
        'title' => 'Created by',
        'filter' => array(SelectFilter::class, array(
            'select_options' => array('' => 'All') + $this->getOptionsArrayFromEntities($users, 'username', 'username'),
            'search_type' => 'eq',
            'cancel_button' => true


5. Select2 Filter

Be sure to install the Select2 plugin before using the Filter.

Default template



All options of Select Filter.


Option Type Default Description
placeholder string or null null Displaying a placeholder.
allow_clear bool or null null Will reset the selection.
tags bool or null null Tagging support.
language string or null null (get locale) i18n language code.
url string or null null URL to get the results from.
delay integer 250 Wait some milliseconds before triggering the request.
cache bool true The AJAX cache.


    ->add('createdBy.username', Column::class, array(
        'title' => 'Created by',
        'searchable' => true,
        'orderable' => true,
        'filter' => array(Select2Filter::class, array(
            'select_options' => array('' => 'All') + $this->getOptionsArrayFromEntities($users, 'username', 'username'),
            'search_type' => 'eq',
            'cancel_button' => true,

Remote example:

    ->add('createdBy.username', Column::class, array(
        'title' => 'Created by',
        'searchable' => true,
        'orderable' => true,
        'width' => '100%', // the input field is otherwise too narrow
        'filter' => array(Select2Filter::class, array(
            //'select_options' => array('' => 'All') + $this->getOptionsArrayFromEntities($users, 'username', 'username'),
            'search_type' => 'eq',
            'cancel_button' => true,
            'url' => 'select2_createdby_usernames',
 * @param Request $request
 * @Route("/select2-usernames", name="select2_createdby_usernames")
 * @return JsonResponse|Response
public function select2CreatedByUsersnames(Request $request)
    if ($request->isXmlHttpRequest()) {
        $em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
        $users = $em->getRepository('AppBundle:User')->findAll();

        $result = array();

        foreach ($users as $user) {
            $result[$user->getId()] = $user->getUsername();

        return new JsonResponse($result);

    return new Response('Bad request.', 400);


6. DateRange Filter

Be sure to install the Moment.js and the Bootstrap Date Range Picker plugins before using the Filter.

Default template



Option Type Default Description
search_column string or null null Column name, on which the filter is applied, based on options for this column.
initial_search string or null null Define an initial search (same as DataTables 'searchCols' option).
classes string or null null Additional classes for the html filter element.
cancel_button bool false Renders a Cancel-Button to reset the filter.
placeholder bool true Specifies whether a placeholder is displayed.
placeholder_text string or null null (The Column Title is used.) The placeholder text.


    ->add('publishedAt', DateTimeColumn::class, array(
        'title' => 'Published at',
        'date_format' => 'L',
        'filter' => array(DateRangeFilter::class, array(
            'cancel_button' => true,
        //'timeago' => true
