The daemon running everything.
- From the root directory of the repository
- Run
sh ./tests/
- Open a terminal and start a pyrsia node with:
RUST_LOG=pyrsia cargo run -q
- Open a second terminal:
- pull the alpine docker image from docker hub:
docker pull alpine
- tag it to prepare for push to pyrsia node:
docker tag alpine localhost:7888/alpine
- push it to pyrsia node:
docker push localhost:7888/alpine
- remove all local alpine images:
docker rmi alpine and docker rmi localhost:7888/alpine
- pull the image again, this time from pyrsia node:
docker pull localhost:7888/alpine
- verify it works:
docker run -it localhost:7888/alpine cat /etc/issue
- pull the alpine docker image from docker hub:
Open a terminal and start a pyrsia node with:
RUST_LOG=pyrsia cargo run -q
Start 3 more nodes with different ports by adding
-p ####
to the command above -
Try running the following commands:
$ curl -X POST "http://localhost:7888/v2/hello/blobs/uploads" TRACE pyrsia_node::docker::v2::handlers::blobs > Getting ready to start new upload for hello - 0dc2f7e1-d943-481e-93a8-227c4909c632 $ curl "http://localhost:7888/v2/hello/blobs/ab2b79d4-45dd-462f-a1bf-8b863944156e" DEBUG pyrsia_node::docker::error_util > ErrorMessage: ErrorMessage { code: BlobDoesNotExist("445e800d-3da0-4d7f-8644-e590931f526d"), message: "" }