This document provides an overview of the observability features available in Spark for data quality (DQ) checks using Delta Lake. Observability in this context refers to the ability to monitor, measure, and understand the state and performance of data quality rules applied to datasets.
To enable observability in a sample DQ Delta setup, the following attributes are required:
user_config.se_enable_obs_dq_report_result: True,
user_config.se_dq_obs_alert_flag: True,
user_config.se_dq_obs_default_email_template: ""
#also user need to pass the smtp details for sending mail.
user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_host: "",
user_config.se_notifications_email_smtp_port: 587,
user_config.se_notifications_email_from: "a*****",
user_config.se_notifications_email_to_other_mail_id: ""
user_config.se_notifications_smtp_password: "************"
When the DQ report flag is enabled (true), the system generates a report table upon the successful completion of Spark expectations. This flow focuses solely on report generation without triggering any alerts.
When both the DQ report flag and alert flag are enabled (true), the system performs two actions:
- Generates the report table after Spark expectations are completed.
- Sends an email alert to the user-provided email address, notifying them of the results.
- Flow 1: Report generation only (DQ flag = true).
- Flow 2: Report generation + email alerts (DQ flag = true, Alert flag = true).
The report table is derived from the Query DQ Output Table and the *Detailed Table. It is designed to calculate key metrics, numerical summaries, and other analytical insights. To ensure consistency and accuracy in the report table, users must adhere to predefined standards when writing queries for the *Query DQ Output Table. Below is the example of how the rules we can configure-
("your_product", "dq_spark_dev.customer_order", "row_dq", "sales_greater_than_zero", "sales", "sales > 2", "ignore", "accuracy", "sales value should be greater than zero", false, true, true, false, 0,null, null) ,("your_product", "dq_spark_{env}.customer_order", "row_dq", "discount_threshold", "discount", "discount*100 < 60","drop", "validity", "discount should be less than 40", true, true, true, false, 0,null, null)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_{env}.customer_order", "row_dq", "ship_mode_in_set", "ship_mode", "lower(trim(ship_mode)) in('second class', 'standard class', 'standard class')", "drop", "validity", "ship_mode mode belongs in the sets", true, true, true, false, 0,null, null)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_{env}.customer_order", "row_dq", "profit_threshold", "profit", "profit>0", "ignore", "validity", "profit threshold should be greater tahn 0", false, true, false, true, 0,null, null)
,("your_product", "dq_spark_dev.customer_order", "query_dq", "product_missing_count_threshold", "column_name", "((select count(*) from ({source_f1}) a) - (select count(*) from ({target_f1}) b) ) > 3@source_f1@SELECT DISTINCT product_id, order_id, order_date, COUNT(*) AS count FROM order_source GROUP BY product_id, order_id, order_date@target_f1@SELECT DISTINCT product_id, order_id, order_date, COUNT(*) AS count FROM order_target GROUP BY product_id, order_id, order_date", "ignore", "validity", "row count threshold", true, false, true, false, 0,null, true)