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104 lines (90 loc) · 4.58 KB

File metadata and controls

104 lines (90 loc) · 4.58 KB


The pipeline performs the following:

Inputs needed

  1. Inputs Reads Input reads must be the lone present in the cwd with suffix ".fastq.gz" Input reads names should have the following structure: trimmed-cellline-timepointinhours-R#(replicate number) example: trimmed-cho-3h-R1.fastq.gz
  2. A genome file
  3. A bed file of 3'UTRs

The pipeline outputs the different files/directories

  • sample_description.tsv file with sample names and time points asked by slamdunk_all
  • xxx_processed.fastq files : ouputs of the umi tools extract
  • map directory : contains outputs from slamdunk map "xxx_slamdunk_mapped.bam" and .log
  • filter directory : contains output from
    • slamdunk filter "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered.bam" with index .bai and .log
    • umi_tools dedup "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_dedup.bam" with index .bai
    • slamdunk alleyoop summary "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_summary.tsv" and .log, "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_summary_PCA.txt"
  • snp directory : contains outputs from slamdunk snp "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_snp.vcf" and .log
  • count directory : contains outputs from
    • slamdunk count "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_dedup_tcount.tsv" and .log with Conversion rates for each transcript (used to determine half-life), "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_dedup_tcount_mins.bedgraph" and "xxx_slamdunk_mapped_filtered_dedup_tcount_plus.bedgraph"
    • cgat combine_tables "xxx-aggConvRate.tsv" and "xxx-agg-ReadsCPM.tsv"
  • halflife directories contains output of Rscripts
    • ConvRate_processed.tsv : Conversion Rates table of each sample and replicate, normalized to time-point 0h and background substracted when no4su samples are provided
    • halflife_unfiltered.csv : selected halflife between the 3 models half-life were not filtered meaning abberant half-life are present OR here only model 1 hal-lifes
    • model_fitting_summary.txt : summary of half-life below 0h or above the max time-point OR NOT if only model 1
    • models_halflife_decay_aic.tsv: result of all models if 3 models, nothing if only model 1
    • bootstrap_halflife.tsv : bootstrapped half-lifes (iteration = 1000)
    • halflife_percentileCIs.tsv : Pencentile CI calculated on bootstrapped half-lifes, wth other stats like mean and median
    • halflife_filtered.tsv : filtered half-lifes for h-l that were out of the bs CI, < 0h or > 24h
    • halflife_filtered.log : number of transcripts filtered


On top of the default CGAT setup, the pipeline requires the following

  • Software:
    • python (v3.8.12 with pysam v0.17.0 when built)
    • slamdunk (v0.4.3 when built)
    • samtools (v1.12 when built)
    • umi_tools (v1.0.1 when built)
    • meme (v5.3.0 when built)
  • R modules:
    • optparse
    • matrixStats
    • tidyverse
    • stringr
    • foreach
    • doParallel
  • Python modules


The pipeline requires a configured :file: pipeline.yml file.

Make a directory with your project name. Configure the pipeline with python [path_to_repo]/ config. A pipeline.log and pipeline.yml file(s) will be added to your new directory. Modify the pipeline.yml according to your project (specify annotation database and directory, database for uploading the outputs; specify options for Salmon quantification).

Pipeline use

Run the pipeline with python [path_to_repo]/ make full -v5.

For running the pipeline on a large set of samples, submit the pipeline onto the cluster (sharc), using a submit_pipeline custom script.


/!/!\Only model 1 included in pipeline/!/!
The Rscript directory contains 4 scripts to calculate h-l from conversion rates. all rep aboceCPM: model(s) are given T>C Conversion rates of transcripts with a CPM above threshold in all replicates of each time point. 2rep aboveCPM: model(s) were given model(s) are given T>C Conversion rates of transcripts with a CPM above threshold in at least 2 replicates of each time points

3model: Rscript with the 3 models: these scripts are not included in the pipeline, but I kept the code in case.

model1: Rscript with only model 1.