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167 lines (166 loc) · 27.4 KB
🌟 Name Description 🌍
616 @expede/witchcraft Monads and other dark magic for Elixir ↗️
554 @parroty/excoveralls Coverage report tool for Elixir with integration.
505 @parroty/exvcr HTTP request/response recording library for elixir, inspired by VCR.
358 @parroty/extwitter Twitter client library for elixir.
305 @parroty/excheck Property-based testing library for Elixir (QuickCheck style).
240 @expede/quark Common combinators for Elixir ↗️
233 @expede/exceptional Helpers for Elixir exceptions ↗️
197 @expede/algae Bootstrapped algebraic data types for Elixir ↗️
195 @ma2gedev/power_assert_ex Power Assert in Elixir. Shows evaluation results each expression. ↗️
126 @parroty/exprof A simple code profiler for Elixir using eprof.
116 @tuvistavie/ex_cli User friendly CLI apps for Elixir ↗️
90 @ikeikeikeike/sitemap Sitemap is the easiest way to generate Sitemaps in Elixir. ↗️
87 @keichan34/exfile File upload persistence and processing for Phoenix / Plug
84 @melpon/memoize A method caching macro for elixir using CAS on ETS. ↗️
82 @expede/type_class (Semi-)principled type classes for Elixir ↗️
82 @tuvistavie/opencov Open source code coverage history webapp ↗️
71 @parroty/exfirebase An elixir library for accessing the Firebase REST API.
69 @mururu/msgpack-elixir MessagePack Implementation for Elixir /[Elixir]
68 @chvanikoff/apns4ex APNS for Elixir
65 @tuvistavie/pushex Push notifications for Elixir ↗️
61 @chvanikoff/reph React/Redux + Phoenix (Elixir)
56 @parroty/oauth2ex An OAuth 2.0 client library for elixir.
53 @mururu/mongoex Elixir ODM-like module for MongoDB
53 @shufo/log_viewer An Web based Log Viewer for Elixir and Phoenix ↗️
49 @KazuCocoa/http_proxy http proxy with Elixir. wait request with multi port and forward to each URIs
44 @shufo/fcmex A Firebase Cloud Message client for Elixir ↗️
43 @tatsuya6502/recon_ex Elixir wrapper for Recon, tools to diagnose Erlang VM safely in production
43 @tuvistavie/elixir-browser Browser detection for Elixir ↗️
41 @tuvistavie/phoenix-active-link Elixir/Phoenix view helper to manage "active" state of a link ↗️
34 @lyokato/riverside Elixir Library: Simple WebSocket Server Framework
33 @tuvistavie/elixir-temp Temporary files and directories for Elixir ↗️
32 @chatgris/funnel Streaming Elixir API built upon ElasticSearch's percolation.
32 @parroty/exprintf A printf / sprintf library for Elixir. It works as a wrapper for :io.format.
31 @shufo/ex_doc_refined A refined document viewer for Elixir and Phoenix ↗️
30 @tuvistavie/elixir-git-cli A simple interface to Git CLI for Elixir ↗️
29 @ne-sachirou/stream_gzip Gzip or gunzip an Elixir stream
26 @ikeikeikeike/phoenix_html_simplified_helpers Some helpers for phoenix html( truncate, time_ago_in_words, number_with_delimiter, url_for, current_page? ) ↗️
25 @increments/react_phoenix Phoenix Template Engine for React (WIP)
24 @ikeikeikeike/esx A client for the Elasticsearch with Ecto, written in Elixir
23 @Joe-noh/tane
23 @hirocaster/surge Amazon DynamoDB for Elixir
22 @expede/quick_chat A quick demo CLI chat app for a workshop
22 @tuvistavie/plug-navigation-history Elixir plug to keep navigation history ↗️
21 @KazuCocoa/ex_parameterized This library support parameterized test with test_with_params macro. ↗️
21 @ma2gedev/breadcrumble_ex Elixir lang port of Breadcrumble
21 @ne-sachirou/inner_cotton Collection of recommended Elixir check utilities, and mix tasks to help initializing and maintaining OSS/production codes. ↗️
21 @tuvistavie/seedex Seed data generation for Ecto ↗️
20 @ryo33/phoenix-channel-client A Phoenix Channels client library for Elixir.
20 @tuvistavie/elixir-web-push-encryption Elixir implementation of Web Push Payload encryption. ↗️
19 @mururu/rafute An implementation of Raft Consensus Algorithm in Elixir
18 @i2y/jet Jet is a simple OOP, dynamically typed, functional language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Jet's syntax is Ruby-like syntax.
18 @mike-north/peepchat-api The API portion of an Ember.js Fastboot / Phoenix Framework tutorial ↗️
17 @dvcrn/binance.ex Elixir wrapper for the Binance public API
16 @mururu/elixir-mustache Mustache for Elixir
16 @niku/ff_stack_chat_example A chat example build on FF(Elixir/Phoenix/Mithril) Stack
15 @archSeer/elixir.nvim A repackage of awetzel/vim-elixir with only the neovim bits + support for deoplete.
15 @archseer/elixir.nvim A repackage of awetzel/vim-elixir with only the neovim bits + support for deoplete.
15 @lyokato/redlock Elixir Library: Redis Distributed Lock implementation
15 @tatsuya6502/elixir_rust_interop_demo Demonstrate calling Rust functions from Elixir using Erlang NIF interface
14 @ImNotAVirus/ElvenGard_V2 MMORPG Game Server toolkit written in Elixir
14 @expede/operator Helpers for defining Elixir operators
14 @lyokato/the_end Elixir Library: provides a graceful shutdown support for your Phoenix, or plain Plug application
14 @ne-sachirou/ex_komachi_heartbeat 🚅Vital monitoring Elixir Web application.🚄
14 @yoavlt/one_signal Elixir wrapper of OneSignal
14 @yujikawa/numexy numexy is a library like Python's numpy. It is a library for matrix calculation.
13 @deadcheat/erande
13 @umurgdk/elixir-feedme Elixir RSS/Atom parser
12 @ma2gedev/luhn_ex Luhn algorithm in Elixir
12 @ma2gedev/mix-star Elixir Mix task to starring GitHub repository with mix deps.getting dependent library
11 @faithandbrave/excelion Excel (xlsx) file reader for Elixir
11 @ne-sachirou/redis_z Pooling & sharding support parallel Redis adapter base on Redix. ↗️
10 @lyokato/aws_ex_ray Elixir Library: AWS X-Ray client
10 @ma2gedev/ltsvex LTSV parser implementation in Elixir
10 @shufo/cdn CDN Assets Manager for Elixir ↗️
10 @xeejp/xee A server framework for experimental economics ↗️
9 @enpedasi/Mojiex Japanese strings - Wide/Half "Kana" characters Conversion Library for Elixir
9 @ikeikeikeike/bing_translator A simple Elixir interface to Bing's translation API. ↗️
9 @ikeikeikeike/exkanji A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji, kanji and sound. It uses Mecab. ↗️
9 @mururu/elixir-random Random for Elixir.
9 @parroty/http_server A simple and self-contained HTTP Server for elixir.
8 @expede/phoenix_exceptional Exceptional error/exception helpers for Phoenix
8 @ikeikeikeike/exromaji A Elixir library for translating between hiragana, katakana, romaji and sound. ↗️
8 @keichan34/b2_client Backblaze B2 client for Elixir
8 @keichan34/exfile-b2 A Backblaze B2 backend for Exfile
8 @marocchino/ffaker elixir porting of
8 @niku/hobot A bot framework working on Erlang VM(BEAM)
8 @parroty/spawn_viewer Trial implementation to visualize process spawning.
8 @rramsden/scribe A database migration library for Elixir
8 @shufo/plug_rate_limit_redis An Elixir plug rate limiting with redis ↗️
8 @yoavlt/nativegen Accessible REST API code generator for native app.
7 @expede/inspector_gadget Helpers for debugging & inspecting code flow
7 @ikeikeikeike/sitesx A Phoenix SubDomainer which makes subdomain using DigitalOcean, Cloudflare, etc. API and contains convenient view helper interface along with Plug and Ecto.
7 @koyo-miyamura/ex_fft Elixir's FFT (Fast Fourier Transform) library (not FINAL FANTASY TACTICS) ↗️
7 @matsubara0507/thank-you-stars Give your dependencies stars on GitHub!
7 @mike-north/elixir-fundamentals 👨‍🏫 Mike's Elixir Fundamentals Course ↗️
7 @ne-sachirou/mnemonics Read only data store for Elixir: fast, concurrently, for large data & hot reloadable.
7 @ryo33/Parselix A parser combinator library for Elixir. ↗️
6 @Joe-noh/yomel 読める、読めるぞぉ!!
6 @archSeer/colibri-server The Elixir API backend for Colibri.
6 @archseer/colibri-server The Elixir API backend for Colibri.
6 @cookpad/dango A service for managing i18n
6 @ikeikeikeike/exfavicon Elixir library for discovering favicons ↗️
6 @ma2gedev/gimei_ex ↗️
6 @ma2gedev/isucon4-qual-phoenix
6 @ma2gedev/qiita_ex Qiita API v2 Interface for Elixir
6 @ymtszw/hipchat_elixir [DISCONTINUED] HipChat client library for Elixir
6 @yoavlt/tubex Elixir lightweight wrapper of YouTube Data v3
5 @Joe-noh/pepabo.ex Elixir勉強会 演習問題解答例
5 @entotsu/Dribbble-GIF-bot Twitter bot to Hack Design. ↗️
5 @ishikawa/elixir-magic-number MagicNumber is the module to determine a file's type from its magic number.
5 @jj1bdx/plug_static_ls Serving directory Index for Plug/Phoenix Static Assets ↗️
5 @keichan34/exfile-imagemagick An ImageMagick file processor suite for Exfile
5 @marocchino/pipe_converter A vim plugin that convert your nested functions into pipe operators
5 @mururu/msgpack-rpc-elixir msgpack-rpc-elixir
5 @niku/earmark_hashed_link Adding link to hashed text in a markdown using Earmak's AST
5 @niku/petick Periodic timer built on a top of ErlangVM ↗️
5 @sei0o/practice-x86emu To learn how x86 architecture works.
4 @Joe-noh/ccc Character Code Converter
4 @chatgris/currently currently is a tool to display cards currently assigns on Trello.
4 @chatgris/event_source_encoder EventSourceEncoder is a Elixir library to encode data into EventSource compliant data.
4 @enpedasi/elixir_agg_csv
4 @gbih/phoenix-vue-bootstrap-postcss Phoenix 1.3.0 / Elixir 1.6.0-dev / Vue 2.5.7 / Bootstrap v4.0.0-beta.2 / PostCSS 6.0.14 / Webpack 3.8.1 starter template
4 @hirocaster/phoenix_cowboy_remove_server_header Remove server: Cowboy in http headers from Phoenix
4 @kuroda/live_dendron Live Dendron - a Phoenix LiveView demo
4 @ma2gedev/netrcex Reads netrc files implemented in Elixir
4 @ne-sachirou/stream_hash Stream into SHA1, SHA2, SHA3, BLAKE2, RIPEMD-160 hash. (Hash algorithms which Erlang is supporting.)
4 @niku/eloido Egoido implementation by Elixir
4 @niku/nwiki niku's wiki
4 @parroty/dynamo_angular Sample AngularJS scaffolding with dynamo and angular-resource backend.
4 @rramsden/mogrify An Elixir library wrapper around ImageMagick's mogrify utility
4 @ryo33/fwatch-ex A file watcher for Elixir language
4 @ryo33/onetime-elixir An onetime key-value store for Elixir
4 @shufo/payjp-elixir An Elixir library for working with PAY.JP. ↗️
4 @tuvistavie/ecto-secure-password has_secure_password for Ecto models ↗️
3 @KazuCocoa/current_streak_ex Get github current streak which support only public repositories
3 @KazuCocoa/revision_plate_ex Plug application and middleware that serves endpoint returns application's REVISION.
3 @bater/shop online shop create by Phoenix
3 @bokuweb/elixir_scraping_sample
3 @dvcrn/itunes.ex iTunes search API wrapper in Elixir
3 @enpedasi/libniz_formula
3 @expede/up_run Course examples for Up & Running with Elixir & Phoenix
3 @hirocaster/data_crypter
3 @hirocaster/ratchet_wrench RatchetWrench is a easily use Google Cloud Spanner by Elixir.
3 @i2y/uiro Uiro is a simple object oriented, dynamically typed, functional language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine (BEAM). Uiro's syntax is Ruby-like syntax. Uiro also got influences from Python and Mochi.
3 @ikeikeikeike/common_device_detector Detect devices that desktop, mobile, smartphone and tablet form User Agent.
3 @kuy/cizen-chat
3 @lyokato/roulette Elixir Library: Hash-Ring-ed gnatsd-cluster client
3 @melpon/libxml Thin wrapper for Libxml2 using NIF by Elixir ↗️
3 @mururu/elixir-calendar A date and time library for Elixir.
3 @mururu/fluent-logger-elixir fluent-logger-elixir
3 @niku/pgroonga-with-phoenix How to use PGroonga with PhoenixFramework ↗️
3 @nithinbekal/google_books.ex An Elixir wrapper to the Google Books API
3 @otiai10/good Early Return for Elixir
3 @parroty/big_query [WIP] Elixir + Google BigQuery Sample
3 @parroty/dynamo_firebase Sample dynamo project for implementing rails-like scaffold page with Firebase backend.
3 @ryo33/Zpids
3 @seizans/phxsand
3 @seizans/sand
3 @shufo/elixir_101 Getting Started Elixir with TDD
3 @shufo/plug_robots An Elixir plug serving robots.txt. ↗️
3 @umurgdk/elixir_resources Resource aggregator for Elixir programming language
3 @yoavlt/open_graphx Load HTML based Open Graph Protocol
3 @yujikawa/ex_backlog Elixir client library for Backlog.
3 @zick/EuphoriaLisp Lisp implementation in Euphoria