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Wagtail cookiecutter Foundation

A cookiecutter template for Wagtail CMS featuring the Zurb Foundation front-end framework.

Wagtail Cookiecutter Foundation


What's included

A Django project with Wagtail pre-installed with support for all the Zurb Foundation HTML, CSS and Javascript components (typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components)

App Modules

We provide a comprehensive suite of apps to use for building your site. We take a modular approach so that can pick and choose the functionality you want to include. We provide separate modules for:

  • pages - Different kinds of pages including, Homepage, Standard Pages, Faqs Page etc.
  • blog - Blog or site news
  • contact - Contact Page with included contact us form
  • events - Events
  • photo_gallery - Create photo galleries using wagtail tags
  • documents - Organize documents in folders using wagtail tags .
  • products - Ideal for a product or portfolio showcase
  • feeds - RSS/Atom feeds which support enclosures.
    (e.g image and video embeds and work with services like feedburner and mailchimp)
  • people - For the people in your organization or team.
  • faq - FAQ and answers.
  • utils - Various utility functions, templatetags and filters

The projects spun up with wagtail-cookiecutter-foundation are modular so you can pick and choose the modules that you want to include in in your project.

Photo Gallery

The Photo Gallery module allows you to easily create Photo Galleries for your site Using the built in tagging functionality. To create Photo Galleries

  • Go to Images section of the Wagtail Admin and click on Add an Image.
  • Drag and drop images you want in your gallery and add common tag name to all the uploaded Images. You can also add same tag name to any existing images that you want to include in the gallery.
  • Next create a Gallery Index Page which displays all your galleries.
  • Add a Gallery Child Page and enter the tags of the Images that you want to appear in the Gallery. You can also choose a feed image so it can appear in Gallery index page.
  • Your Gallery is now created with all images you want. Awesome, right?
Documents Folder

This module allows to organize documents into "folders" based on common tags. In many ways It works the same way as the Photo Gallery module.

  • Go to Documents section in Wagtail Admin.
  • Add add a common tag name to all documents that you want to appear in the folder.
  • Now create a Document Index page which displays all your Document folders.
  • Create a Document Folder Child Page and enter the tags for the document that you want to appear in the folder.
  • The Folder is now created with all the Documents matching the tags you want. Awesome, right?

Syndication feeds come in two flavors:

  • BasicFeed - A standard RSS V 2.0.1 feed designed to be used without item enclosures.
  • ExtendedFeed - An RSS V2/Atom Feed with support for item enclosures such as images or video. Use this if when want to integrate your feed with services like MailChimp or Flipboard.

The feeds module provides the flexibility of allowing you to specify the app module, PageModel and data fields to use for the feed. This is current being done through settings variables. In future versions we plan to provide a page model for truly plug and play functionality. For example, if we wish to create a Syndication Feed based on the BlogPage model which is the blog app.


To specify the use of the BlogPage.intro as for the item description and The body field for the content enclosure add the following to your settings.:


Then add the feed level attributes to the settings as follows:

FEED_TITLE = 'From the Desk of John Blog'
FEED_LINK = '/news/'
FEED_DESCRIPTION = "News and views from around the Web"

Finally reference it in the

url(r'^blog/feed/basic$', BasicFeed(), name='basic_feed'),
url(r'^blog/feed/extended$', ExtendedFeed(), name='extended_feed'),
Other Components
  • We provide templates and templatetags to support all the major Foundation HTML and CSS UI components including:

    • Top bar including (sticky nav)
    • Off canvas menu
    • Bread crumbs
    • SubNav
    • Pagination
    • Reveals
  • We also provide comprehensive set of make commands to help you to perform key development, provisioning and deployment tasks.

  • libsass Foundation Sass support through django-compressor/django-libsass

  • Front end dependency management with Bower

  • Server provisioning and deployment using Ansible that has been extensively tested on Digital Ocean and Linode VPSs but it should work on other platforms. You can drive the Ansible playbooks using a set of make commands.

  • Image optimization using Grunt

Getting Started

To create a new Wagtail CMS project. First, install cookiecutter

$ pip install cookiecutter

Now run it against this repo

$ cookiecutter

You will be prompted to answer the following questions.

Cloning into 'wagtail-cookiecutter-foundation'...
remote: Counting objects: 611, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (13/13), done.
remote: Total 611 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 598
Receiving objects: 100% (611/611), 423.98 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (264/264), done.
Checking connectivity... done.
project_name (default is "Wagtail Project")?
repo_name (default is "wagtail_project")?
version_control_system (default is "hg")?,
vcs_host (default is "bitbucket")?,
author_name (default is "Your Name")?
email (default is "Your email")?
description (default is "A short description of the project.")?
timezone (default is "UTC")?
now (default is "2015/04/16")?
year (default is "2015")?
production_host_name (default is
use_ssl_in_production (default is true)?
staging_host_name (default is
use_vagrant_staging (default is true)?
deploy_user_name (default is django)
django_admin_user (default is my_admin_user)

Enter the project and take a look around:

$ cd wagtail_project/
$ ls

Create a GitHub or Bitbucket repo for the project and push it there:

$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "first awesome commit"
$ git remote add origin
$ git push -u origin master

Up and Running for Development

Before you start ensure that you've installed and got the following working.

  • pip
  • virtualenv/pyvenv/virtualenvwrapper
  • PostgreSQL
  • node, npm and git and bower

The easiest way to get started is to use the built in make commands.

Using make

Your project contains a Makefile that allows you to setup your development environment with a single command. To do this run

make all

This command will create your project's virtual environment, install all pip dependencies, create the development database, run migrations and load initial data to database, install front-end dependencies and finally start the development server for you. Awesome, right?

You can access your site at http://localhost:8000. The Admin back-end is available at http://localhost:8000/admin/. The default Admin username is admin and The default Admin password is admin123

The make command available for development are discussed in more detail below.


Create the virtualenv for the project.

make virtualenv

The virtual environment is located in your project's venv directory.


Install the requirements to the virtualenv

make requirements

Create a PostgreSQL database for the project. It will have the same name as the project

make db

Run the migrations

make migrate

Populate the site with initial page structure.

make initial_data

Install all front-end dependencies with bower i.e foundation, bxslider and font-awesome

make bower

Start the standard Django dev server.

make runserver

Start Server with livereload functionality. Uses the excellent python-livereload library.

make livereload

Run your unit tests.:

make test

Run your functional tests.

make func_test

Manual Setup

You can also set up your development environment manually. Firstly, start your command shell and change to the new project's directory. So on Linux or OS X

cd project_repo

Next create an virtual environment for the project On Linux/Mac OSX

pyvenv venv

On Windows

c:\Python34\python -m venv myenv

If you are not using Python 3.3 or later pyvenv is not bundled with your Python distribution and you need to install the virtualenv package to get the virtual environments working.

pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv

In this regard, you may find the virtualenvwrapper package useful as it provides a number of commands and utilities which makes working with virtual environments much more pleasant. It also places all your virtual environments in one place.

To install (make sure virtualenv is already installed)

pip install virtualenvwrapper
export WORKON_HOME=~/Envs
source /usr/local/bin/
mkvirtualenv venv

On Windows

pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
mkvirtualenv venv

Once your virtual environment is setup activate it on Linux/Mac OSX

source venv/bin/activate

On Windows


Using Virtualenvwrapper

workon venv

Install the dependencies for the project using pip

pip install -r requirements/dev.txt

Create the database and run migrations. Remember this cookiecutter requires PostgreSQL so you need to install it before you can continue.

createdb my_site
./ migrate

wagtail-cookiecutter-foundation comes with some pages already created for your convenience including the homepage with a working bx_slider slideshow, contact page, events and news/blog pages. To generate these pages run

/ load_initial_data

The default Admin username is admin. The default Admin password is admin123

This cookiecutter also has front-end dependencies for Foundation, Font-Awesome etc and bx_slider. We use bower for front-end dependency management. To install the required front-end dependencies use:

cd project_repo
bower install`

This will install the supported version of Zurb Foundation, Font Awesome , bxSlider and Grunt as well as their dependencies.

Finally start the development server

./ runserver

Your site is now accessible at http://localhost:8000, with the admin backend available at http://localhost:8000/admin/. The default Admin username is admin. The default Admin password is admin123

Provisioning and Deployment

You project comes with a suite of Ansible playbooks to support the provisioning your servers and deploying changes to production and staging. We also support the creation of a Vagrant based staging server so you can "stage" your site locally and tweak and experiment with different deployment configurations. To keep things simple we assume that all your application components i.e. Django, PostgreSQL, redis and so on are all deployed on a single server. However, it is a relatively straightforward procedure to tweak the playbooks to support more complex provisioning scenarios. In this way, you can support for example, separate database server, multiple upstream wsgi servers and so on. Indeed, you easily tweak the Vagrantfile located at project_repo/ansible/Vagrantfile to experiment with and test these more complex provisioning scenarios. on.


To reiterate you need to have the following already installed
  • Python 2.7/3.5
  • pip
  • virtualenv/pyvenv/virtualenvwrapper
  • PostgreSQL
  • VirtualBox or VMWare/Vagrant (required for vagrant staging)
  • Ansible
  • node, npm and git and bower

Next, you need to place a copy of your ssh public key in the keystore directory located in ansible/{{repo_name}}_keystore and rename it a authorized_keys. Remember to add the ssh keys of any team members that you want to run the provisioning and deployment tasks.

Also if you want to use SSL then you need to ensure that you also have the following key files in the keystore directory:

  • The private key for your site
  • The bundled SSL certificate obtained from the CA which contains the root and intermediate certificates along with your domains certificate. In some cases, these may not be bundled but provided separately in which case you must consult your CA's documentation on how to build your own bundle.
  • The CA's bundled root and intermediate certificate. This is used to support certificate pinning.

In case you were wondering, the generated .gitignore or .hgignore will exclude any of the files in the keystore from your VCS repository. However, you should always double check to ensure that your secrets are not accidentally checked into a remote VCS repo.

Alternatively, may wish to consider the use the Ansible Vault to keep you secrets safe

Next, examine the generated ansible/group_vars/all file and replace the following to match your SSL key files

ssl_private_key: your_ssl_private_key_file
ssl_cert:  your_ssl_certificate_bundle_fie¬
ca_cert: comodo.pem_file

Finally, must also ensure you that you provide values for the following entries in your ansible/host_vars/{{production_host_name}} file

SECRET_KEY: your_django_secret_key
DJANGO_ADMIN: django_admim_user_name
DJANGO_ADMIN: your_django_admin_password
DB_PASSWD: your_db_password
DB_HOST: localhost
EMAIL_HOST: 'your_email_server'
EMAIL_FROM: 'your_email_from_address'
EMAIL_USER: 'email_user'
EMAIL_PASSWD: 'email_passwd'
GOOGLE_TRACKING_ID: 'your_google_tracking_id


The provisioning playbooks will:

  • Create a deployment user and download the public key of this user to the keystore directory. This can then be used as a deployment key for services like,, etc.
  • Install all the required Linux packages ans libraries on the server.
  • Setup basic security on the Linux box using UFW Firewall and fail2ban.
  • Install and configure PostgresSQL.
  • Install and configure Redis and ElasticSearch.
  • Clone the project's VCS repository, setup a virtual environment and install all python dependencies
  • Configure and install a Celery worker process
  • Install and configure Nginx and setup a VCS for you site
Creating a Deployment User

The first thing that you must do is to create a deployment user. To create the deploy user for the production

make deploy_user

This will create the deploy user for the production server. For staging run

make deploy_user DEPLOY_ENV=staging

If you want to use the Vagrant based staging server first ensure that the Vagrant VM is running

cd /my_project/ansible
vagrant up

Then create the deployment user return to the project root and run:

make deploy_user DEPLOY_ENV=vagrant

When prompted for the password, enter "vagrant".

If you get the following error

fatal: [] => {'msg': 'FAILED: Authentication failed.', 'failed': True}``

You may have to remove the entry (IP Address for the staging server from your ~/.ssh/known_hosts file.

In addition, to creating the deploy user, this make command will download the RSA ssh public key for the deployment user into your project's keystore directory so you can use it as a deployment key on sites like or

Other Provisioning Task

Once the deployment user has been created and the deployment keys added to your VCS repository, you can now run the other provisioning tasks. To provision the production server

make provision

For the staging server run

make provision DEPLOY_ENV=staging

To provision the Vagrant based staging server run

make provision DEPLOY_ENV=vagrant

At the end of the process you should be able to navigate to the host URL to view the site and access the Admin using the password specified in.

DJANGO_ADMIN: django_admim_user_name
DJANGO_ADMIN: your_django_admin_password


Once you have provisioned your site. Deploying you changes is really simple. To deploy to production run:

make deploy

For staging run

make deploy_user DEPLOY_ENV=staging

and for a Vagrant based staging server

make deploy_user DEPLOY_ENV=staging

Other Tasks

Static Sites

You can use make to generate a static site from the project. The static site will be in a folder static_build. The command will ensure that all static assets and media required for the site to perform correctly are copied to the build folder

make static_site

Image Compression

To compress images used in project's made with this cookiecutter run:

grunt imagemin

You can also use make to run the above task

make compress_images

Ansible Variables

Group Variables

Variable Explanation
project_repo URL of the source code repository ssh://
virtualenvs_dir Defaults to /home/django/virtualenvs/
sites_dir Where all your project's live on the remote server. Defaults to /usr/local/sites
nginx_root_dir Defaults to /etc/nginx/sites-available
deploy_user Defaults to django
redis_version The version of redis to install. Defaults to 2.8.19
keystore_path Place all your public keys and other secrets here. Defaults to repo_name/ansible/repo_name_keystore
vcs Your Version control system of choice hg - mecurial git - git

Host Variables

Variable Explanation
use_ssl True
ssl_key_file For example
ssl_cert_bundle The "bundled" certificate
SECRET_KEY The Django secret key. Generate a new key especially if this is going to be a production deployment
DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE Defaults to wagtail_project.settings.production
HOST_NAME This is will be set to as the server_name in the nginx virtualhost.
DB_USER Defaults to django
DJANGO_ADMIN: django_admim_user_name
DJANGO_ADMIN: your_django_admin_password
DB_PASSWD The database password you must set a value for this
DB_HOST Defaults to localhost
DB_NAME The name of the database used in production Defaults to cookiecutter.repo_name_db
EMAIL_HOST The SMTP email host name e.g.
EMAIL_USER The email user
EMAIL_PASSWD The email password