The route
property requires now to be named url
to make things easier accessible
for different parts of the system.
To support shadow feature of sulu shadowLocale and shadowLocales fields need to be added to the dimension content tables.
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents ADD shadowLocale VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT NULL, ADD shadowLocales JSON DEFAULT NULL; -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
To support multi localization feature of sulu a ghostLocale need to be added to the dimension content tables.
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents ADD ghostLocale VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT NULL, ADD availableLocales JSON DEFAULT NULL; -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
-- Update ghostLocale:
UPDATE test_example_dimension_contents dc -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
INNER JOIN test_example_dimension_contents dc2 -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
ON dc2.stage = dc.stage
AND dc2.example_id = dc.example_id -- replace `example_id` with your relation
AND dc2.locale IS NOT NULL
SET dc.ghostLocale = dc2.locale
dc.ghostLocale IS NULL
AND dc.locale IS NULL;
-- Update availableLocales:
UPDATE test_example_dimension_contents dc -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
dc3.example_id, -- replace `example_id` with your relation
CONCAT('["', REPLACE(GROUP_CONCAT(dc3.locale), ',', '","'), '"]') as availableLocales
FROM test_example_dimension_contents dc3 -- replace `test_example_dimension_contents` with your table
dc3.example_id, -- replace `example_id` with your relation
) as dc4 ON
dc4.example_id = dc.example_id -- replace `example_id` with your relation
AND dc4.stage = dc.stage
SET dc.availableLocales = dc4.availableLocales
dc.availableLocales IS NULL
AND dc.locale IS NULL;
The ContentMapperInterface
was changed as a preparation for refactoring the DimensionContentCollection
public function map(
array $data,
DimensionContentCollectionInterface $dimensionContentCollection
): void;
public function map(
DimensionContentCollectionInterface $dimensionContentCollection,
array $dimensionAttributes,
array $data
): void;
The DataMapperInterface
was changed to make it easier to set localized and unlocalized data:
public function map(
array $data,
DimensionContentCollectionInterface $dimensionContentCollection
): void;
public function map(
DimensionContentInterface $unlocalizedDimensionContent,
DimensionContentInterface $localizedDimensionContent,
array $data
): void;
This effects only PostgreSQL databases:
ALTER TABLE <your_entity>_example_dimensions ALTER COLUMN templateData SET DATA TYPE jsonb USING templateData::jsonb;
Improve performance of the *ContentDimension
tables with additional indexes for the database:
CREATE INDEX idx_dimension ON <your_entity>_content (stage, locale);
CREATE INDEX idx_locale ON <your_entity>_content (locale);
CREATE INDEX idx_stage ON <your_entity>_content (stage);
CREATE INDEX idx_template_key ON <your_entity>_content (templateKey);
CREATE INDEX idx_workflow_place ON <your_entity>_content (workflowPlace);
CREATE INDEX idx_workflow_published ON <your_entity>_content (workflowPublished);
The ContentDataMapper
service was adjusted to accept a DimensionContentCollection
parameter instead of
a unlocalizedObject
and an optional localizedObject
parameter. This makes the interfaces more flexible
and consistent to other parts of the bundle.
The DataMapperInterface
and all services that implement the interface were adjusted to accept a
parameter instead of a unlocalizedObject
and an optional localizedObject
Removed getUnlocalizedDimensionContent and getLocalizedDimensionContent from DimensionContentCollectionInterface
To simplify the interface, the getUnlocalizedDimensionContent
method and getLocalizedDimensionContent
were removed from the DimensionContentCollectionInterface
. The getDimensionContent
can be used as a
replacement like this:
$localizedDimensionAttributes = $dimensionContentCollection->getDimensionAttributes();
$localizedDimensionContent = $dimensionContentCollection->getDimensionContent($localizedDimensionAttributes);
$unlocalizedDimensionAttributes = array_merge($localizedDimensionAttributes, ['locale' => null]);
$unlocalizedDimensionContent= $dimensionContentCollection->getDimensionContent($unlocalizedDimensionAttributes);
The Dimension
entity was removed because it had no additional value and did make things
unnecessary complex.
As the Dimension Entity did contain locale and stage in which your DimensionContent is saved this data need to be migrated into your own entity.
# Create stage and locale fields
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents ADD stage VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL, ADD locale VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT NULL;
# Migrate data to new fields
UPDATE test_example_dimension_contents myContentDimension
INNER JOIN cn_dimensions dimension ON = myContentDimension.dimension_id
SET myContentDimension.stage = dimension.stage, myContentDimension.locale = dimension.locale;
# Remove nullable from stage field
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents CHANGE stage stage VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL;
# Remove dimension relation
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents DROP FOREIGN KEY FK_9BFA55B277428AD;
DROP INDEX IDX_9BFA55B277428AD ON test_example_dimension_contents;
ALTER TABLE test_example_dimension_contents DROP dimension_id;
# Drop Dimension Table
DROP TABLE cn_dimensions;
If you are using the DoctrineMigrationBundle
you can also reuse the following migration class
to migrate the data of you entity. Make sure to provide the correct tableName
, foreignKey
and indexName
before executing the migration.
DoctrineMigrationBundle Example
namespace DoctrineMigrations;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema;
use Doctrine\Migrations\AbstractMigration;
* Auto-generated Migration: Please modify to your needs!
final class Version20210120152235 extends AbstractMigration
public function getDescription(): string
return 'Migrate dimension attributes into dimension content table.';
* @return array<array<string, string>>
private function tableData(): array
return [
// TODO replace the following values with the ones by your table
'tableName' => 'my_entity_dimension_content', # name of the table of your DimensionContent entity
'foreignKey' => 'FK_61A94F1277428AD', # dimension foreign key on the DimensionContent table
'indexName' => 'IDX_61A94F1277428AD', # dimension index on the DimensionContent table
public function up(Schema $schema): void
foreach ($this->tableData() as $tableConfig) {
$tableName = $tableConfig['tableName'];
$foreignKey = $tableConfig['foreignKey'];
$indexName = $tableConfig['indexName'];
// Create stage and locale fields
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s ADD stage VARCHAR(16) DEFAULT NULL, ADD locale VARCHAR(7) DEFAULT NULL;', $tableName));
// Migrate data to new fields
$this->addSql(\sprintf('UPDATE %s myContentDimension INNER JOIN cn_dimensions dimension ON = myContentDimension.dimension_id SET myContentDimension.stage = dimension.stage, myContentDimension.locale = dimension.locale;', $tableName));
// Remove dimension relation
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s DROP FOREIGN KEY %s', $tableName, $foreignKey));
$this->addSql(\sprintf('DROP INDEX %s ON %s', $indexName, $tableName));
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s DROP dimension_id;', $tableName));
// Drop Dimension Table
$this->addSql('DROP TABLE cn_dimensions');
public function down(Schema $schema): void
// create old dimension table
$this->addSql('CREATE TABLE cn_dimensions (no INT AUTO_INCREMENT NOT NULL, id CHAR(36) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci` COMMENT \'(DC2Type:guid)\', locale VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 DEFAULT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, stage VARCHAR(16) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 NOT NULL COLLATE `utf8mb4_unicode_ci`, INDEX IDX_979F85354180C698 (locale), UNIQUE INDEX UNIQ_979F8535BF396750 (id), INDEX IDX_979F8535C27C9369 (stage), PRIMARY KEY(no)) DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE `utf8_unicode_ci` ENGINE = InnoDB COMMENT = \'\' ');
foreach ($this->tableData() as $tableConfig) {
$tableName = $tableConfig['tableName'];
$foreignKey = $tableConfig['foreignKey'];
$indexName = $tableConfig['indexName'];
// Create dimension relation
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s ADD dimension_id INT NOT NULL', $tableName));
// migrate data into the old table
INSERT INTO cn_dimensions (id, locale, stage)
UUID() as id,
FROM ec_product_line_dimension_content myContentDimension
LEFT JOIN cn_dimensions ON (cn_dimensions.stage = myContentDimension.stage AND cn_dimensions.locale = myContentDimension.locale OR (cn_dimensions.locale IS NULL AND myContentDimension.locale IS NULL))
GROUP BY myContentDimension.locale, myContentDimension.stage)
', $tableName));
UPDATE %s myContentDimension
INNER JOIN cn_dimensions dimension
ON myContentDimension.stage = dimension.stage AND (myContentDimension.locale = dimension.locale OR (myContentDimension.locale IS NULL AND dimension.locale IS NULL))
SET myContentDimension.dimension_id =
', $tableName));
// Add dimension relation
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s ADD CONSTRAINT %s FOREIGN KEY (dimension_id) REFERENCES cn_dimensions (no) ON DELETE CASCADE', $tableName, $foreignKey));
$this->addSql(\sprintf('CREATE INDEX %s ON %s (dimension_id)', $indexName, $tableName));
// remove stage and locale
$this->addSql(\sprintf('ALTER TABLE %s DROP stage, DROP locale', $tableName));
In your "ContentRichEntity" class you need to change the createDimensionContent method:
- public function createDimensionContent(DimensionInterface $dimension): DimensionContentInterface
+ public function createDimensionContent(): DimensionContentInterface
- return new ExampleDimensionContent($this, $dimension);
+ $exampleDimensionContent = new ExampleDimensionContent($this);
+ return $exampleDimensionContent;
Also the constructor of your "DimensionContent" entity need to be changed:
- public function __construct(Example $example, DimensionInterface $dimension)
+ public function __construct(Example $example)
$this->example = $example;
- $this->dimension = $dimension;
The DimensionContentInterface
has the getDimension
removed and will now directly
need to provide the getStage
, setStage
, getLocale
and setLocale
If you are using the traits provided by the ContentBundle, these methods should be added to your entity automatically.
If you use the dimension data in your list configuration, you need to change it the following way:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<list xmlns="">
- <joins name="dimensionContent" ref="dimension">
+ <joins name="dimensionContent">
- <condition>dimensionContent.dimension =</condition>
+ <condition>dimensionContent.locale = :locale AND dimensionContent.stage = 'draft'</condition>
- <joins name="dimension">
- <join>
- <entity-name>%sulu.model.dimension.class%</entity-name>
- <condition>%sulu.model.dimension.class%.locale = :locale AND %sulu.model.dimension.class%.stage = 'draft'</condition>
- </join>
- </joins>
<property name="id" translation="">
- <property name="dimensionId" visibility="never">
- <field-name>id</field-name>
- <entity-name>%sulu.model.dimension.class%</entity-name>
- <joins ref="dimension"/>
- </property>
<property name="title" visibility="yes" translation="sulu_admin.title">
<joins ref="dimensionContent"/>
The constructor of the ContentTeaserProvider
requires like the ContentDataProviderRepository
the show_drafts
parameter. In this case also the getShowDrafts
was removed from the ContentTeaserProvider
class: Sulu\Bundle\ContentBundle\Tests\Application\ExampleTestBundle\Teaser\ExampleTeaserProvider
public: true
- '@sulu_content.content_manager'
- '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
- '@sulu_content.content_metadata_inspector'
- '@sulu_page.structure.factory'
- '@translator'
- '%sulu_document_manager.show_drafts%'
- { name: sulu.teaser.provider, alias: examples }
public function __construct(
ContentManagerInterface $contentManager,
EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
ContentMetadataInspectorInterface $contentMetadataInspector,
StructureMetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory,
TranslatorInterface $translator
) {
parent::__construct($contentManager, $entityManager, $contentMetadataInspector, $metadataFactory, Example::class);
$this->translator = $translator;
class: Sulu\Bundle\ContentBundle\Tests\Application\ExampleTestBundle\Teaser\ExampleTeaserProvider
public: true
- '@sulu_content.content_manager'
- '@doctrine.orm.entity_manager'
- '@sulu_content.content_metadata_inspector'
- '@sulu_page.structure.factory'
- '@translator'
- '%sulu_document_manager.show_drafts%' # this was added
- { name: sulu.teaser.provider, alias: examples }
public function __construct(
ContentManagerInterface $contentManager,
EntityManagerInterface $entityManager,
ContentMetadataInspectorInterface $contentMetadataInspector,
StructureMetadataFactoryInterface $metadataFactory,
TranslatorInterface $translator,
bool $showDrafts // this was added
) {
parent::__construct($contentManager, $entityManager, $contentMetadataInspector, $metadataFactory, Example::class, $showDrafts); // this was added
$this->translator = $translator;
The getContentRichEntity
method of the DimensionContentInterface
was renamed to getResource
This makes the naming consistent with the getResourceKey
method of the DimensionContentInterface
the getResourceId
method of the RoutableInterface
The getRoutableId
method of the RoutableInterface
was renamed to getResourceId
. This makes the naming consistent
with the getResourceKey
method of the RoutableInterface
and the DimensionContentInterface
Add contentRichEntityClass parameter to getDefaultToolbarActions method of ContentViewBuilderFactory
The getDefaultToolbarActions
method of the ContentViewBuilderFactory
has a required contentRichEntityClass
now. The parameter is used for determining the correct toolbar actions based on the implemented interfaces.
The static getResourceKey
method was moved from the ContentRichEntityInterface
to the DimensionContentInterface
This makes it consistent with the getTemplateType
method and the getWorkflowName
method .
The bundle now uses the route_schema
that is configured via sulu_route.mappings
for generating the route for an
entity instead of a hardcoded value. If no route_schema
is configured, no route will be generated.
Therefore, the getContentId
method of the RoutableInterface
was renamed to getRoutableId
and the
method was replaced with a getResourceKey
The services related to the SuluAutomationBundle
were moved to the
Furthermore the ContentEntityPublishHandler
was renamed to ContentPublishTaskHandler
the ContentEntityUnpublishHandler
was renamed to ContentUnpublishTaskHandler
To simplify the usage of the bundle, the ContentProjection concept was removed from the source code.
Therefore, the ContentProjectionInterface
and the ContentProjectionFactoryInterface
were removed.
Services that returned a ContentProjectionInterface
instance were adjusted to return a merged
instance. Furthermore, the ContentMergerInterface::merge
was refactored to accept a DimensionContentCollectionInterface
- The
was renamed tosulu_content.template_merger
. - The
was renamed tosulu_content.workflow_merger
. - The
was renamed tosulu_content.excerpt_merger
. - The
was renamed tosulu_content.seo_merger
The class and its interface was renamed from ContentViewBuilder
& ContentViewBuilderInterface
to ContentViewBuilderFactory
& ContentViewBuilderFactoryInterface
The service has been renamed from sulu_content.content_view_builder
to sulu_content.content_view_builder_factory
The function build
was replaced by createViews
and additional functions has been introduced.
The behaviour of the createViews
function detects now the needed views: the template-view if the TemplateInterface
is implemented, the seo-view if the SeoInterface
is implemented, and the excerpt-view if the ExcerptInterface
$viewBuilders = $this->contentViewBuilderFactory->createViews(
foreach ($viewBuilders as $viewBuilder) {
The arguments of the constructor of the ContentObjectProvider
class were changed.
The sulu_content.content_projection_factory_merger
tag was renamed to sulu_content.merger
The sulu_content.normalize_enhancer
tag was renamed to sulu_content.normalizer