Write a Ruby class that implements behavior similar to the ApacheBench tool used for the test in 3. Bank Concurrency.
The interface to use it should look something like this. It doesn't have to look exactly the same, but the same basic functionality should be there. You also don't need to worry about supporting different HTTP methods, if it only works with POST, that's OK. The important thing is that it works with the banking server from the previous exercise. If the syntax is different that’s OK.
bench = HwBench.new(url: "http://localhost:4567/send_money",
method: "POST",
data: "from_account=1&to_account=2&amount=10")
# This will make 1000 total request, and divide the work between 10 different
# threads.
summary = bench.run(num_threads: 10, num_requests: 1000)
# When all of the requests are finished executing, it should return a final
# summary of all the requests made.
summary.num_total_requests # => The number of requests made, 1000
summary.num_requests_success # => The number of requests that resulted in
# response code starting with 2 (for example,
# 200)
summary.num_requests_failed # => The number of requests that either totally
# failed, or had non-200 status code
summary.average_response_time # => The average amount of time it took per
# request.
summary.total_time # => The total amount of time taken for the test.
To actually make the HTTP requests, try Net::HTTP