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kodiakhq[bot] edited this page Mar 1, 2025 · 72 revisions

@sumup-oss/intl / formatCurrencyToParts

Function: formatCurrencyToParts()

formatCurrencyToParts(value, locales?, currency?, options?): NumberFormatPart[]

Defined in: lib/number-format/index.ts:204

Formats a number in the country's official currency with support for various notations.


Parameter Type
value number
locales? string | string[]
currency? string
options? NumberFormatOptions




import { formatCurrencyToParts } from '@sumup-oss/intl';

formatCurrencyToParts(12345.67, 'de-DE');
// [
//   { type: "integer", value: "12" },
//   { type: "group", value: "." },
//   { type: "integer", value: "345" },
//   { type: "decimal", value: "," },
//   { type: "fraction", value: "67" },
//   { type: "literal", value: " " },
//   { type: "currency", value: "€" },
// ]

formatCurrencyToParts(-89, 'ja-JP', 'JPY');
// [
//   { type: "minusSign", value: "-" },
//   { type: "currency", value: "¥" },
//   { type: "integer", value: "89" },
// ]

formatCurrencyToParts(16, 'en-GB', null, { currencyDisplay: 'name' });
// [
//   { type: "integer", value: "16" },
//   { type: "decimal", value: "." },
//   { type: "fraction", value: "00" },
//   { type: "literal", value: " " },
//   { type: "currency", value: "British pounds" },
// ]


In runtimes that don't support the Intl.NumberFormat.formatToParts API, the currency is localized and returned as a single integer part.

The COP and HUF currencies are formatted without decimals.