Base.js gives Base Class with binding, events and defaults params. Base.js more smallest than Backbone.js but gives similar abilities. builded with blacksmith tool
var Point = Base.extend({
defaults: {
size: 80,
color: 'red',
x: 0,
y: 0,
el: '<div class="point"></div'
initialize: function(){
move: function(new_coords){
this.x = new_coords['x'];
this.y = new_coords['y'];
var Scene = Base.extend({
$el: $('#scene'),
defaults: {
points: [],
initialize: function(){
var point1, point2;
point1 = new Point({x: 100, y: 100}) // color will be 'red'
point2 = new Point({x: 200, y: 150, color: 'blue'})
redraw: function(){
// private
_add: function(point){
point.on('moved', self.redraw)
new Scene();