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Pair programming with Eclipse Cloud Development top projects

This is the prototype of the Pair programming plugin for Eclipse Che.


Video of the demos can be found

Last slides done at Eclipse Con NA 2016: Slides

How to run the demo:


Docker 1.10 + Java JDK 1.8


Should be with uid 1000 and be in the docker group. docker ps should work.


Use my Che forked repo

cd /path/to/your/workspace && \
git clone che-flux && \
cd che-flux && \
git checkout assembly4flux
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip -Dfindbugs.skip -N    

Build the plugin

cd /path/to/your/workspace && \
git clone && \
cd che-plugin-flux-live-edit && \
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip -Dfindbugs.skip

Build Che with the plugin (using the forked che)

cd /path/to/your/workspace/che-flux
mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip -Dfindbugs.skip -f assembly/pom.xml && \
cp -rf assembly/assembly-main/target/eclipse-che-*/eclipse-che-* .


-r:ip is optional, replace the ip with your external ip

./eclipse-che-4.2.1/bin/ -r:ip run

Access to Che through with your browser http://ip:8080


To make the demo up and running:

  1. Create a workspace from a custom stack. Provide the following Dockerfile to your stack:

     FROM sunix/chefluxworkspace
  2. Start the workspace, Open in IDE

  3. Import the helloworld project from Github (can actually be any project):
  4. Create a custom command

  • name: flux
  • commandline: sudo service rabbitmq-server start && cd /home/user/flux-master/node.server && npm start
  1. Start the flux command
  2. Open a file to edit
  3. Open a new browser windows to the same workspace, open the same file to edit
  4. And it should work. If not, try to refresh both browser windows.