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217 lines (175 loc) · 6.97 KB

File metadata and controls

217 lines (175 loc) · 6.97 KB

Migrating from version 2.X to 3.0.0

Ktor 3

Starting with 3.0.0, supabase-kt now uses Ktor 3. This brings WASM support, but projects using Ktor 2 will be incompatible. Ktor 3.0.0-rc-1 or later has to be used.

Rename gotrue-kt to auth-kt and rename the package name

  • The gotrue-kt module is no longer being published starting with version 3.0.0. Use the new auth-kt module.
  • Rename auth-kt package name from io.github.jan.supabase.gotrue to io.github.jan.supabase.auth.
  • Refactor SessionStatus
    • Move SessionStatus to its own status package
    • Rename SessionStatus#LoadingFromStorage to SessionStatus#Initializing
    • Rename and refactor SessionStatus#NetworkError to SessionStatus#RefreshFailure(cause) Note: The cause can be either RefreshFailureCause#NetworkError or RefreshFailureCause#InternalServerError. In both cases the refreshing will be retried and the session not cleared from storage. During that time, the session is obviously not usable.

New plugin & Kotlin targets

File uploading & downloading

  • Each uploading method (upload, update, uploadAsFlow ...) now has a options DSL. Currently you can configure three things:
  1. Whether to upsert or not
  2. The content type (will still be inferred like in 2.X if null)
  3. Additional HTTP request configurations Example:"test").upload("test.txt", "Hello World!".encodeToByteArray()) {
    contentType = ContentType.Text.Plain
    upsert = true
  • Each downloading method (downloadPublic, downloadAuthenticated, downloadPublicAsFlow, ...) now has a options DSL. Currently you can only configure the image transformation Example:"test").downloadAuthenticated("test.jpg") {
    transform {
        size(100, 100)
  • Uploading options such as upsert or contentType for resumable uploads are now getting cached. If an upload is resumed, the options from the initial upload will be used.

Postgrest Changes

  • Move all optional function parameters for PostgrestQueryBuilder#select(), insert(), upsert() and Postgrest#rpc() to the request DSL Example:
supabase.from("table").upsert(myValue) {
    defaultToNull = false
    ignoreDuplicates = false
  • Move the non-parameter variant of Postgrest#rpc() to the Postgrest interface. It was an extension function before
  • Add a non-generic parameter variant of Postgrest#rpc() to the Postgrest interface. This function will be called from the existing generic variant

Realtime changes

  • RealtimeChannel#presenceChangeFlow is now a member function of RealtimeChannel. (It was an extension function before)

Apollo GraphQL plugin

The Apollo GraphQL plugin now uses Apollo GraphQL 4.0.0.

Migrating from version 1.4.X to 2.0.0

Migrating from version 1.4.X to 2.0.0


The GoTrue module had a lot of changes including many renames:

  • Rename GoTrue plugin to Auth
  • Rename GoTrueConfig to AuthConfig
  • Rename SupabaseClient#gotrue to SupabaseClient#auth
  • Rename Auth#loginWith to Auth#signInWith
  • Rename Auth#logout to Auth#signOut
  • Rename LogoutScope to SignOutScope
  • Rename AdminUserUpdateBuilder#phoneNumber to AdminUserUpdateBuilder#phone
  • Rename UserUpdateBuilder#phoneNumber to UserUpdateBuilder#phone
  • Rename Phone.Config#phoneNumber to Phone.Config#phone
  • Rename Auth#sendRecoveryEmail to Auth#resetPasswordForEmail

The process of signing in with an OTP & SSO has also been refactored.

There is now a new OTP Auth Provider which does the same as the old sendOtpTo:


supabase.gotrue.sendOtpTo(Email) {
    email = ""
supabase.gotrue.sendOtpTo(Phone) {
    phoneNumber = "+123456789"


supabase.auth.signInWith(OTP) {
    email = ""
    phone = "+123456789"

Similarly, the SSO Auth Provider was also refactored to match the other Auth Providers:




supabase.auth.signInWith(SSO) {
    providerId = "providerId"
    domain = "domain"


The Realtime module also had a few renames:

  • Rename Realtime#createChannel to Realtime#channel
  • Remove RealtimeChannel#join and add new RealtimeChannel#subscribe method, which does the same but also connects to the realtime websocket automatically
  • Add Realtime.Config#connectOnSubscribe to disable this behaviour
  • Rename RealtimeChannel#leave to RealtimeChannel#unsubscribe
  • Add SupabaseClient#channel extension function delegating to Realtime#channel
  • Rename Realtime.Status to reflect the new methods:


The syntax for interacting with the PostgREST API has been refactored significantly. Each database method (SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) now have a new builder and most of the properties which were a method parameter are now in this builder.

The filters now get applied within a filter {} block.




supabase.postgrest.from("countries").select(count = Count.EXACT) {
    eq("id", 1)


supabase.postgrest.from("countries").select {
    filter {
        eq("id", 1)



supabase.postgrest.from("countries").update(country, returning = Returning.REPRESENTATION) { //Returning is representation by default
    eq("id", 1)


supabase.postgrest.from("countries").update(country) {
    select() //Without this the "returning" parameter is `MINIMAL`, meaning you will not receive the data. 
    filter {
        eq("id", 1)

The same applies for all other database methods. Additionally, new methods have been added to this builder:


val result = supabase.postgrest["messages"].select {
     single() //receive an object rather than an array
     count(Count.EXACT) //receive amount of database entries
     limit(10) //limit amount of results
     range(2, 3) //change range of results
     select() //return the data when updating/deleting/upserting (same as settings 'returning' to REPRESENTATION before)
     csv() //Receive the data as csv
     geojson() //Receive the data as geojson
     explain(/* */) //Debug queries
     filter {
          eq("id", 1)

Compose Auth

Compose Auth also had some renames:

  • Rename ComposeAuth#rememberLoginWithGoogle to ComposeAuth#rememberSignInWithGoogle
  • Rename ComposeAuth#rememberLoginWithApple to ComposeAuth#rememberSignInWithApple
  • Rename ComposeAuth#rememberSignOut to ComposeAuth#rememberSignOutWithGoogle

Additionally, Native Google Auth on Android will now use the Credential Manager for Android 14+ devices once again.