This changelog references the relevant changes (bug and security fixes).
To get the diff for a specific change, go to where XXX is the change hash
- Fixed removing all keywords (tags) from an article
- Fixed tests
- keywords and assigned content lists are now being sent as part of the webhook payload
- optimized redirection workflow (no more unnecessary redirections)
- article SEO and social metadata handling improvements (saved metadata properly displayed)
- content lists performance and maintenance improvements
- article extra data migration improved
- if you are upgrading from an instance using
runphp bin/console swp:migration:fill-article-extra
after the upgrade
- if you are upgrading from an instance using
- article date/time update switch
- articles with Legal switch being turned on are publishing now
- route description character limit increased to 1000
- Superdesk and Superdesk Publisher plugin 2.7 compatibility
- various PHP 8.0 and Symphony 5.4 issues fixed
- migration to PHP 8.0
- native Google Cloud Storage support
- slug change in Superdesk now affects article slug in the Publisher by default (with automatic redirection already available)
- changing category covered by publishing rule now updates article URL
- category change resulting article URL change is now addressed with proper redirection
- introducing
environment variable for handling slug duplication criteria - fix for custom redirections
- fix for sorting articles by creating time in the Output control
- fix for the Error log view in the Publisher admin interface
updates with AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage configuration templates
- migration to Symfony 5
- various migration fixes
- fix for Publisher not being available for new users
- fix for article corrections not being published
- fix [#1183] for timestampable update error
- fix [#1186] get client original extension from file as a fallback
- fix [#1184] ES- Added asciifolding analyzer to package fields
- fix [#1181] force retry when the lock is aquired
- improvement [#1180] Use ES index aliases
- feature [#1177] Added support for photo license
- fix [#1179] Fix _swp_analytics and sorting by page views
- fix [#1175] added article updated at timestamp to geo ip cache key
- improvement [#1150] Improve full text search ES queries
- fix [#1168] Attach article to content route on article publish
- fix [#1170] set x-forwarded-for from x-real-ip header
- feature [#1164] update to composer 2.0
- feature [#1169] added byline to the analytics export
- feature [#1167] get the author with the most articles
- feature [#1163] Add term suggestion to search results
- fix [#1155] catch fb ia exception and log it
- fix [#1151] fixed aws url generator
- fix fix docker installation guide url in manual
- fix [#1149] fix route name to prevent duplication conflict after fixtures on theme load
- fix [#1147] publish articles to fbia when clearly stated
- fix [#1146] fixed awss3 adapter
- fix [#1114] move api docs to openapi3 format and remove nelmio api bundle annotations from controllers
- feature [#1145] Split asset url resolvers
- fix [#1144] added migration - route description field
- feature [#1142] FUN-34 - add copyright notice
- feature [#1141] FUN-33 - add description to route
- improvement [#1140] improve article metadata matching against list criteria
- feature [#1139] configure messenger routing keys
- fix [#1137] check if metadata exist before removing
- fix [#1136] fixed filtering by multiple services and subjects
- fix [#1135] delete the format from the scheme
- fix [#1133] allow to paginate the list of menus in API
- fix [#1134] use throwable instead of exception, added retryOnConflict in ES config
- fix [#1132] change item headline to text
- fix [#1131] apple news layout improvements
- feature [#1130] exposed place in packages listing
- fix [#1129] allow to reset apple news config
- feature [#1123] Rewrite metadata
- feature [#1119] Redirect to dynamic route after successful login
- fix expose twitterMedia and ogMedia values in the seoMetadata object in twig
- feature [#1122] exposed profile field in article metadata
- fix [#1116] throw exception when theme installation fails
- improvement [#1112] improve errors messages for tenant not found and issues on connection with superdesk
- improvement [#1110] improve tenant create command
- fix [#1113] Fix oauth endpoints for tests
- fix [#1113] Replace implicit, hard coded, oauth endpoints with explicit endpoints from env
- fix [#1108] Apple news quote, byline and url fixes
- fix [#1107] apple news fixes
- fix [#1105] set text/html as default response content type for template rendering result
- fix [#1103] add docs for new original_url twig function
- fix [#1102] fix content list items ordering
- fix [#1102] add latest articles to content list when filter is empty on list update
- fix [#1099] handle migrated article orginal url and redirect it to new article location
- feature [#1093] pin articles on any position in content lists
- improvement [#1096] bump dependencies to allow usage on php 7.4
- fix [#1092] don't remove content list items when list is limited to 0
- improvement [#1091] allow symfony 5 in settings and storage bundles
- feature [#1086] Redirect old articles slugs to an existing article
- fix [#1084] delete authors API endpoint
- fix [#1085] set the host of the analytics report url
- fix [#1083)] Fixed setting apple news config
- feature [#1081] Apple News integration
- feature [#1082] add limit parameter and better logging to broken embedded images remover
- feature [#1080] add command to remove broken elements from articles body
- improvement [#1079] use sync queues in dev env
- fix [#1065] Fixed settings cache key, make default_language empty string
- fix [#1064] set validator for headline min length
- fix [#1063] fixed date times when null and export only published articles
- improvement [#1062] Add "default language" to tenant configuration
- improvement [#0161] Allow filtering packages by language
- fix [#1060] Handle slideshow items position
- improvement [#1059] Improve media processing on article update
- feature [#1051] Failure Queue API
- improvement [#1050] Improve articles excluding by authors
- feature [#1041] Rewrite consumers implementation to one based on Symfony Messenger
- fix [#1049] Support Token Authenticator only in the API
- feature [#1025] Add analytics export
- feature [#1017] Add redirect routes
- feature [#1009] Restrict access to articles based on geo-location
- improvement [#1008] Add env variable to customize S3 endpoint
- improvement [#1003] @mikeavena Improve install docs
- improvement [#1006] Filter articles by keywords
- improvement [#1001] Add public url to rendition
- improvement [#985] @kottkrig Add lazy load attribute to embedded images.
- improvement [#982] Add feature media to package endpoint response
- fix [#1039] handle items with slugline property set to empty string
- improvement [#1038] search articles by exact author name
- feature [#0134] remove items exceeding content list limit automatically
- feature [#1033] exclude articles by routes
- fix [#1030] fix content push performance with many gallery items
- fix [#1026] fix asset location resolver logic
- improvement [#1021] update content list when new item is added to it
- fix [#1020] handle case when multiple instances work with this same storage
- fix [#1016] fix cache key generation (in twig)
- improvement [#1015] make article media timestampable
- fix [#1013] safely save loader parameters (in dev mode)
- improvement [#1010] improve metadata matching in content lists filters
- fix [#1005] fix article publishing with multiple tenant rules]
- fix [#997] fix duplicated authors in package handling
- feature [#996] handle new superdesk ways for unpublishing content
- improvement [#994] change author biography from string to text in database
- improvement [#993] expose article place for templators
- improvement [#989] add images length to the Image model
- improvement [#984] expose route parent for templators
- improvement [#981] clean up old slideshows on article update
- fix [#980] Fix tags generation for cache invalidation requests
- improvement [#979] set generated classes target dir to var/cache in PackageHydrator
- improvement [#970, #973] Use varnish xtags instead cachetags
- fix [#969] Properly save slideshows when package is updated
- fix [#964] Fix slow content list items loading (internal api)
- fix [#963] Display slideshow's items in a proper order by default
- fix [#958] Log this same (and more) data to filesystem and graylog
- feature [#942] Redirect not found article request to route page - controlled by ENV variable, disabled by default
- feature [#925] oAuth client implementation
- BC BREAK [#834] Changed query params publishedBefore and publishedAfter to published_before and published_after in ES bundle
- feature [#787] Added support for SEO metadata
- BC BREAK/cleanup [#778] Remove Container, Widgets and Revisions concepts from Templates System
- BC BREAK/feature [#643] Added support for Symfony 4.2 & Flex & PHP 7.3
- improvement [#630] Add option to exclude articles from content list items
- bug [#784] Fixed search pagination
- bug [#763] Expose more metadata in article media
- bug [#754] Always cast publishedBefore and publishedAfter parameters to object of type DateTime
- feature [#758] Get next and previous article from content list (in template)
- feature [#740] Related articles
- feature [#732] Set image byline/credit metadata field in the HTML output
- improvement [#730] Allow to filter articles by data stored in extra
- improvement [#727] Turn off loggable extensions on tables
- feature [#724] Schedule article adding to manual content lists
- fix [#722] Fix data send via webhook
- bug [#720] Convert editor3 embedded images format to editor2 format
- feature [#715] Allow to change the article's slug based on settings
- fix [#714] Fix pageviews counting in case of async requests processing
- feature [#713] Add option do define rendition used for article body images
- BC BREAK feature [#711] Move content push processing to queue - require consumer process running
- bug [#708] Allow to render AMP HTML version of content with route of type "content"
- feature [#706] Added Console Command which processes articles' body
- feature [#705] Download media assets whan not found in Publisher database
- feature [#699] Allow to blacklist specific article keywords
- feature [#696] Allow to use first published date as article publish date
- bug [#693] Do not add articles to automatic content lists without filters set
- fix [#689] By default add new item to top of automatic content ligst
- feature [#674] Added webhook for generating preview URL
- feature [#670] Enable password reset
- feature [#669] Added command to import users from JSON files
- feature [#666] Expose values for social accounts for authors
- feature [#665] Added route to redirect to an article page by article slug
- feature [#649] Render media in preview when article is not yet published
- feature [#658] Option to store article comments count
- improvement [#648] Exclude non-publisher created routes from RouteProvider
- bug [#647] Do not allow empty params in ContentListsItemLoader
- bug [#646] Do not enable tenantable filter in articles count handler
- feature [#645] Loader for keyword
- improvement [#642] Change fbia to isPublishedFbia
- bug [#641] Fix the assets URLs generating by Media Manager
- bug [#640] Paywall securing articles doesn't work
- bug [#639] Error in generating url to avatar image
- improvement [#630] Add otpion to exclude articles fron content list items
- feature [#626] Allow to store files on AWS
- feature [#621] Added support for audio/video files
- feature [#620, #625] Add support for auth JWT tokens (used by Coral Talk)
- feature [#618] Implement article CTR calculations
- improvement [#615] Add option reorder routes
- improvement [#613] Add collection loading to route loader
- improvement [#612] Add exclude_article handling to article loader
- feature [#608] Invalidate varnish cache for article and route page when article is updated
- feature [#607] Add time ago extension to twig
- improvement [#603] Add option to force remove tenant
- feature [#593] Added support for media lists/slideshows
- feature [#595] Return paywallSecured property in the "evaluate" API endpoint
- improvement [#587] Update livesite editor
- feature [#583] Allow to mark articles as "paywall-secured" using rules and destinations
- bug [#581] Use domain name from tenant as a value of cookie_domain
- feature [#577] Implement API for package external data
- feature [#574] Paywall implementation
- feature [#573] Collect article impressions data in database
- improvement [#654] Update vendors to symfony4 compatible versions
- improvement [#560] Add sufix (generated from package guid) for duplicated article slugs
- bug [#556] Fixed boolean values in Settings API
- feature [#548] Added periodic ping calls to keep WebSocket connection alive
- bug [#544] List only published articles in content lists on frontend
- feature [#539] Store article author images in publisher
- bug [#531] Assign package to theme generated articles
- bug [#530] Authors without slug after publishing article
- bug [#525] Fixed the status of already published package after the correction
- improvement [#524] Allow to set published to false when publishing an article
- improvement [#521] Unpublish articles (status new) and package (status usable) when it's route is removed
- improvement [#511] Add slug property to author meta
- feature [#506] Wordpress output channel adapter
- feature [#503] Added push integration/notification about newly created package based on WebSocket
- bug [#499] Fixed package preview when template is not set or does not exist
- improvement [#497] Upload theme always to generated (from theme name) directory
- bug [#494] Fixed article's slug line so it can handle chinese chars
- feature [#488] Secure content push to Publisher (option to set secret for organization)
- bug [#479] Fix article author loaders (sorting) and article media loader (cache key)
- improvement [#465] allow filtering by route name in content lists
- feature [#459] Added an option to preview an article before even publishing it
- feature [#462] Added template widget
- bug [#460] Install assets when theme is installed
- feature [#458] Added redirect and notFound functions for twig templates
- feature [#454] Override existing rules by publish destinations
- improvement [#455] Added slug to article author - allow to load authors by slug
- feature [#455] Allow to create custom routes (variable prefix and requirements)
- feature [#451] Allowed to evaluate rules that match given package
- feature [#453] Implemented bulk updates - settings API
- feature [#447] Generate route's slug based on route's name if not provided by default
- feature [#445] Implemented a list of optional values to theme's settings
- feature [#444] Added an to get a single route by name and slug
- feature [#441] Added an option to list articles' authors in Twig templates
- feature [#439] Added support for theme settings and logo upload
- feature [#436] Added support for ordering by articles page views in selected date range
- bug [#431] ignore www prefix in theme resolver
- feature [#429] Implemented articles loading by routes static prefix and allowing to load articles from route children's
- feature [#434] Add support for custom fields
- feature [#428] Added support for authors
- bug [#422] Eliminated rules regression, where tenant rules were not executed and refactored the way rules are handled.
- improvement [#427] Improved the way how the article slug is generated
- bug [#426] Allow different date time format when filtering articles by date range
- bug [#425] Fixed losing alt attribute in images body
- feature [#424] Added option to define in theme config elements (route, articles and more) to be generated on theme installation
- improvement [#423] Add slug field to route. It will be used for url generation instead name field
- feature [#420] Add option to order list by pageViews parameter
- feature [#420] Add statistics to articles. Collect page views and make them visible in template and api
- feature [#416] Add Webhooks system (with API) to publisher
- feature [#394] Add "template_name" parameter to html widget
- feature [#393] Introduce "without" keyword for gimmelist and add refactor article sources to allow better filtering
- [BC Break] feature [#371] Handle article sources (Article source is now an array of sources instead of a string.)
- feature [#379] Add API endpoint for listing available widgets templates in current theme
- feature [#377] Add API endpoint for package update (pubStatus)
- [BC Break] fix [#376] Make domainName field required in tenant create API
- feature [#372] Add Liveblog widget, add external ESI renderer
- feature [#368] Add Content List Loader
- feature [#364] Add two new user settings
- improvement [#360] Allow multiple routes filtering in articles loader
- improvement [#359] Allow removing about field content in user profile
- fix [#353] Fix content list issue when publishing item
- improvement [#352] Add caching to static theme assets
- fix [#350] Add genre property to NINJS schema validator
- feature [RuleBundle] Implemented name and description fields in Rules API
- fix Adding article to content lists on publish (#349)
- fix Set default value for urgency, handle genre as array in package item
- feature ElasticSearch integration & bugfixes (#336)
- feature Use organization instead tenant in user entity
- feature [UserBundle] add API to promote and demote users (add/remove user roles)
- feature Add articles count to tenant and article api endpoints
- feature Add loader for content list items
- feature [UserBundle][CoreBundle] add user profile update and get API, add option to set tenant from console command with optional argument
- feature [Content Bundle] add option to filter articles by criteria
Full list of commits:
- feature [#324] Added an option to sort collections
- feature [#316] Add possibility to set custom headers and clear cookies with ResponseContext class.
- feature [#314] Add more options to articles filtering api
- feature [#312] Improve user registration
- feature [#312] Add Settings Bundle
- feature [#309] Validate objects based on configured model's validation when content is pushed
- feature [#295] Implemented article preview for users with special privileges
- feature [#297] Add API to delete article
- feature [#294] Add support for Manual Content List in API
- feature [#281] Allow to filter articles by route id in API
- feature [#280] Add correct Content-Type header to routes with extensions
- feature [#279] Allow to filter articles by status in API
- bug [#270] Rely on "evelovedfrom" property instead of a slug
- bug [#268] Fixed filtering content lists items by criteria
- feature [#212] Implement revisions system for containers
- feature [#265] Add command to list tenants
- feature [#235] Add API endpoint for rendering single container (and its content)
- feature [#219] Automatically create menu widget when root menu/navigation is created
- feature [#218] Assign article to route of type content automatically when article is published
- feature [#215] Filter articles by metadata in gimmelist
- feature [#213] Implement and expose article's keywords
- feature [#211] Create Automatic list widget
- feature [#209] Add option to ignore context meta in loaders
- feature [#209] Add rendition loader (gimme rendition) from article media
- feature [#203] Added option to access theme assets with simple /public/{fileName} links
- change [#207] Changed serialized properties naming strategy from underscore to camelCase
- feature [#184] Added Google AMP HTML integration
- feature [#182] [CoreBundle] Implement API token authentication
- feature [#181] [MenuBundle] Implement possibility to move menu items
- feature [#176] Added a new way to dynamically handle "resolve target entities"
- feature [#176] Introduced better inheritance mapping
- feature [#168] Added automatic content lists
- feature [#173] Add user registration and login features
- bug/feature/maintenance [#165] Switch to ORM as main storage backend
- maintenance [#156] added memcached to project requirements and configured it as default sessions handler
- maintenance [#156] Specified project requirements
- feature [#155] Upgrade Symfony version to 3.1
- feature [#153] Bump lowest PHP version to ^7.0
- bug [#152] [ContentBundle] If I correct a headline, it and its article are published in addition to the original (takeit)
- feature [#138] [RuleBundle][Rule][ContentBundle] Added content to route mapping with simple rules managed by API (takeit)
- feature [#139] Add default templates for error pages.
- feature [#128] [ContentBundle] Add route type constraint validator (takeit)
- bug [#128] [ContentBundle] Improve possibility to un-assign/assign parent routes (takeit)
- feature [#132] [Template System][TemplateEngine Bundle] implement pagination in gimmelist
- bug [#128] [ContentBundle] Un-assigning content from route doesn't work (takeit)
- feature [#128] [ContentBundle] Allow to assign/un-assign route to article (takeit)
- bug [#129] [CoreBundle][ContentBundle] Change template name discovery, add articles_template_name to route (see updated documentation)
- bug [#123] [ContentBundle][Bridge] Article's body is not pre-filled (takeit)
- bug [#122] [Templates System] add custom cache key generator for meta objects
- feature [#120] Make routes of "collection" type accessible (takeit)
- bug [#120] Can't assign content to route of type "collection" (takeit)
- feature [#115] Allow to read/write article metadata based on provided package (takeit)
- bug [#108] Set current route to context {{ gimme.route }} (djbrd-sourcefabric, ahilles107)
- feature [#105] Make Meta context aware - every property inside Meta class will be converted to Meta if config for it will be registered (ahilles107)
- feature [#105] Implement Article Media handling - handle images coming with packages and items (ahilles107)