Expense payments
Related item
Add new expense. If you want to add tags to expense, refer to FAQ > How do I add tags to an entity?.
URL: /expenses/add
HTTP method: POST
# simple example
"Expense": {
"name": "Foo bar",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 12.14
# multiple VAT rates example
"name":"Expense with multiple VAT rates",
"vat": 21,
"amount": 100,
"vat2": 10,
"amount2": 100,
"vat3": 0,
"amount3": 100
# example with Expense extra
"name": "Foo bar 2",
"currency": "NOK",
"amount": 12.14,
"vat": 21
"vat_transfer": 1
# example with items
"name":"Expense with items"
"description": "description of item 1",
"name": "item 1",
"tax": 20,
"unit_price": 10
# example with client
"Expense": {
"name": "Client inside",
"currency": "EUR",
"amount": 12.14
"name": "Comp Any Ltd",
"ico": "12345678",
"comment": "no comment",
"update_addressbook": 1,
"iban": "XX00000000001",
"swift": "98765"
curl -X POST \
-d "data=$data" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
# ================================================
# example with attachment
base64_attachment=$(base64 -w 0 /tmp/foo.pdf);
curl -X POST \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
-d @- \
https://moja.superfaktura.sk/expenses/add <<CURL_DATA
"name":"Expense with multiple VAT rates",
"vat": 21,
"amount": 100,
"vat2": 10,
"amount2": 100,
"vat3": 0,
"amount3": 100,
name | type | description | default value |
name | string | expense name |
name | type | description | default value |
attachment | string | base64 encoded attachment - max file size: 4MB, allowed types: jpg , jpeg , png , tif , tiff , gif , pdf , tmp , xls , xlsx , ods , doc , docx , xml , csv , msg |
already_paid | int | is invoice already paid? (0=no, 1=yes) | 0 |
amount | float | amount of money without VAT. Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
amount2 | float | amount of money without VAT (when multiple VAT rates are necessary). Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
amount3 | float | amount of money without VAT (when multiple VAT rates are necessary). Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
client_id | int | client ID | |
comment | string | comment | |
constant | string | constant symbol | |
created | date | issue date | <current date> |
currency | string | currency (see Value lists > Currencies) | <home currency> |
delivery | date | delivery date | <current date> |
document_number | string | document number, (e.g. invoice number, bill number, ...) | |
due | date | due date | <current date> |
expense_category_id | int | expense category ID (see Value lists > Expense categories) | |
payment_type | string | payment type (see Value lists > Payment types) | |
specific | string | specific symbol | |
taxable_supply | date | date of taxable transaction | null |
type | string | expense typ (see Value lists > Invoice types) | 'invoice' |
variable | string | variable symbol | |
vat | string | VAT in percent. Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
vat2 | string | VAT in percent (when multiple VAT rates are necessary). Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
vat3 | string | VAT in percent (when multiple VAT rates are necessary). Only use with version: "basic" |
0 |
version | string | expense version - 'basic' (expense without items, only VAT rates) or 'items' (expense with items) | 'basic' |
name | type | description | default value |
vat_transfer | int | Flag determines whether the document VAT is transfered to supplier |
"data": {
"Client": [],
"Document": [],
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"amount": 12.14,
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "12.1400",
"amount_home": "12.1400",
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_paid_vat": 0,
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "1",
"flag": "issued",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "1",
"missing_bank_account": true,
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2020001",
"paid": 0,
"paid_vat": 0,
"paydate": null,
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": [],
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "12.1400",
"total_country_home": "12.1400",
"total_home": "12.1400",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": 0,
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null,
"version": "basic"
"ExpenseBasicRate": [
"amount": "12.1400",
"id": "1",
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400"
"ExpenseExtra": [],
"ExpenseItem": [
"description": null,
"discount": "0.00000",
"discount_description": null,
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"ordernum": "0",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400",
"type": "rate",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "12.1400",
"unit_total": "12.1400"
"ExpensePayment": [],
"MyData": {
"address": "Pri Suchom mlyne 6",
"business_register": "Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 81403/B",
"city": "Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto",
"company_name": "SuperFaktura, s.r.o.",
"company_type": "ltd",
"country_id": "191",
"dic": "2023513470",
"ic_dph": "SK2023513470",
"ico": "46655034",
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"tax_payer": "1",
"user_id": 1,
"vat_interval": null,
"zip": "811 04"
"RelatedItem": [],
"Tag": [],
"VatSummary": [
"base": 12.14,
"vat": 0
"attachments": []
"error": 0,
"error_message": "",
"status": 1
HTTP status 403.
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu.",
"message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu."
"error": 1,
"error_message": {
"number": [
"Číslo dokladu sa nezhoduje s uvedeným obdobím"
HTTP status 400.
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Chýbajúce údaje",
"message": "Chýbajúce údaje"
Edit expense.
It's strongly recommended fetching data for expense, change required values, and then request edit. If you want to add tags to expense, refer to FAQ > How do I add tags to an entity?
URL: /expenses/edit
HTTP method: POST
"name":"Foo bar",
curl -X POST \
-d "data=$data" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
Edit expense with items:
"id": 30,
"name":"Expense with items edited"
"id": 32,
"description": "Description of item 1",
"name": "Item 1",
"tax": 25,
"unit_price": 100
"description": "Description of new item",
"name": "Item 2",
"tax": 15,
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 100
curl -X POST \
-d "data=$data" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | expense id |
Same as for Add expense. With the exception of name being optional.
"data": {
"Client": [],
"Document": [],
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"amount": 19.95,
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "19.9500",
"amount_home": "19.9500",
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_paid_vat": 0,
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2148-01-01 00:00:00",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "1",
"flag": "issued",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "1",
"missing_bank_account": true,
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2020001",
"paid": 0,
"paid_vat": 0,
"paydate": null,
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": [],
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "19.9500",
"total_country_home": "19.9500",
"total_home": "19.9500",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": 0,
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null,
"version": "basic"
"ExpenseBasicRate": [
"amount": "19.9500",
"id": "1",
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "19.9500"
"ExpenseExtra": [],
"ExpenseItem": [
"description": null,
"discount": "0.00000",
"discount_description": null,
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"ordernum": "0",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "19.9500",
"type": "rate",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "19.9500",
"unit_total": "19.9500"
"ExpensePayment": [],
"MyData": {
"address": "Pri Suchom mlyne 6",
"business_register": "Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 81403/B",
"city": "Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto",
"company_name": "SuperFaktura, s.r.o.",
"company_type": "ltd",
"country_id": "191",
"dic": "2023513470",
"ic_dph": "SK2023513470",
"ico": "46655034",
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"tax_payer": "1",
"user_id": 1,
"vat_interval": null,
"zip": "811 04"
"RelatedItem": [],
"Tag": [],
"VatSummary": [
"base": 19.95,
"vat": 0
"attachments": []
"error": 0,
"error_message": "",
"status": 1
"error": 3,
"error_message": "Bad data format."
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Expense not found",
"message": "Expense not found"
HTTP status 403.
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu.",
"message": "Ako používateľ typu Hosť nemáte oprávnenie na túto akciu."
"error" : 5,
"error_message" : "The expense could not be saved. Please, try again.",
"message" : "The expense could not be saved. Please, try again."
URL: /expense/view/{ID}.json
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | expense ID |
"Client": [],
"Document": [],
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"amount": 12.14,
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "12.1400",
"amount_home": "12.1400",
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_paid_vat": 0,
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "1",
"flag": "issued",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "1",
"missing_bank_account": true,
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2020001",
"paid": 0,
"paid_vat": 0,
"paydate": null,
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": {
"0.00": {
"base": 12.14,
"vat": 0
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "12.1400",
"total_country_home": "12.1400",
"total_home": "12.1400",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": 0,
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null,
"version": "basic"
"ExpenseBasicRate": [
"amount": "12.1400",
"id": "1",
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400"
"ExpenseExtra": [],
"ExpenseItem": [
"description": null,
"discount": "0.00000",
"discount_description": null,
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"ordernum": "0",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400",
"type": "rate",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "12.1400",
"unit_total": "12.1400"
"ExpensePayment": [],
"MyData": {
"address": "Pri Suchom mlyne 6",
"business_register": "Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 81403/B",
"city": "Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto",
"company_name": "SuperFaktura, s.r.o.",
"company_type": "ltd",
"country_id": "191",
"dic": "2023513470",
"ic_dph": "SK2023513470",
"ico": "46655034",
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"tax_payer": "1",
"user_id": 1,
"vat_interval": null,
"zip": "811 04"
"RelatedItem": [],
"Tag": [],
"VatSummary": [
"base": 12.14,
"vat": 0
"attachments": []
Number of amount*
and vat*
are equal to number of expense items.
= 1st item's amount without VATamount2
= 2nd item's amount without VATvat
= 1st item's VAT ratevat2
= 2nd item's VAT rate
"data": {
"Client": [],
"Document": [],
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01",
"amount": 100,
"amount2": 100,
"amount3": 200,
"amount4": 50,
"amount5": 100,
"amount_country_home": "550.0000",
"amount_home": "550.0000",
"amount_paid": 0,
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"client_id": "1",
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01 00:00:00",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01 00:00:00",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2050-01-01 00:00:00",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "7",
"flag": "issued",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "180",
"missing_bank_account": false,
"modified": "2050-01-01 09:17:44",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Náklad 2050007",
"number": "2050007",
"paid": 0,
"paid_vat": 0,
"paydate": null,
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": [],
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"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "635.0000",
"total_country_home": "635.0000",
"total_home": "635.0000",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": 40,
"vat2": 30,
"vat3": 20,
"vat4": 10,
"vat5": 0,
"version": "items"
"ExpenseExtra": [],
"ExpenseItem": [
"description": "description",
"discount": null,
"discount_description": null,
"id": "253",
"name": "Item A",
"ordernum": "0",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "40.00",
"total": "140.0000",
"type": "item",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "100.0000",
"unit_total": "140.0000"
"description": "description",
"discount": null,
"discount_description": null,
"id": "254",
"name": "Item B",
"ordernum": "1",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "30.00",
"total": "130.0000",
"type": "item",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "100.0000",
"unit_total": "130.0000"
"description": "description",
"discount": null,
"discount_description": null,
"id": "255",
"name": "Item C",
"ordernum": "2",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "20.00",
"total": "240.0000",
"type": "item",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "200.0000",
"unit_total": "240.0000"
"description": "description",
"discount": null,
"discount_description": null,
"id": "256",
"name": "Item D",
"ordernum": "3",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "10.00",
"total": "55.0000",
"type": "item",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "50.0000",
"unit_total": "55.0000"
"description": "description",
"discount": null,
"discount_description": null,
"id": "257",
"name": "Item E",
"ordernum": "4",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "100.0000",
"type": "item",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "100.0000",
"unit_total": "100.0000"
"ExpensePayment": [],
"MyData": {
"address": "Pri Suchom mlyne 6",
"business_register": "Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 81403/B",
"city": "Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto",
"company_name": "SuperFaktura, s.r.o.",
"company_type": "ltd",
"country_id": "191",
"dic": "2023513470",
"ic_dph": "SK2023513470",
"ico": "46655034",
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"tax_payer": "1",
"user_id": 1,
"vat_interval": null,
"zip": "811 04"
"RelatedItem": [],
"Tag": [],
"VatSummary": {
"0": {
"base": 100,
"vat": 0
"10": {
"base": 50,
"vat": 5.000000000000007
"20": {
"base": 200,
"vat": 40
"30": {
"base": 100,
"vat": 30
"40": {
"base": 100,
"vat": 40
"attachments": []
"error": 0,
"error_message": "",
"status": 1
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Expense not found",
"message": "Expense not found"
Get list of expenses
URL: /expenses/index.json[/{ATTRIBUTE}:{VALUE}]*
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=' \
From pattern URL, ATTRIBUTE
is name of attribute in table below.
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
amount_from | float | minimum amount of money | |
amount_to | float | maximum amount of money | |
category | int | category ID | |
client_id | int | client ID | |
created | int | constant specifying time filtering (see Value lists > Time filter constants) | |
modified | int | constant specifying time filtering (see Value lists > Time filter constants) | |
created_since | date | created date since (requires created:3 ) |
created_to | date | created date until (requires created:3 ) |
modified_since | date | modified date since (requires modified:3 ) |
modified_to | date | modified date until (requires modified:3 ) |
delivery | int | constant specifying time filtering (see Value lists > Time filter constants) | |
delivery_since | date | delivery date since (requires delivery:3 ) |
delivery_to | date | delivery date until (requires delivery:3 ) |
direction | string | sorting direction (ASC or DESC) | DESC |
due | date | due date | |
listinfo | int | show meta data about result? (0=no, 1=yes) | 0 |
page | int | page number | 1 |
payment_type | string | payment type (see Value lists > Payment types) | |
per_page | int | number of items per page (max 100) | >as set in profile< |
search | string | base64 encoded string (e.g. test = dGVzdA,, ) |
sort | string | attribute to sort by, default regular_count | ASC |
status | int / string | expense status (see Value lists > Expense statuses). When used as string, use pipe (| ) to add various statuses (e.g. 1|2 ) |
type | string | expense type (see Value lists > Expense types) |
"itemCount": 3,
"items": [
"Client": [],
"Document": [],
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"amount": 12.14,
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "12.1400",
"amount_home": "12.1400",
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_paid_vat": 0,
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2050-01-01",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "2",
"flag": "issued",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "2",
"is_payable_by_tatrabanka": false,
"missing_bank_account": true,
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2020002",
"paid": 0,
"paid_vat": 0,
"paydate": null,
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": [],
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "12.1400",
"total_country_home": "12.1400",
"total_home": "12.1400",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": 0,
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null,
"version": "basic"
"ExpenseBasicRate": [
"amount": "12.1400",
"id": "2",
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400"
"ExpenseExtra": [],
"ExpenseItem": [
"description": null,
"discount": "0.00000",
"discount_description": null,
"id": "2",
"name": null,
"ordernum": "0",
"quantity": "1.00000",
"stock_item_id": null,
"tax": "0.00",
"total": "12.1400",
"type": "rate",
"unit": null,
"unit_price": "12.1400",
"unit_total": "12.1400"
"ExpensePayment": [],
"MyData": {
"address": "Pri Suchom mlyne 6",
"business_register": "Obchodný register Okresného súdu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vložka č. 81403/B",
"city": "Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto",
"company_name": "SuperFaktura, s.r.o.",
"company_type": "ltd",
"country_id": "191",
"dic": "2023513470",
"ic_dph": "SK2023513470",
"ico": "46655034",
"id": "1",
"name": null,
"tax_payer": "1",
"user_id": 1,
"vat_interval": null,
"zip": "811 04"
"RelatedItem": [],
"Tag": [],
"VatSummary": [
"base": 12.14,
"vat": 0
"attachments": []
"page": 2,
"pageCount": 3,
"perPage": 1
Delete expense.
URL: /expenses/delete/{ID}
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H 'Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=' \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
id | int | expense ID |
"message": "Expense deleted",
"status": "success"
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Expense not found",
"message": "Expense not found"
"message": "Expense was not deleted",
"status": "error"
"error": 2,
"error_message": "Error deleting expense."
Pays expense.
URL: /expense_payments/add
HTTP method: POST
curl -X POST \
-d "data=$data" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
name | type | description | default value |
amount | float | amount of money | |
expense_id | int | expense ID, to which payment will be added |
name | type | description | default value |
created | date | date when payment was made (YYYY-MM-DD ) |
<current date> |
currency | string | currency code (see Value lists > Currencies) | <home currency> |
payment_type | string | payment type (see Value-lists > Payment types) | transfer |
"data": {
"ExpensePayment": {
"amount": 12,
"currency": "EUR",
"expense_id": 1,
"id": "1"
"error": 0,
"expense": {
"accounting_date": "2050-01-01",
"amount": "12.1400",
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "12.1400",
"amount_home": "12.1400",
"amount_paid": 12,
"amount_paid_vat": 12,
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2050-01-01",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2050-01-01",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2050-01-01",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "1",
"flag": "partially-paid",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "1",
"missing_bank_account": true,
"modified": "2050-01-01 23:59:59",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2020001",
"paid": 12,
"paid_vat": 12,
"paydate": "2050-01-01",
"qr": "",
"qr_type": "",
"qr_url": "",
"qr_url_max": "",
"rates": [],
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "2",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2050-01-01",
"total": "12.1400",
"total_country_home": "12.1400",
"total_home": "12.1400",
"type": "invoice",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": "0.0000",
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null,
"version": "basic"
"message": "Úhrada bola uložená"
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Chýbajúce údaje",
"message": "Chýbajúce údaje"
"error": 1,
"message": "Expense not found"
Delete expense payment.
URL: /expense_payments/delete/{PAYMENT_ID}
HTTP method: GET
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
URL parameters:
name | type | description | default value |
payment_id | int | payment ID |
"error": 0,
"message": "Úhrada nákladu bola zmazaná"
"error": 1,
"message": "Platba sa nenašla"
"error": 1,
"message": "Expense payment was not deleted"
Add related item (document).
URL: /expenses/addRelatedItem
HTTP method: POST
"parent_id": 1,
"parent_type": "expense",
"child_id": 2,
"child_type": "invoice"
curl -X POST \
-d "data=$data" \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
name | type | description | default value |
parent_id | int | parent document ID | |
parent_type | string | type of document (invoice,expense) | |
child_id | int | child document ID | |
child_type | string | type of document (invoice,expense) |
"data": {
"Expense": {
"accounting_date": "2022-08-17",
"amount": "12.1400",
"amount2": null,
"amount3": null,
"amount_country_home": "12.1400",
"amount_home": "12.1400",
"amount_paid": "0.0000",
"amount_paid_vat": "0.0000",
"client_data": null,
"client_id": null,
"comment": null,
"constant": null,
"country_exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"created": "2022-08-17",
"currency": "EUR",
"delivery": "2022-08-17",
"demo": "0",
"discount": "0",
"discount_total": "0.0000",
"display_name": "Foo bar",
"document_number": null,
"due": "2022-08-17",
"exchange_rate": "1.00000000000000",
"expense_category_id": null,
"expense_no": "2",
"home_currency": "EUR",
"id": "2",
"modified": "2022-08-17 01:23:45",
"my_data": "{\"id\":\"1\",\"user_id\":1,\"country_id\":\"191\",\"company_name\":\"SuperFaktura, s.r.o.\",\"name\":null,\"ico\":\"46655034\",\"dic\":\"2023513470\",\"ic_dph\":\"SK2023513470\",\"business_register\":\"Obchodn\\u00fd register Okresn\\u00e9ho s\\u00fadu Bratislava I, oddiel: Sro, vlo\\u017eka \\u010d. 81403\\/B\",\"address\":\"Pri Suchom mlyne 6\",\"city\":\"Bratislava - mestsk\\u00e1 \\u010das\\u0165 Star\\u00e9 Mesto\",\"zip\":\"811 04\",\"tax_payer\":\"1\",\"vat_interval\":null,\"company_type\":\"ltd\"}",
"name": "Foo bar",
"number": "2022002",
"paid": "0.0000",
"paid_vat": "0.0000",
"paydate": null,
"recurring": null,
"sequence_id": "9",
"specific": null,
"status": "1",
"tags": null,
"tax": null,
"tax_code": null,
"taxable_supply": null,
"taxdate": "2022-08-17",
"total": "12.1400",
"total_country_home": "12.1400",
"total_home": "12.1400",
"type": "invoice",
"type_translated": "Náklad",
"user_id": "1",
"user_profile_id": "1",
"variable": null,
"vat": "0.0000",
"vat2": null,
"vat3": null
"RelatedItem": {
"id": "2"
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""
"error": 1,
"error_message": "Invalid id"
"error": 1,
"error_message": "invalid data"
Delete relation between 2 documents.
URL: /expenses/deleteRelatedItem/{RELATION_ID}
HTTP method: POST
curl -X GET \
-H "Authorization: SFAPI email=api%40example.com&apikey=c0a4cdcdfe98ca660942d60cf7896de6&company_id=" \
name | type | description | default value |
relation_id | int | relation ID |
"error": 0,
"error_message": ""