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GvS edited this page Mar 3, 2020
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This is an (incomplete) list of projects that use Gevent. If you like to be included, please mail to the Google group. We also maintain a Compatibility page that lists some popular libraries and their compatibility status with Gevent.
- ultramysql A fast MySQL driver written in pure C/C++
- ultramemcache Ultra fast memcache client written in highly optimized C++ with Python bindings
- gevent-db database thread pool
- gevent-memcache A gevent adaption of Memcache from the Concurrence framework.
- gevent-MySQL: Asynchronous mysql driver from Concurrence adapted to gevent.
- psycogreen: An example how to use psycopg2 with gevent. See also examples/psycopg2_pool.py.
- gunicorn: HTTP/WSGI Server for UNIX designed to serve fast clients or sleepy applications.
- pastegevent: Run WSGI applications with PasteDeploy and gevent.
- django-ddp: A Meteor backend written in Django, using the DDP protocol and websockets.
- atami RSS/Atom feed aggregator/filter
- channelstream Websocket/LongPolling server supporting pub/sub channels and JSON REST API for client communication.
- django-rpg: A simple framework to create RPG with gevent and Django.
- indygo pastescript template for a complete django project with pip+virtualenv, fabric, a gevent-based wsgi server and various helpers scripts.
- locust: An easy-to-use user load testing tool
- logglyproxyA syslog proxy server forwarding messages to Loggly via HTTPS.
- mixevent A gevent and REDIS based queue for creating a MixPanel event with Python.
- radiator STOMP broker in python/gevent.
- sec-wall A feature packed high-performance security proxy.
- Shaveet is a zero-config JSONP/CORS long-polling(AKA comet) server.
- tproxy is a simple TCP routing proxy (layer 7) that lets you configure the routine logic in Python.
- hroute simple HTTP proxy based on tproxy.
- uurl URL shortener built with gevent, redis, bottle
- livestream A simple Django app that uses gevent and long polling to add the capability of including live event streams in other Django applications.
- kaylee Distributed MapReduce with ZeroMQ
- miyamoto fast, clusterable task queue inspired by Google App Engine's task queue.
- close.consumer: Gevent based Streaming API consumer
- geventhttpclient: A high performance, concurrent HTTP client library for python using gevent.
- geventirc A simple IRC client using gevent.
- gevent_stomp Stomp library for gevent
- gevent-websocket: Websocket implementation for gevent
- grequests: GRequests: Asynchronous Requests
- nucleon.amqp is an AMQP 0.9.6 client that builds on gevent to offer a synchronous programming model. Greenlet-unaware AMQP libraries all seem to have a callback-based programming model that doesn't fit with the philosophy of gevent.
- websocket fork of gevent-websocket which also includes websocket client
- parallel-ssh An asynchronous parallel SSH client library.
- pydoozer A Python client for Doozerd using gevent
- gevent_request_profiler enables the discovery of blocking/non-yielding code in request-handling servers.
- gevent-playground: Random utilities for gevent.
- gevent-profiler: Profiler for gevent.
- gevent-subprocess A gevent based version of subprocess.Popen.
- gevent-tools gevent tools for creating services
- gevent-curl Integration with pycurl.
- gevent-utils BlockingDetector.
- gevent-socketio socket.io backend
- mwlib: a library for parsing MediaWiki articles.
- nucleon is a microframework for RESTful service-oriented-architecture applications.
- pykka implements the actor model for concurrent programming.
- Restkit: an HTTP resource kit for Python. It allows you to easily access to HTTP resource and build objects around it.
- plivo Rapid Telephony Application Development Framework
- pyramid_socketio Gevent-based Socket.IO pyramid integration and helpers
- kiss.py MVC web framework in Python with Gevent, Jinja2, Werkzeug
- gTornado: run Tornado on gevent's event loop.
- gevent-zeromq Wrapper of pyzmq to make it compatible with gevent.
- Geventreactor Twisted reactor using gevent.core loop.