Go-Rotate-Logs is helper to rolling your logfile, cleanup old log file and backup your log file if more than size you want. its works on different logging that implement io.writer.
This project is used by my companies on production and there is not enough time to make unit testing so maybe something not work for you. use at your own risk.
go get github.com/sutantodadang/go-rotate-logs
Required. dir your log file
Required. filename must end with .log ekstension
Required in Megabyte MB. etc: 10 is equal to 10MB
Optional. if not provide it will default use "backup". etc: foo-backup-1.log
Optional. if true it will add "-" + FormatTime on your file. etc: foo-02-01-2006.log
Optional. required UsingTime True. if no format it will default using rfc3399
Optional. if true it will remove file with mod time before MaxAge
Optional. required CleanOldFiles true. if not provide it will default using 7. etc: equal to 7 days before now
- std log
import (
rotate "github.com/sutantodadang/go-rotate-logs"
logFile := &rotate.RotateLogsWriter{
Config: rotate.Config{
Directory: "path/dir",
Filename: "foo.log",
MaxSize: 10,
UsingTime: true,
FormatTime: "02-01-2006",
CleanOldFiles: true,
MaxAge: 30,
mw := io.MultiWriter(logFile,os.Stdout)
- zerolog
import (
rotate "github.com/sutantodadang/go-rotate-logs"
logFile := &rotate.RotateLogsWriter{
Config: rotate.Config{
Directory: "path/dir",
Filename: "foo.log",
MaxSize: 10,
UsingTime: true,
FormatTime: "02-01-2006",
CleanOldFiles: true,
MaxAge: 30,
mw := zerolog.MultiWriter(logFile,os.Stdout)
log.Logger = zerolog.New(mw).With().Caller().Logger()