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121 lines (92 loc) · 3.92 KB

Run Your Model

Construct the main function. We collect the words, chars and labels to create mapping. Then we map them into indexed tensors and feed to the model for training just like the Java StatNLP.

import random
from examples.linear_ner.reader import read_insts
from termcolor import colored
from examples.linear_ner.neural import LSTMBuilder
from examples.linear_ner.compiler import NERCompiler
from hypergraph.TensorGlobalNetworkParam import TensorGlobalNetworkParam
from common.eval import nereval
from hypergraph.NetworkModel import NetworkModel

from hypergraph.Utils import *
UNK = "<UNK>"
PAD = "<PAD>"

if __name__ == "__main__":

    NetworkConfig.NEUTRAL_BUILDER_ENABLE_NODE_TO_NN_OUTPUT_MAPPING = True ## Always set this to true
    seed = 42
    torch.set_num_threads(40) ## for cpu purpose

    train_file = "data/conll/train.txt.bieos"
    dev_file = "data/conll/dev.txt.bieos"
    test_file = "data/conll/test.txt.bieos"
    trial_file = "data/conll/trial.txt.bieos"

    num_train = 200
    num_dev = 10
    num_test = 10
    num_iter = 200
    device = "cpu" ## cuda:0, cuda:1,
    optimizer_str = "sgd"
    NetworkConfig.NEURAL_LEARNING_RATE = 0.01
    # emb_file = 'data/glove.6B.100d.txt'  ## or None, means random embedding.
    emb_file = None

    NetworkConfig.DEVICE = torch.device(device)
    if "cuda" in device:

    train_insts = read_insts(train_file, True, num_train)
    dev_insts = read_insts(dev_file, False, num_dev)
    test_insts = read_insts(test_file, False, num_test)

    label2id = {START: 0}
    for inst in train_insts:
        for label in inst.output:
            if label not in label2id:
                label2id[label] = len(label2id)
    label2id[STOP] = len(label2id)
    print("label Id Mapping:", label2id)

    max_size = -1
    vocab2id = {}
    char2id = {PAD: 0, UNK: 1}

    labels = [None] *len(label2id)
    for key in label2id:
        labels[label2id[key]] = key

    for inst in train_insts + dev_insts + test_insts:
        max_size = max(len(inst.input), max_size)
        for word in inst.input:
            if word not in vocab2id:
                vocab2id[word] = len(vocab2id)

    numpy_emb = load_emb_glove(emb_file, vocab2id)

    for inst in train_insts:
        max_size = max(len(inst.input), max_size)
        for word in inst.input:
            for ch in word:
                if ch not in char2id:
                    char2id[ch] = len(char2id)

    print(colored('vocab_2id:', 'red'), len(vocab2id))

    chars = [None] * len(char2id)
    for key in char2id:
        chars[char2id[key]] = key

    for inst in train_insts + dev_insts + test_insts:
        max_word_length = max([len(word) for word in inst.input])
        inst.word_seq = torch.LongTensor([vocab2id[word] if word in vocab2id else vocab2id[UNK] for word in inst.input]).to(NetworkConfig.DEVICE)
        char_seq_list = [[char2id[ch] if ch in char2id else char2id[UNK] for ch in word] + [char2id[PAD]] * (max_word_length - len(word)) for word in inst.input]
        inst.char_seq_tensor = torch.LongTensor(char_seq_list).to(NetworkConfig.DEVICE)
        inst.char_seq_len = torch.LongTensor([len(word) for word in inst.input]).to(NetworkConfig.DEVICE)

    evaluator = nereval()

    '''' Training  '''
    gnp = TensorGlobalNetworkParam()
    fm = LSTMBuilder(gnp, len(vocab2id), len(label2id), numpy_emb, char2id, chars, NetworkConfig.DEVICE)
    compiler = NERCompiler(label2id, max_size)
    model = NetworkModel(fm, compiler, evaluator)
    model.learn(train_insts, num_iter, dev_insts, test_insts, optimizer_str)
    '''' End of Training  '''
    ''' Test  '''
    results = model.test(test_insts)

    # to get the prediction for each instance: use: inst.get_prediction()
    ret = model.evaluator.eval(test_insts)