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Setup and Usage

Table of contents


This repository currently allows you to use a script to quickly run the following services and use them to deploy relevant smart contracts to them and observe their outputs in a development environment after configurating environment variables. Further scripts may be run to interact with the smart contracts.

It has only been fully configured to use Local development networks, not Testnets or Mainnet yet. It may work on Testnets, but further modifications may be required to run on Mainnet.

This should make it easy to then customise it for your use case, incorporate tests and deploy it to testnet or mainnet.

Development Environment


flowchart LR
      A[Frontend Client]-->B(Nunya Ethereum Network Public Contract);
      B-->C{custom Ethereum Network Public Gateway};
      C-->D(((custom Relay Network)));
      D-->E{custom Secret Network Private Gateway};
      E-->F(Nunya Secret Network Private Contract);
      style E stroke:#d83,stroke-width:3px;


Codebase Map

  • $PROJECT_ROOT/scripts/ - Script that establishes the Ethereum Development Node service, Secret Development Node service, and Relayer service
  • $PROJECT_ROOT/deployed.json - Output after deployment with $PROJECT_ROOT/scripts/ identifying deployed contract information
  • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat - Ethereum Solidity contracts, deployment configuration, scripts, and deployed ABI artifacts.
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/.env.example - Example environment variables for deploying Ethereum Solidity contracts
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/hardhat.config.ts - Hardhat configuration used for deploying Ethereum Solidity contracts to different networks
    • NunyaBusiness contract - $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/contracts/NunyaBusiness.sol
    • Custom EVM Gateway contract based on this - $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/contracts/Gateway.sol
    • Deployment scripts - $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/deploy
    • Deployed contract ABI artifacts - $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/artifacts
  • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/nextjs - Frontend based on ScaffoldETH 2
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/nextjs/.env.example - Example environment variables for frontend
    • Homepage - $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx
  • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers - Git Submodule based on this fork of the Relayer with modifications.
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/config.yml - Configuration of source and destination networks used by Relayer
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/config.yml - Configuration of private keys used to broadcast transactions emited from a source network to a destination network by the Relayer
    • Note: Ignore other subfolders within $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/ since they are not being used from that Git Submodule
  • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/.env.example - Example environment variables to deploy Secret contracts and integrate with Relayer
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts - configuration file for pre-deployment that uses .env file
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts/nunya-contract - custom private Nunya Secret contract
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts/secret-gateway - custom Secret Network Gateway based on this
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/submitRequestValue.ts - custom end-to-end Example script
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/submitRetrievePubkey.ts - custom end-to-end Example script

Usage Guidelines

Start with Setup Services.

MAINTAINERS: If you are a maintainer of this repository, then consider initially following the steps in _MAINTAINER.

Assumptions, Constraints, Exclusions

In this guide it assumes the Ethereum Local Network, Secret Local Network, and Relayer are being run on a local or remote machine running Linux, since macOS may not support SGX.

If necessary, use scp to copy file changes that are being made on a local machine across to the remote machine (e.g. scp -r $SOURCE root@$REMOTE_IP:$DESTINATION).

In this guide it assumes that you are making changes directly on a local machine or a remote server that supports SGX using vim or similar, or otheriwse configuring your code editor like Visual Studio Code to do so.

Configure Code Editor

  • Setup remote editing if using remote Linux server
    • Install and open Visual Studio Code
    • Install Plugin "Remote Explorer"
    • Remote Explorer
    • Click SSH > + (Note: Replace the IP address below with your own)
      • Enter ssh root@X.X.X.X, choose to update /Users/luke/ssh/config
      • Click X.X.X.X > "root" > "Connect in Current Window"
    • Go to Extensions, search for "solidity", and click the apply that extension to "SSH X.X.X.X" for syntax highlighting
    • Use the "Terminal" in Visual Studio code to interact

Prepare Services


  • Connect to remote server or use local machine if supported (e.g. in the example shown below the Linode server IP address is X.X.X.X)
ssh root@X.X.X.X
  • Configure PROJECT_ROOT to be the path to the directory where you want to install it.

     export PROJECT_ROOT="/root/nunya"
    export USE_NETWORK="localhost" # alternatively "testnet" or "mainnet"
  • Clone into $PROJECT_ROOT

  • Fetch latest from branch 'submit-pubkey'.

     git fetch origin $BRANCH_NUNYA:$BRANCH_NUNYA
     git checkout $BRANCH_NUNYA
     cd $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts/secret-gateway
     git submodule update --init --recursive
     nvm use
     docker stop secretdev && docker rm secretdev
  • Initialise Gitsubmodules to include the Relayer and the relevant branch

     git submodule update --init --recursive --remote

Configure Environment Variables

  • Generate the .env files for the Ethereum and Secret contracts, and associated scripts from the .env.example files.

    cp $ETH_CONTRACTS_PATH/.env.example $ETH_CONTRACTS_PATH/.env
    cp $SCRIPTS_PATH/.env.example $SCRIPTS_PATH/.env
    cp $FRONTEND_PATH/.env.example $FRONTEND_PATH/.env
  • Configure the following files:

    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/.env
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contract-scripts/.env
      • Ensure that in the .env file that RELAYER_PATH is set to the path $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer if using Gitsubmodules, since that will be the parent directory of ./SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/config.yml, which includes the configuration file of the relayer on the same machine, because if you run ./scripts/ it will automatically update that relayer config.yml file if the Secret Gateway contract code hash changes in order for it to work.
      • If you want to deploy to Secret Development Network and Ethereum Development Network, then change the value of USE_ETH_NETWORK and USE_SECRET_NETWORK to both be the same value of localhost. Alternatively to use Secret Testnet and Ethereum Sepolia Tesetnet change the value of USE_ETH_NETWORK to sepolia and change the value of USE_SECRET_NETWORK to testnet. These environment variable values are used in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts under and to determine what network to deploy the contracts to.
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/nextjs/.env
      • Use the same Alchemy API key. Obtain a WalletConnect project ID at
      • Verify the contents of ./packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts
  • Generate the .env file for the Relayer

    cp $RELAYER_PATH/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/.env.example $RELAYER_PATH/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/.env
  • Configure the following files for the Relayer:

    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/.env
      • Development
        • Create a new Keplar Wallet that must use Google to generate an associated private key.
          • Add a value for secret-private-key that you obtain from creating a new Keplar Wallet that must use Google to generate an associated private key, that is associated with an address (e.g. secret1glfedwlusunwly7q05umghzwl6nf2vj6wr38fg)
        • Add for Ethereum Development Node the private key into ethereum-private-key = XXXXX of the .env file to be the same as that used in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/.env. for ETH_DEVELOPMENT_PRIVATE_KEY. IMPORTANT: Exclude the leading 0x.
      • Testnet
        • Add for Ethereum Sepolia the private key into ethereum-private-key = XXXXX of the .env file to be the same as that used in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/.env for ETH_TESTNET_PRIVATE_KEY
          • IMPORTANT: Exclude the leading 0x.
    • $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/relayer/SecretPath/TNLS-Relayers/config.yml
      • Check there is a chain_id and api_endpoint for both an Ethereum Network and a Secret Network, that should both be for development, testing, or mainnet usage. This should already be pre-configured.

Warning: Do not rename $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/deploy/01_deploy_your_contract.ts to 00_deploy_your_contract.ts or it will only compile but will not deploy.

Continue with Run Services.

Run Services

  • Run the following to start the Secret Development Node docker container, the Ethereum Development Node systemd service, and the Relayer systemd service.
     export PROJECT_ROOT="/root/nunya"
    export USE_NETWORK="localhost" # alternatively "testnet" or "mainnet"
     $PROJECT_ROOT/scripts/ | tee $PROJECT_ROOT/run.log
    • Note: If you modified your custom Secret Gateway code and the CODE_HASH changes, the script automatically update the code_hash of the Relay in the relevant Gitsubmodule to match it.
  • Wait. The script outputs "Finished loading" when finished

Continue with Example Interactions.

Example Interactions

The following are examples that interact with the Ethereum and Secret contracts using running services via the relayer.


  • Request Value.
nvm use
yarn run secret:submitRequestValue
Note left of Nunya EVM Contract: yarn run secret:submitRequestValue
Nunya EVM Contract ->> EVM Gateway Contract: unsafeRequestValue()
loop Relayer relaying detected messages
    EVM Gateway Contract-->Relayer: Listen for event and broadcast response
    Relayer-->Secret Gateway Contract: Listen for event and broadcast
EVM Gateway Contract->>Relayer: Detect event emitted by `send()`
Relayer->>Secret Gateway Contract: Broadcast received messages
Secret Gateway Contract->>Nunya Secret Contract: Send tx to `request_value()`
Nunya Secret Contract->>Secret Gateway: Response from `request_value()`
Secret Gateway Contract->>Relayer: Forward response of `request_value()`
Relayer->>EVM Gateway Contract: Forward response to `postExecution()`
EVM Gateway Contract-->>Nunya EVM Contract: Forward to `fulfilledValueCallback()`

It interacts with the Ethereum Development Network by calling the custom deployed EVM NunyaBusiness contract that in turn calls the custom deployed EVM Gateway, which emits an event that is picked up by the custom Relayer, which broadcasts a transaction on the Secret Development Network to the custom deployed Secret Gateway contract, which then calls the custom deployed private Nunya Secret contract, and then the target function returns a response that is sent back via same route in reverse that ends up in a callback function in the custom deployed EVM NunyaBusiness contract.

  • Retrieve Public Key
nvm use
yarn run secret:submitRetrievePubkey
Note left of Nunya EVM Contract: yarn run secret:submitRetrievePubkey
Nunya EVM Contract ->> EVM Gateway Contract: unsafeRetrieveSecretContractPubkey()
loop Relayer relaying detected messages
    EVM Gateway Contract-->Relayer: Listen for event and broadcast response
    Relayer-->Secret Gateway Contract: Listen for event and broadcast
EVM Gateway Contract->>Relayer: Detect event emitted by `send()`
Relayer->>Secret Gateway Contract: Broadcast received messages
Secret Gateway Contract->>Nunya Secret Contract: Send tx to `retrieve_pubkey()`
Nunya Secret Contract->>Secret Gateway Contract: Response from `retrieve_pubkey()`
Secret Gateway Contract->>Relayer: Forward response of `retrieve_pubkey()`
Relayer->>EVM Gateway Contract: Forward response to `postExecution()`
EVM Gateway Contract-->>Nunya EVM Contract: Forward to `fulfilledSecretContractPubkeyCallback()`


  • Get the Secret Gateway public key (signing verification key '0x' prefixed hex string) and base64 encryption key. Note that the ./scripts/ script already automatically uses a similar script to this to copy and paste the gatewayContractPublicKey with verification_key and gatewayContractEncryptionKeyForChaChaPoly1305 with encryption_key into $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts
    yarn run secret:querySecretGatewayPubkey

WIP - Remix

  • FIXME - below is outdated and needs to be updated to include interaction with Ethereum Development Network deployment

  • Interact with the deployed Gateway EVM contract on Sepolia Ethereum

    • Open Remix
      • Choose "File explorer" tab on the left
      • Choose "Upload Folder" icon
      • Choose the contracts folder $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/hardhat/contracts containing the Solidity files
      • Gateway.sol
        • Open Gateway.sol
          • Click compile icon
        • Choose "Solidity compiler" tab on the left
        • Choose version 0.8.28
        • Click "Compile Gateway.sol" and view the warnings by scrolling down
        • Choose "Deploy and run transactions" tab on the left
        • Click "Environment" and choose "Customize this list..."
          • Select "Sepolia Testnet - Metamask"
        • Click "Sepolia Testnet - Metamask" from the "Environment" drop-down list
        • Allow Metamask to switch to Sepolia network in the popup that appears
        • Open Metamask and click the Remix icon and choose to "Connect more accounts..." to and connect the address associated with the ETH_DEVELOPMENT_ADDRESS used in the .env file
        • Select "Account" to be that ETH_DEVELOPMENT_ADDRESS
        • Enter the deployed Gateway EVM address on Sepolia Testnet (e.g. mentioned in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts) and click "At Address"
          • Note: For Ethereum Development Network where a custom Gateway is deployed then we would obtain it from $PROJECT_ROOT/deployed.json after first deploying it.
        • Scroll down to the "Deployed Contracts" section that is autogenerated to interact with the deployed contract
        • Click "secret_gateway_signer_address" to call the Gateway contract getter for that constant and return its value that should be shown as 0x2821E794B01ABF0cE2DA0ca171A1fAc68FaDCa06
      • NunyaBusiness.sol
        • Repeat relevant initial steps above for NunyaBusiness.sol
        • Enter the deployed NunyaBusiness EVM address on Sepolia Testnet (e.g. mentioned in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts) and click "At Address"
        • Scroll down to the "Deployed Contracts" section that is autogenerated to interact with the deployed contract
        • Click setGatewayAddress to create a transaction after providing the following argument to call the NunyaBusiness contracts transaction using the latest value from $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts
          • Note: For Ethereum Development Network where a custom Gateway is deployed then we would obtain it from $PROJECT_ROOT/deployed.json after first deploying it.
          • Retrieve its value by clicking to call CustomGateway
        • Click unsafeSetSecretContractInfo to create a transaction after providing the following arguments config.networkSettings.secret.testnet.secretNunya.nunyaContractCodeHash and config.networkSettings.secret.testnet.secretNunya.nunyaContractAddress using values from $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/config/config.ts
          • Note: For Ethereum Development Network where a custom Gateway is deployed then we would obtain it from $PROJECT_ROOT/deployed.json after first deploying it.
          • Retrieve their values by clicking to calls routing_info and routing_code_hash
        • Click unsafeRequestValue to create a transaction after providing the following arguments 0xb6c2b131 and 10000000

Debugging Services

Watch Services Logs

  • Watch logs of
    • Ethereum Local Node. Verify it calls PostExecution and the callback function in NunyaBusiness.sol contract.
       journalctl -u ethlocal.service -f | tee ~/nunya/ethlocal.service.log
    • Secret Local Node. Optional docker logs -f --tail 10 secretdev.
       docker logs -f secretdev | tee ~/nunya/secret.service.log
      • Decode the base64 result value (e.g. eyJ...n0=\ from Localsecret logs at
         INFO  [enclave_contract_engine::wasm3] debug_print: "msg: PostExecutionMsg {\n    result: \"eyJfcmVxdWVzdF9pZCI6eyJuZXR3b3JrIjoiMzEzMzciLCJ0YXNrX2lkIjoiNCJ9LCJfa2V5IjpbMiwyNTEsMTg4LDE0MywxNjMsMTExLDM0LDE1OCwxNjcsODIsMTE1LDE4OSwyNSwyMzksMTcyLDEyNiw4LDY3LDIzMCwxMzgsNTAsNzcsODEsMTEzLDEyMiwyMDEsNzYsMjE5LDI0Myw1NSwxMzQsMjE0LDg2XSwiX2NvZGUiOjAsIl9udW55YV9idXNpbmVzc19jb250cmFjdF9hZGRyZXNzIjoiMHhBRkZGMzExODIxQzNGM0FGODYzQzcxMDNCQjE3QkRDMUJhMDQ2MDNEIn0=\"
    • Relayer
       journalctl -u relayer.service -f | tee ~/nunya/relayer.service.log


Restart Secret Network Development Node
docker stop secretdev && \
docker rm secretdev && \
sleep 5 && \
cd $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts/secret-gateway && nvm use && make start-server && \
docker logs -f secretdev | tee $PROJECT_ROOT/docker.log
Restart Ethereum Development Node Service
systemctl stop ethlocal
systemctl enable ethlocal
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start ethlocal
systemctl restart ethlocal
systemctl status ethlocal
journalctl -u ethlocal.service -f

Restart Relayer Service

systemctl stop relayer
systemctl enable relayer
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start relayer
systemctl restart relayer
systemctl status relayer
journalctl -u relayer.service -f

Check SecretCLI Version and SecretJS Version

Check use of consistent versions across the codebase (e.g. v1.15.0-beta.19).

Error TypeError: URL.canParse is not a function

This means you are likely using the wrong Node.js version, so just change to the project root directory and run nvm use in that terminal tab to use the version specified in the .nvmrc file.

Error failed to execute message; message index: 0: Execution error: Error during static Wasm validation: Wasm bytecode could not be deserialized. Deserialization error: "Invalid table reference (128)": create contract failed or failed to execute message; message index: 0: Execution error: Error during static Wasm validation: Wasm bytecode could not be deserialized. Deserialization error: "I/O Error: UnexpectedEof": create contract failed

This error may occur if you try to upload the Secret contracts using make build instead of the optimised build using make build-mainnet-reproducible.

Unable to upload code to Secret Network using await secretjs.tx.compute.storeCode

Check if Beta version of secretjs is necessary incase the Secret Testnet is being upgraded or change to a different version. Update the secretjs dependency in $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/package.json to use a version from that both uploads and instantiates (e.g. v1.15.0-beta.19) by asking the Secret Network team.

IMPORTANT: Errors deploying may be because of mismatched types, for example InstantiateMsg here must match here

Unable to automatically update the code_hash in the config.yml file of the Relayer

If the CODE_HASH changes due to changes in the Secret Gateway codebase, the script ./scripts/ should automatically update update the code_hash in the Relayer to match it. If that is not occuring then check whether deployer.json is being updated by the scripts like $PROJECT_ROOT/packages/secret-contracts-scripts/src/uploadAndInstantiateGateway.ts that may have have been run, and inspect the file ./scripts/ or ./scripts/ that reads the deployer.json file for deployed contract information to check it is updating the Relayer using yq correctly.

Check latest Python secret-sdk is being used in the Relayer

Check that it is using the latest version of the Python secret-sdk in requirements.txt

Configuration to Build Secret contracts on macOS (assuming the macOS supports SGX and is not an M1, M2, etc)

Note: Support in scripts of this repository has only been provided so far for Linux that supports SGX, however tips to help deploy it on other machines that may also support SGX are provided.

To build on macOS it was necessary to run the following first as specified here rust-bitcoin/rust-secp256k1#283 (comment). Other details briansmith/ring#1824

/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew install llvm
llvm-config --version
echo "export AR=$(which llvm-ar)" >> ~/.zshrc
echo "export CC=$(which clang)" >> ~/.zshrc
source ~/.zshrc

Unable to debug in production on mainnet

WIP - Run Tests

Run smart contract test with yarn hardhat:test

WIP - Run Frontend


Before you begin, you need to install the following tools:


Start the Nunya NextJS app:

yarn start

Visit app on: http://localhost:3000 or http://X.X.X.X:3000 if hosted on a remote server where X.X.X.X is its IP address. You can interact with your smart contract using the Debug Contracts page. You can tweak the app config in packages/nextjs/scaffold.config.ts.

Further changes:

  • Edit smart contracts such as NunyaBusiness.sol in packages/hardhat/contracts
  • Edit frontend homepage at packages/nextjs/app/page.tsx. For guidance on routing and configuring pages/layouts checkout the Next.js documentation.
  • Edit deployment scripts in packages/hardhat/deploy