- Actor & Component hierarchy
- Transformations system (local & world)
- Shader loading
- Model and Phong material loading
- Basic material system
- Phong lighting system + normal maps
- PBR Shading (with light probe generation for IBL)
- Skeletal animation system
- Shadow mapping for multiple lights (directional, spot or point)
- Parallax Occlusion Mapping
- Ugly SSAO
- FPS camera system
- Postprocessing - HDR, Gamma Correction and efficient gaussian blur
- SMAAT2x, velocity buffer could be useful for implementing per-pixel motion blur
- Basic PhysX integration (with built-in debug system)
- Primitive audio engine using OpenAL Soft; you can only load .wav files for now
- Interpolation system for simple animation
- Some utility classes for future development
- .ogg loading
- Fix calculating the velocity buffer by taking bone matrices from previous frame into account (applies to animated models). SMAA T2x is shaky because of this.
- Add a normal audio engine that is actually useful in any game making process.
- Think of a more catchy name...
Full TO-DO list: https://trello.com/b/TgOo5G0b/game-engine-engine-roadmap
- Mirosław Zelent https://www.youtube.com/user/MiroslawZelent or https://miroslawzelent.pl/
- Joey De Vries https://learnopengl.com/ or https://joeydevries.com/#home