TODO high:
loop lifting
add output testing for pvt/pvt2
block matrix syntax
performance testing?
rename stuff
check rule interactions
better main template
- comment block
- includes
- function decl list
binding: names for context, indices for vectors?
do initial typecheck to check for Void
rewrite compile using visit?
- first figure out why visit is slow
BinOp Expr case
test gcc outputs
control inversion problem
throw error if value re-assigned?
loop hoisting
low level simplification?
a + -(b) --> a - b
- float x; x = y --> float x = y;
- var0 = var1; c --> subst (var1/var0) c
- use Functor instance to simplify
before we do any advanced optimization, make it easy to view the rules that were applied to produce a result
compile notes
- require initially tree-like program with single-assignment
- do initial typecheck
- iterate compiler transform
- inserts decls
- vectorizes assignments
- flattens arithmetic when needed
what is a type?
- currently, a dimension list or Void or primitive type
- will need to add annotations of some kind (for matrix types)
- could use property model
- may need to add more complex type environment