/// HTTP Request NOT INCLUDING THE BODY. This allows for streaming
public struct HTTPRequest {
public var method : HTTPMethod
public var target : String /* e.g. "/foo/bar?buz=qux" */
public var httpVersion : HTTPVersion
public var headers : HTTPHeaders
/// Object that code writes the response and response body to.
public protocol HTTPResponseWriter : class {
func writeHeader(status: HTTPResponseStatus, headers: HTTPHeaders, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void)
func writeTrailer(_ trailers: HTTPHeaders, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void)
func writeBody(_ data: UnsafeHTTPResponseBody, completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void)
func done(completion: @escaping (Result) -> Void)
func abort()
/// Convenience methods for HTTP response writer.
extension HTTPResponseWriter {
public func writeHeader(status: HTTPResponseStatus, headers: HTTPHeaders)
public func writeHeader(status: HTTPResponseStatus)
public func writeTrailer(_ trailers: HTTPHeaders)
public func writeBody(_ data: UnsafeHTTPResponseBody)
public func done()
public protocol UnsafeHTTPResponseBody {
func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
extension UnsafeRawBufferPointer : UnsafeHTTPResponseBody {
public func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
public protocol HTTPResponseBody : UnsafeHTTPResponseBody {}
extension Data : HTTPResponseBody {
public func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
extension DispatchData : HTTPResponseBody {
public func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
extension String : HTTPResponseBody {
public func withUnsafeBytes<R>(_ body: (UnsafeRawBufferPointer) throws -> R) rethrows -> R
/// Method that takes a chunk of request body and is expected to write to the ResponseWriter
public typealias HTTPBodyHandler = (HTTPBodyChunk, inout Bool) -> Void /* the Bool can be set to true when we don't want to process anything further */
/// Indicates whether the body is going to be processed or ignored
public enum HTTPBodyProcessing {
case discardBody /* if you're not interested in the body */
case processBody(handler: HTTPBodyHandler)
/// Part (or maybe all) of the incoming request body
public enum HTTPBodyChunk {
case chunk(data: DispatchData, finishedProcessing: () -> Void) /* a new bit of the HTTP request body has arrived, finishedProcessing() must be called when done with that chunk */
case failed(error: /*HTTPParser*/ Error) /* error while streaming the HTTP request body, eg. connection closed */
case trailer(key: String, value: String) /* trailer has arrived (this we actually haven't implemented yet) */
case end /* body and trailers finished */
/// Headers structure.
public struct HTTPHeaders : Sequence, ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral {
public subscript(name: Name) -> String?
public subscript(valuesFor name: Name) -> [String]
public struct Literal : ExpressibleByDictionaryLiteral { }
public mutating func append(_ literal: HTTPHeaders.Literal)
public mutating func replace(_ literal: HTTPHeaders.Literal)
public func makeIterator() -> AnyIterator<(name: Name, value: String)>
public struct Name : Hashable, ExpressibleByStringLiteral, CustomStringConvertible {
public init(_ name: String)
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xhtml
// Permanent Message Header Field Names
public static let aIM
public static let accept
public static let acceptAdditions
public static let acceptCharset
public static let acceptDatetime
public static let acceptEncoding
public static let acceptFeatures
public static let acceptLanguage
public static let acceptPatch
public static let acceptPost
public static let acceptRanges
public static let age
public static let allow
public static let alpn
public static let altSvc
public static let altUsed
public static let alternates
public static let applyToRedirectRef
public static let authenticationControl
public static let authenticationInfo
public static let authorization
public static let cExt
public static let cMan
public static let cOpt
public static let cPEP
public static let cPEPInfo
public static let cacheControl
public static let calDAVTimezones
public static let close
public static let connection
public static let contentBase
public static let contentDisposition
public static let contentEncoding
public static let contentID
public static let contentLanguage
public static let contentLength
public static let contentLocation
public static let contentMD5
public static let contentRange
public static let contentScriptType
public static let contentStyleType
public static let contentType
public static let contentVersion
public static let cookie
public static let cookie2
public static let dasl
public static let dav
public static let date
public static let defaultStyle
public static let deltaBase
public static let depth
public static let derivedFrom
public static let destination
public static let differentialID
public static let digest
public static let eTag
public static let expect
public static let expires
public static let ext
public static let forwarded
public static let from
public static let getProfile
public static let hobareg
public static let host
public static let http2Settings
public static let im
public static let `if`
public static let ifMatch
public static let ifModifiedSince
public static let ifNoneMatch
public static let ifRange
public static let ifScheduleTagMatch
public static let ifUnmodifiedSince
public static let keepAlive
public static let label
public static let lastModified
public static let link
public static let location
public static let lockToken
public static let man
public static let maxForwards
public static let mementoDatetime
public static let meter
public static let mimeVersion
public static let negotiate
public static let opt
public static let optionalWWWAuthenticate
public static let orderingType
public static let origin
public static let overwrite
public static let p3p
public static let pep
public static let picsLabel
public static let pepInfo
public static let position
public static let pragma
public static let prefer
public static let preferenceApplied
public static let profileObject
public static let `protocol`
public static let protocolInfo
public static let protocolQuery
public static let protocolRequest
public static let proxyAuthenticate
public static let proxyAuthenticationInfo
public static let proxyAuthorization
public static let proxyFeatures
public static let proxyInstruction
public static let `public`
public static let publicKeyPins
public static let publicKeyPinsReportOnly
public static let range
public static let redirectRef
public static let referer
public static let retryAfter
public static let safe
public static let scheduleReply
public static let scheduleTag
public static let secWebSocketAccept
public static let secWebSocketExtensions
public static let secWebSocketKey
public static let secWebSocketProtocol
public static let secWebSocketVersion
public static let securityScheme
public static let server
public static let setCookie
public static let setCookie2
public static let setProfile
public static let slug
public static let soapAction
public static let statusURI
public static let strictTransportSecurity
public static let surrogateCapability
public static let surrogateControl
public static let tcn
public static let te
public static let timeout
public static let topic
public static let trailer
public static let transferEncoding
public static let ttl
public static let urgency
public static let uri
public static let upgrade
public static let userAgent
public static let variantVary
public static let vary
public static let via
public static let wwwAuthenticate
public static let wantDigest
public static let warning
public static let xFrameOptions
// https://www.iana.org/assignments/message-headers/message-headers.xhtml
// Provisional Message Header Field Names
public static let accessControl
public static let accessControlAllowCredentials
public static let accessControlAllowHeaders
public static let accessControlAllowMethods
public static let accessControlAllowOrigin
public static let accessControlMaxAge
public static let accessControlRequestMethod
public static let accessControlRequestHeaders
public static let compliance
public static let contentTransferEncoding
public static let cost
public static let ediintFeatures
public static let messageID
public static let methodCheck
public static let methodCheckExpires
public static let nonCompliance
public static let optional
public static let refererRoot
public static let resolutionHint
public static let resolverLocation
public static let subOK
public static let subst
public static let title
public static let uaColor
public static let uaMedia
public static let uaPixels
public static let uaResolution
public static let uaWindowpixels
public static let version
public static let xDeviceAccept
public static let xDeviceAcceptCharset
public static let xDeviceAcceptEncoding
public static let xDeviceAcceptLanguage
public static let xDeviceUserAgent
/// Version number of the HTTP Protocol
public struct HTTPVersion {
/// Major version component.
public var major: Int
/// Minor version component.
public var minor: Int
public init(major: Int, minor: Int)
public enum HTTPTransferEncoding {
case identity(contentLength: UInt)
case chunked
/// Response status (200 ok, 404 not found, etc)
public struct HTTPResponseStatus: Equatable, CustomStringConvertible, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
public let code: Int
public let reasonPhrase: String
public init(code: Int, reasonPhrase: String)
public init(code: Int)
/* all the codes from http://www.iana.org/assignments/http-status-codes */
public static let `continue`
public static let switchingProtocols
public static let ok
public static let created
public static let accepted
public static let nonAuthoritativeInformation
public static let noContent
public static let resetContent
public static let partialContent
public static let multiStatus
public static let alreadyReported
public static let imUsed
public static let multipleChoices
public static let movedPermanently
public static let found
public static let seeOther
public static let notModified
public static let useProxy
public static let temporaryRedirect
public static let permanentRedirect
public static let badRequest
public static let unauthorized
public static let paymentRequired
public static let forbidden
public static let notFound
public static let methodNotAllowed
public static let notAcceptable
public static let proxyAuthenticationRequired
public static let requestTimeout
public static let conflict
public static let gone
public static let lengthRequired
public static let preconditionFailed
public static let payloadTooLarge
public static let uriTooLong
public static let unsupportedMediaType
public static let rangeNotSatisfiable
public static let expectationFailed
public static let misdirectedRequest
public static let unprocessableEntity
public static let locked
public static let failedDependency
public static let upgradeRequired
public static let preconditionRequired
public static let tooManyRequests
public static let requestHeaderFieldsTooLarge
public static let unavailableForLegalReasons
public static let internalServerError
public static let notImplemented
public static let badGateway
public static let serviceUnavailable
public static let gatewayTimeout
public static let httpVersionNotSupported
public static let variantAlsoNegotiates
public static let insufficientStorage
public static let loopDetected
public static let notExtended
public static let networkAuthenticationRequired
public var `class`: Class
public enum Class {
case informational
case successful
case redirection
case clientError
case serverError
case invalidStatus
/// HTTP Methods handled by http_parser.[ch] supports
public struct HTTPMethod : Hashable, CustomStringConvertible, ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral {
public let method: String
public init(_ method: String)
/* Constants for everything that http_parser.[ch] supports */
public static let delete
public static let get
public static let head
public static let post
public static let put
public static let connect
public static let options
public static let trace
public static let copy
public static let lock
public static let mkcol
public static let move
public static let propfind
public static let proppatch
public static let search
public static let unlock
public static let bind
public static let rebind
public static let unbind
public static let acl
public static let report
public static let mkactivity
public static let checkout
public static let merge
public static let msearch
public static let notify
public static let subscribe
public static let unsubscribe
public static let patch
public static let purge
public static let mkcalendar
public static let link
public static let unlink
This repository was archived by the owner on Nov 23, 2021. It is now read-only.