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File metadata and controls

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Build Environment


You may wish to customize your build environment by doing things such as specifying a custom cache directory for images, or sending your Docker Credentials to the registry endpoint. In this section, we will discuss these and other topics related to the build environment.

Cache Folders

{Singularity} will cache SIF container images generated from remote sources, and any OCI/docker layers used to create them. The cache is created at $HOME/.singularity/cache by default. The location of the cache can be changed by setting the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable.

When you run builds as root using sudo, images will be cached in root's home directory at /root, rather than your user's home directory. If you have set the SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR environment variable, you may use sudo's -E option to pass the value of SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR through to the root user's environment. This allows you to control where images will be cached even when running builds under sudo.

$ export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR=/tmp/user/temporary-cache

# Running a build under your user account
$ singularity build --fakeroot myimage.sif mydef.def

# Running a build with sudo, must use -E to pass env var
$ sudo -E singularity build myimage.sif mydef.def

If you change the value of SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR be sure to choose a location that is:

  • Unique to you. Permissions are set on the cache so that private images cached for one user are not exposed to another. This means that {Singularity} cache directories cannot be shared across users.
  • Located on a filesystem with sufficient space for the number and size of container images you anticipate using.
  • Located on a filesystem that supports atomic rename, if possible.


If you are not certain that your $HOME or SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR filesystems support atomic rename, do not run {Singularity} in parallel using remote container URLs. Instead, use singularity pull to create a local SIF image, and then run this SIF image in a parallel step. Alternatively, you may use the --disable-cache option, but this will result in each {Singularity} instance independently fetching the container from the remote source, into a temporary location.

Inside the cache location you will find separate directories for the different kinds of data that are cached:


You can safely delete these directories, or content within them. {Singularity} will re-create any directories and data that are needed in future runs.

You should not add any additional files, or modify files in the cache, as this may cause checksum / integrity errors when you run or build containers. If you experience problems, use singularity cache clean to reset the cache to a clean, empty state.

BoltDB Corruption Errors

The library that {Singularity} uses to retrieve and cache Docker/OCI layers keeps track of them using a single-file database. If your home directory is on a network filesystem which experiences interruptions, or you run out of storage, it is possible for this database to become inconsistent.

If you observe error messages that mention when trying to run {Singularity}, then you should remove the database file:

rm ~/.local/share/containers/cache/blob-info-cache-v1.boltdb

Cache commands

The cache command for {Singularity} allows you to view and clean up your cache, without needing to manually inspect the cache directories.


If you have built images as root, directly or via sudo, the default cache location for those builds is /root/.singularity. You will need to use sudo when running cache clean or cache list to manage these cache entries.

Listing the Cache

To view a summary of cache usage, use singularity cache list:

$ singularity cache list
There are 5 container file(s) using 74.80 MiB and 18 oci blob file(s) using 71.70 MiB of space
Total space used: 146.50 MiB

To view more detailed information, use singularity cache list -v:

$ singularity cache list -v
NAME                     DATE CREATED           SIZE             TYPE
07a18d51e256ea8c9e8de0   2023-08-14 16:09:04    1.75 KiB         blob
278d875d73f02153bf7ed2   2023-08-14 16:09:03    0.15 KiB         blob
332c15a4bec38b7947aec0   2023-08-14 16:09:03    0.13 KiB         blob
553345aafebc934b169982   2023-08-14 12:14:24    0.95 KiB         blob
7176c5ea9d28ae84d6accb   2023-08-14 16:09:03    0.20 KiB         blob
7264a8db6415046d36d16b   2023-08-11 17:13:59    3.24 MiB         blob
913cf3a39d377faf89ed38   2023-08-11 17:13:59    0.57 KiB         blob
9fda8d8052c61740409c4b   2023-08-14 16:09:04    3.18 MiB         blob
a1d08a2769560809bf03ba   2023-08-14 16:09:04    0.20 KiB         blob
b3283fa64ecd626e391440   2023-08-14 12:14:39    0.99 KiB         blob
b9e0aa7145707602cfc584   2023-08-14 16:09:03    0.12 KiB         blob
c5c5fda71656f28e49ac9c   2023-08-11 17:13:53    1.60 KiB         blob
cc82f5d421a1914e2ce2a8   2023-08-14 12:14:39    0.40 KiB         blob
cf4e5bc0709f07284518b2   2023-08-11 17:13:59    0.40 KiB         blob
deb9cd9f829fea30353f8c   2023-08-14 12:14:39    65.27 MiB        blob
eb9556ecd24f1fa496f2f7   2023-08-14 16:09:03    0.15 KiB         blob
f1dc9184bcff6fbdfd18dc   2023-08-14 16:09:04    0.15 KiB         blob
fd4ed8f3240239c3dde6dc   2023-08-14 16:09:04    2.59 KiB         blob
sha256.9a6ee1f8fdecb21   2023-08-31 09:54:44    2.65 MiB         library
sha256:07a18d51e256ea8   2023-08-14 16:09:05    3.11 MiB         oci-tmp
sha256:c5c5fda71656f28   2023-08-16 14:00:27    3.19 MiB         oci-tmp
sha256:553345aafebc934   2023-08-14 12:14:55    62.68 MiB        oci-sif
sha256:c5c5fda71656f28   2023-08-15 09:02:11    3.18 MiB         oci-sif

There are 5 container file(s) using 74.80 MiB and 18 oci blob file(s) using 71.70 MiB of space
Total space used: 146.50 MiB

All cache entries are named using a content hash, so that identical layers or images that are pulled from different URIs do not result in duplication within the cache.

You can limit the cache list to a specific cache type with the --type / -t option. The cache types are:

  • blob: Configuration and filesystem layers for OCI containers that have been retrieved from a registry or other source.
  • library: SIF images retrieved from a library:// source.
  • net: SIF, squashfs, and extfs images retrieved from http/https URIs.
  • oci-sif: OCI-SIF images created from OCI blobs. These are cached to avoid multiple conversions when a container is run repeatedly from an OCI URI (singularity run --oci docker://alpine).
  • oci-tmp: SIF images created from OCI blobs. These are cached to avoid multiple conversions when a container is run repeatedly from an OCI URI (singularity run docker://alpine).
  • oras: SIF images retrieved from an OCI registry via the oras:// protocol.
  • shub: SIF, squashfs, and extfs images retrieved from a shub:// source.

Cleaning the Cache

To reclaim space used by the {Singularity} cache, use singularity cache clean.

By default, singularity cache clean will remove all cache entries, after asking you to confirm:

$ singularity cache clean
This will delete everything in your cache (containers from all sources and OCI blobs).
Hint: You can see exactly what would be deleted by canceling and using the --dry-run option.
Do you want to continue? [N/y] n

Use the --dry-run / -n option to see the files that would be deleted, or the --force / -f option to clean without asking for confirmation.

If you want to leave your most recent cached images in place, but remove images that were cached longer ago, you can use the --days / -d option. E.g. to clean cache entries older than 30 days:

$ singularity cache clean --days 30

To remove only a specific kind of cache entry, e.g. only library images, use the type / -T option:

$ singularity cache clean --type library

Temporary Folders

When building a container, or pulling/running a {Singularity} container from a Docker/OCI source, a temporary working space is required. The container is constructed in this temporary space before being packaged into a {Singularity} SIF image. Temporary space is also used when running containers in unprivileged mode, and when performing certain operations on filesystems that do not fully support --fakeroot.

The location for temporary directories defaults to /tmp. However, {Singularity} will respect the environment variable TMPDIR, and both of these locations can be overridden by setting the environment variable SINGULARITY_TMPDIR.

The temporary directory used during a build must be on a filesystem that has enough space to hold the entire container image, uncompressed, including any temporary files that are created and later removed in the course of the build. You may therefore need to set SINGULARITY_TMPDIR when building a large container on a system which has a small /tmp filesystem.

Remember to use -E option to pass the value of SINGULARITY_TMPDIR through to root's environment when executing the build command with sudo.


Many modern Linux distributions use an in-memory tmpfs filesystem for /tmp when installed on a computer with a sufficient amount of RAM. This may limit the size of container you can build, as temporary directories under /tmp share RAM with runniing programs etc. A tmpfs also uses default mount options that can interfere with some container builds.

If you experience problems, set SINGULARITY_TMPDIR to a disk location, or disable the tmpfs /tmp mount on your system .

Encrypted Containers

Starting with {Singularity} 3.4.0, it is possible to build and run encrypted containers. The containers are decrypted at runtime entirely in kernel space, meaning that no intermediate decrypted data is ever written to disk. See :ref:`encrypted containers <encryption>` for more details.

Environment Variables

You can set environment variables on the host to influence the behaviour of a build. Note that environment variables are not passed into the build itself, and cannot be accessed in the %post section of a definition file. To pass values into a build, use the :ref:`templating / build-args support <sec:templating>` introduced in {Singularity} 4.0.

Environment variables that control a build are generally associated with an equivalent CLI option. The order of precendence is:

  1. If a flag is represented by both a CLI option and an environment variable, and both are set, the CLI option will take precedence. This is true for all environment variables with the exception of SINGULARITY_BIND and SINGULARITY_BINDPATH, which are combined with the --bind option / argument pair, if both are present.
  2. Environment variables will override default values of CLI options that have not been explicitly set in the command line.
  3. Any default values for CLI options that have not been overridden on the command line, or by corresponding environment variables, will then take effect.


The following variables have defaults that can be overridden by assigning your own values to the corresponding environment variables at runtime:


Set this to login to a Docker Repository interactively.
Your Docker username.
Your Docker password.
Is not obtained from the environment, but is a hard coded default ("/bin/bash"). This is the fallback command used in the case that the docker image does not have a CMD or ENTRYPOINT. TAG Is the default tag, latest.
This is relevant if you want to use a registry that doesn't support https. A typical use-case for this variable is when using local registry, running on the same machine as {Singularity} itself.


Used to specify the remote builder service URL. The default value is Sylabs' remote builder.
Used to specify the library to pull from.
Default is set to Sylabs' Cloud Library.
Used to build an image remotely. (Importantly, such remote builds do not require root access on the local machine.) The default is false.


Used to pass a plaintext passphrase to be used to encrypt a container file system (in conjunction with the --encrypt flag). The default is empty.
Used to specify the location of a public key to use for container encryption (in conjunction with the --encrypt flag). The default is empty.