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Releases: symfony/webpack-encore

Allow new versions of sass, less, stylus and postcss loaders

12 Feb 02:18
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Hi Webpackers!

This release allows you to use the newest version of 4 loaders without warnings:

  • Allow postcss-loader 5
  • Allow less-loader 8
  • Allow sass-loader 11
  • Allow stylus-loader 5

To upgrade:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.1.0"



Happy packing!

Fix for manifest.json file with images & fonts

12 Feb 00:13
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes a problem the "keys" inside manifest.json for some images and fonts - see #907. This was fixed in #921.

If you continue to have any issues with your manifest.json file, please open an issue. We use a 3rd party library - webpack-manifest-plugin - and we've been working with them to smooth out their Webpack 5 compatibility.

To upgrade:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.6"



Happy packing!

Bug fix: using "dev-server" with an https certificate

06 Feb 20:48
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes a problem if you're using the dev-server mode with custom https configuration (like setting a pfx for the ssl certificate). See #903.

If you want to run the dev-server in https with some custom configuration, you should configure it entirely in webpack.config.js. For example, if you're using the Symfony binary and want to re-use its https certificate:

const path = require('path');
// ...

     .configureDevServerOptions(options => {
         options.https = {
             pfx: path.join(process.env.HOME, '.symfony/certs/default.p12'),

Then, do NOT pass the --https flag at the command line. Just run:

yarn dev-server

To upgrade:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.5"

Changes: v1.0.4..v1.0.5


Happy packing!

Fixing incorrect warning with stimulus-loader v2

02 Feb 20:21
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes an incorrect warning if you're using @symfony/stimulus-bridge version 2. It also outputs a warning if you're using v1 of that library.

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.4"

Changes: v1.0.3..v1.0.4


Happy packing!

Fixed performance regression in "watch" and dev-server

31 Jan 18:17
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes a performance regression when using watch or dev-server. In both cases, every "re-build" would take as long as the original build. See #905 for the fix.

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.3"

Changes: v1.0.2..v1.0.3


Happy packing!

Fix bug with dev-server and missing manifest.json file

29 Jan 00:57
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes a bug when using dev-server along with cleanOutputBeforeBuild(). The result would be that the manifest.json file would be missing from the output directory. That was fixed in #901.

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.2"

Changes: v1.0.1..v1.0.2


Happy packing!

Fix invalid options passed to dev-server

29 Jan 00:55
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Hi Webpackers!

This release fixes a bug related to version 4 of webpack-dev-server (which is included in version 1 of this library). The code still relied on several, removed options. See #899 for more details.

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.1"

Changes: v1.0.0..v1.0.1


Happy packing!

Hello Encore 1.0 & Webpack 5!

27 Jan 20:15
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Hi Webpackers!

Today I'm thrilled to release Encore 1.0. In reality, Encore has been stable for years and has, as often as possible, deprecated features instead of hard breaking.

Most importantly, this release upgrades Webpack from 4 to 5, and a number of other dependencies have also been upgraded.

To upgrade run:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^1.0.0"

Changes: v0.33.0..v1.0.0



  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Webpack was upgraded from version 4 to 5.

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADES] The following packages had major version upgrades:

    • css-loader from 3 to 5
    • assets-webpack-plugin from 5 to 7
    • mini-css-extract-plugin from 0.4 to 1
    • style-loader from 1 to 2
    • terser-webpack-plugin from 1 to 5
    • webpack-cli from 3 to 4
    • webpack-manifest-plugin from 2 to 3
    • webpack-manifest-plugin from 3 to 4-beta
  • [DEPENDENCY SUPPORT CHANGES] Encore has changed what versions it supports
    of the following packages:

    • less from 3 to 4 and less-loader from 6 to 7
    • fork-ts-checker-webpack-plugin from 4 to 5 or 6
  • [BC BREAK] Image and font processing was changed from using file-loader
    (and optionally url-loader via configureUrlLoader()) to Webpack 5's
    new Asset Modules.
    In practice, unless you have a highly-configured system, this should
    not cause significant changes.

  • [BC BREAK] The configureUrlLoader() method was removed. See
    configureImageRule() and configureFontRule() - specifically the
    maxSize option and type: 'asset'. The url-loader is no longer used.

  • [BC BREAK] The disableImagesLoader() and disableFontsLoader() methods
    have been removed. See configureImageRule() and configureFontRule()
    for a new option to disable these.

  • [BC BREAK] The configureFilenames() method no longer accepts paths
    for images or fonts. See configureImageRule() and configureFontRule()
    for how to configure these filenames. The configureFilenames() method
    does now accept an assets option, but out-of-the-box, this will not
    result in any filename changes. See configureFilenames() for more details.

  • [BC BREAK] optimize-css-assets-webpack-plugin was replaced by
    css-minimizer-webpack-plugin and the optimizeCssPluginOptionsCallback()
    method was replaced by cssMinimizerPluginOptionsCallback().

  • [BC BREAK] The file-loader package is no longer required by Encore. If
    you use copyFiles(), you will need to install it manually (you
    will receive a clear error about this).

  • [BC BREAK] All previously-deprecated methods & options were removed.

  • [BEHAVIOR CHANGE] The HashedModuleIdsPlugin was previously used to
    help name "modules" when building for production. This has been removed
    and we now use Webpack's native optimization.moduleIds option, which
    is set to deterministic.

  • [configureMiniCssExtractPlugin()] configureMiniCssExtractPlugin() was
    added to allow the MiniCssExtractPlugin.loader and MiniCssExtractPlugin
    to be configured.

  • [enableBuildCache()] Added enableBuildCache() to enable the new
    Webpack 5 build caching.
    This feature should be considered experimental.

Happy Webpacking!

Dependency Upgrades & disableCssExtraction() Flag

03 Dec 18:45
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Yes! New Release!

This release is mostly about upgrading Encore's "dev" dependencies, which don't affect your project. What
this does do is change the versions that Encore guarantees support for. For example, if you have postcss-loader
installed in your app, this release no longer guarantees support for version 3, but we now DO guarantee
support for version 4.

To upgrade run:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^0.33.0"

Changes: v0.32.1..v0.33.0



  • [disableCssExtraction()] Added boolean argument to disableCssExtraction()
    to make it easier to dynamically disable extraction - #756 thanks
    to @football2801.

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Vue 3 was already supported, but the dependencies
    have been upgraded to explicitly support the stable version, instead
    of beta versions - #869 thanks to @weaverryan

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Explicit support for postcss-loader v3 was
    dropped but support for v4 was added - #854 thanks to @railto.

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Support for sass-loader v10 was added - #865
    thanks to @shmshd.

  • Allowed using copyFiles() even if you don't have any other
    entrypoints - #831 thanks to @pszalko.

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Support for ts-loader was upgraded from
    ^5.3 to ^8.0.1. This means that only ^8.0.1 of ts-loader
    is guaranteed to work - #800 thanks to @skmedix.

  • [DEPENDENCY UPGRADE] Support for eslint v5 was removed but support
    for v7 was added. Also, eslint-loader support for v3 was removed
    but support for v4 was added - see #774 thanks to @Kocal.

Happy packing!

Fixing requirement on @symfony/stimulus-bridge/webpack-helper module

03 Dec 12:44
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Hey Webpackers!

This release contains a bug fix for 0.32.0 where Encore would always require
the @symfony/stimulus-bridge/webpack-helper module, even if you were not
using the Stimulus helper.

To upgrade run:

yarn upgrade "@symfony/webpack-encore@^0.32.1"

Changes: v0.32.0..v0.32.1



  • Fixing a bug where the new Stimulus Bridge always required the
    @symfony/stimulus-bridge/webpack-helper module, even if you
    were not using this feature - #863 thanks to @Kocal