⚠️ WARNING This contract is still in the proof-of-concept stage, and not compatible with IBC at present.
An implementation of ETH light client in CKB chain.
We want to verify Ethereum (a.k.a. ETH) transactions in Nervos CKB (CKB in short).
We will provide two CKB contracts to implement that:
First contract is used to synchronize ETH state into CKB.
This contract will be a type script.
We called it "client type lock".
Second contract is used to verify ETH transactions in CKB.
This contract will be an executable binary which saved in a CKB cell, and it could be called from another contract as a cell dep.
We called it "verify bin".
And when users want to verify a ETH transaction, they still have to write another contract to invoke the "verify bin", and this contract contains users own business logic.