Pull requests that update Go code
Syndesis shared common module
Supported camel connectors
Tools for developing Syndesis extensions
Installing Syndesis (templates, scripts)
Library used in the the integration runtimes
Service for connector meta-data and verification of connections
Infrastructure operator related
S2I base image for building integrations
REST backend for managing integrations
User interface SPA, talking to the REST backend
User experience (UX) designs
For issues that aren't supposed to be verified by QE
Pull requests that update Java code
Pull requests that update Javascript code
Issues related with monitoring topic
Notify the docs team that a doc update or addition is required
Issue needs input from product management
The issue needs triage. Applied automatically to all new issues.
Ping UX team that UX related changes are involved
Applied by pure-bot when a review is approved
This PR requires a backport to the latest patch branch
Use this if you want to have a review. pure-bot will prevent merging if set and no review given
Mark work-in-progress with this label. pure-bot won't merge a PR if this is set.
Pull request targets branch 1.4.x