This example uses:
- apollo-server for schema first development
- graphql for graphql runtime
- nodemon for hot-reloading
- clients/allergens.js
- Client for communicating with allergens REST API. Perfect for stealing if you don't want to implement this your self!
- clients/allergensApollo.js
- Alternative client for communicating with allergens REST API through the use of apollo-link.
- clients/marketPrice.js
- Client for communicating with marketPrice GraphQL API. Perfect for stealing if you don't want to implement this your self!
- storage/memory.js
- Simple in memory fake datastore that has ingredients, dishes and orders
- schema.js
- GraphQL schema
- resolvers/base.js
- GraphQL base resolver, all other resolvers are sown together here. Follow the imports for query/mutation/object resolvers.