This document provides users with step-by-step instructions on how to compile and usemod_tile
and renderd
Please see our Continuous Integration script for more details.
A Docker-based building & testing setup pipeline is also available here for your convenience.
CentOS Stream does not provide a mapnik
package, so it will first need to be built & installed, which is beyond the scope of this document, please visit the project's installation document on GitHub or our Continuous Integration script for more information.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Update config-manager DNF plugin
sudo dnf --assumeyes install "dnf-command(config-manager)"
# Enable CRB Repository
sudo dnf config-manager --save --setopt=crb.enabled=1
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Update installed packages
sudo dnf --assumeyes update
# Install build dependencies
# (libmemcached-devel & librados2-devel are optional)
sudo dnf --assumeyes install epel-release
sudo dnf --assumeyes --setopt=install_weak_deps=False install \
boost-devel \
cairo-devel \
cmake \
gcc \
gcc-c++ \
gdal \
git \
glib2-devel \
harfbuzz-devel \
httpd-devel \
iniparser-devel \
libcurl-devel \
libicu-devel \
libjpeg \
libmemcached-devel \
librados2-devel \
libtiff \
libwebp \
make \
procps \
# Download, Build, Test & Install `mod_tile`
rm -rf /tmp/mod_tile_src /tmp/mod_tile_build
mkdir /tmp/mod_tile_src /tmp/mod_tile_build
cd /tmp/mod_tile_src
git clone --depth 1 .
cd /tmp/mod_tile_build
cmake -B . -S /tmp/mod_tile_src \
cmake --build .
sudo cmake --install . --strip
# Create /usr/share/renderd directory
sudo mkdir --parents /usr/share/renderd
# Copy files of example map
sudo cp -av /tmp/mod_tile_src/utils/example-map /usr/share/renderd/example-map
# Add configuration
sudo cp -av /tmp/mod_tile_src/etc/apache2/renderd-example-map.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/renderd-example-map.conf
printf '\n[example-map]\nURI=/tiles/renderd-example\nXML=/usr/share/renderd/example-map/mapnik.xml\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/renderd.conf
printf '\n[example-map-jpg]\nTYPE=jpg image/jpeg jpeg\nURI=/tiles/renderd-example-jpg\nXML=/usr/share/renderd/example-map/mapnik.xml\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/renderd.conf
printf '\n[example-map-png256]\nTYPE=png image/png png256\nURI=/tiles/renderd-example-png256\nXML=/usr/share/renderd/example-map/mapnik.xml\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/renderd.conf
printf '\n[example-map-png32]\nTYPE=png image/png png32\nURI=/tiles/renderd-example-png32\nXML=/usr/share/renderd/example-map/mapnik.xml\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/renderd.conf
printf '\n[example-map-webp]\nTYPE=webp image/webp webp\nURI=/tiles/renderd-example-webp\nXML=/usr/share/renderd/example-map/mapnik.xml\n' | sudo tee -a /etc/renderd.conf
# Start services
sudo httpd
sudo renderd -f
Then you can visit: http://localhost:8081/renderd-example-map