A short description of the project
The easiest way to ensure you have the right ansible and properly libs installed is to use a python venv. You only have to set it up once:
python3 -m venv .env
.env/bin/pip install --upgrade pip
.env/bin/pip install ansible[azure]==2.9.13
After creating the venv you can enter it in order to use ansible (this has to be repeated once per shell session):
source .env/bin/activate
- Run
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
in this directory to get the required Ansible roles. - Run
ansible-playbook -c local -i inventory/inventory.ini ansible-openldap-playbook.yml
- Run
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
in this directory to get the required Ansible roles. - Run
ansible-playbook -i inventory/<inventory_file> --key-file "~/.ssh/<private_key>" -u <user-remote> ansible-openldap-playbook.yml
- Run
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
in this directory to get the required Ansible roles. - Run
ansible-playbook -i inventory/<inventory_file> --key-file "~/.ssh/<private_key>" -u <user-remote> ansible-openldap-playbook.yml --diff --check
- Download and install VirtualBox.
- Download and install Vagrant.
- Create Virtual environment
- Run
ansible-galaxy install -r roles/requirements.yml -p roles
in this directory to get the required Ansible roles. - Run
vagrant up
folder to build the VM . - Run
vagrant destroy
folder to delete the VM .
MIT license
Release date: 2021-11-15 Version: 0.1.0