- mvn clean package -Dmaven.test.skip=true
The Google SDK requires the path to a credentials-file as an environment variable to allow startup. This is not used by the application by default, but it still needs to exist.
A dummy-credentials file is provided, and can be set by
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=src/main/resources/dummy_credentials.json
(Mac/Linux) before starting the application.
To start the application, run
java -jar target/anshar-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
The app will start with subscriptions defined in resources/subscription-example.yml
. For subscriptions of type SUBSCRIBE
, an inbound URL is required - this is defined in property anshar.inbound.url
When the app has started, an admin-gui will be available at http://localhost:8012/anshar/stats
An image is build on every push to Entur's master branch.
To run the image:
# With default configuration
docker run -p 8012:8012 ghcr.io/entur/anshar:latest
# With custom properties. In this example, application.properties' anshar.subscriptions.config.path should be "/subscriptions.yml"
docker run -p 8012:8012 --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/application.properties,target=/application.properties --mount type=bind,source=/path/to/subscriptions.yml,target=/subscriptions.yml ghcr.io/entur/anshar:latest
# a more extensive example using podman
podman run -p 8012:8012 --rm \
-v `pwd`/src/main/resources/application.properties:/application.properties:z \
-v `pwd`/src/main/resources/subscriptions-example.yml:/subscriptions.yml:z \
-v `pwd`/src/main/resources/dummy_credentials.json:/credentials.json:z \
-v `pwd`/src/main/resources/logback.xml:/logback.xml:z \
-e JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Dlogging.config=/logback.xml" \
- Supports SIRI 2.0 SubscriptionRequest
- HTTP POST https://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/subscribe
- Vendor-specific subscriptions can be obtained by specifying datasetId in url (e.g. http://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/subscribe/RUT)
- Supports SIRI 2.0 ServiceRequests
- HTTP POST https://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/services
- Vendor-specific data can be obtained by specifying datasetId in url (e.g. http://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/services/RUT)
- NOTE: For periodic requests (currently within 5 minutes), RequestorRef may be reused to only get "changes since last request" - see requestorId below.
- To obtain the original ID a query-parameter can be added to the service/subscribe-url - i.e.
- HTTP GET https://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/rest/sx
- HTTP GET https://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/rest/vm
- HTTP GET https://api.entur.io/realtime/v1/rest/et
- E.g. datasetId=RUT
- Limits the results to original dataset-provider
- Comma-separated list of datasets to exclude from result
- E.g. excludedDatasetIds=RUT,NSB
- Limits result by excluding the provided datasetIds
- Note: Valid for VM and ET requests - both HTTP GET and POST
- E.g. requestorId=f5907670-9777-11e6-ae22-56b6b649961
- Value needs to be unique for as long as only updated data are needed, a generated UUID is a good choice
- First request creates a short lived session (timeout after e.g. 5 minutes)
- Subsequent requests returns only changes since last request with the same requestorId
- E.g. useOriginalId=true
- Instructs Anshar to return datasets with the original, unaltered IDs.
- E.g. maxSize=100 (default is 1500)
- Limits the number of elements in the returned result. requestorId will be used to track changes since last request and is provided in result. An id will be created and returned if not provided.
- If more data exists, the attribute MoreData will be set to true