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@libp2p/interface-pubsub Discuss codecov CI

PubSub interface for libp2p

Table of contents


$ npm i @libp2p/interface-pubsub

The interface-pubsub contains the base implementation for a libp2p pubsub router implementation. This interface should be used to implement a pubsub router compatible with libp2p. It includes a test suite that pubsub routers should run, in order to ensure compatibility with libp2p.

Table of Contents

Implementations using this interface

You can check the following implementations as examples for building your own pubsub router.

Interface usage

interface-pubsub abstracts the implementation protocol registration within libp2p and takes care of all the protocol connections and streams, as well as the subscription management and the features describe in the libp2p pubsub specs. This way, a pubsub implementation can focus on its message routing algorithm, instead of also needing to create the setup for it.

Extend interface

A pubsub router implementation should start by extending the interface-pubsub class and MUST override the _publish function, according to the router algorithms. This function is responsible for forwarding publish messages to other peers, as well as forwarding received messages if the router provides the canRelayMessage option to the base implementation.

Other functions, such as start, stop, subscribe, unsubscribe, _encodeRpc, _decodeRpc, _processRpcMessage, _addPeer and _removePeer may be overwritten if the pubsub implementation needs to customize their logic. Implementations overriding these functions MUST call super.

The start and stop functions are responsible for the registration of the pubsub protocol with libp2p. The stop function also guarantees that the open streams in the protocol are properly closed.

The subscribe and unsubscribe functions take care of the subscription management and its inherent message propagation.

When using a custom protobuf definition for message marshalling, you should override _encodeRpc and _decodeRpc to use the new protobuf instead of the default one.

_processRpcMessage is responsible for handling messages received from other peers. This should be extended if further operations/validations are needed by the router.

The _addPeer and _removePeer functions are called when new peers running the pubsub router protocol establish a connection with the peer. They are used for tracking the open streams between the peers.

All the remaining functions MUST NOT be overwritten.


The following example aims to show how to create your pubsub implementation extending this base protocol. The pubsub implementation will handle the subscriptions logic.

const Pubsub = require('libp2p-interfaces/src/pubsub')

class PubsubImplementation extends Pubsub {
  constructor({ libp2p, options })
      debugName: 'libp2p:pubsub',
      multicodecs: '/pubsub-implementation/1.0.0',
      globalSigningPolicy: options.globalSigningPolicy

  _publish (message) {
    // Required to be implemented by the subclass
    // Routing logic for the message


The interface aims to specify a common interface that all pubsub router implementation should follow. A pubsub router implementation should extend the EventEmitter. When peers receive pubsub messages, these messages will be emitted by the event emitter where the eventName will be the topic associated with the message.


The base class constructor configures the pubsub instance for use with a libp2p instance. It includes settings for logging, signature policies, etc.

new Pubsub({options})

Name Type Description Default
options.libp2p Libp2p libp2p instance required, no default
options.debugName string log namespace required, no default
options.multicodecs string | Array<string> protocol identifier(s) required, no default
options.globalSignaturePolicy 'StrictSign' | 'StrictNoSign' signature policy to be globally applied 'StrictSign'
options.canRelayMessage boolean if can relay messages if not subscribed false
options.emitSelf boolean if publish should emit to self, if subscribed false


Starts the pubsub subsystem. The protocol will be registered to libp2p, which will result in pubsub being notified when peers who support the protocol connect/disconnect to libp2p.



Stops the pubsub subsystem. The protocol will be unregistered from libp2p, which will remove all listeners for the protocol and the established connections will be closed.



Publish data message to pubsub topics.

pubsub.publish(topic, message)

Name Type Description
topic string pubsub topic
message Uint8Array message to publish
Type Description
Promise<void> resolves once the message is published to the network


Subscribe to the given topic.


Name Type Description
topic string pubsub topic


Unsubscribe from the given topic.


Name Type Description
topic string pubsub topic

Get Topics

Get the list of topics which the peer is subscribed to.


Type Description
Array<String> Array of subscribed topics

Get Peers Subscribed to a topic

Get a list of the PeerId strings that are subscribed to one topic.


Name Type Description
topic string pubsub topic
Type Description
Array<string> Array of base-58 PeerId's


Validates a message according to the signature policy and topic-specific validation function.


Name Type Description
message Message a pubsub message


Type Description
Promise<void> resolves if the message is valid

Test suite usage

'use strict'

const tests = require('libp2p-interfaces-compliance-tests/pubsub')
const YourPubsubRouter = require('../src')

describe('compliance', () => {
  let peers
  let pubsubNodes = []

    async setup (number = 1, options = {}) {
      // Create number pubsub nodes with libp2p
      peers = await createPeers({ number })

      peers.forEach((peer) => {
        const ps = new YourPubsubRouter(peer, options)


      return pubsubNodes
    async teardown () {
      // Clean up any resources created by setup()
      await Promise.all( => ps.stop()))
      peers.length && await Promise.all( => peer.stop()))


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