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File metadata and controls

52 lines (34 loc) · 2.42 KB


The awesome JPEG minifying power of mozjpeg wrapped up as a .pipe friendly node duplex stream.

Grab flying pugs over http and automagically minify them with mozjpeg before letting them near your hard drive.

var fs = require('fs')
var http = require('http')
var mozjpeg = require('mozjpeg-stream')

  .on('response', function (resp) {

And so this chunky 1.5M of raw pug

A heavy, 1.5M pug

...becomes 132K of optimal, progressive, mozjpeg'd, flying pug:

a svelte, 132K, progressive, mozjpeg pug

mozjpeg sets the compression quality to 75 by default, but you can adjust it:

  .pipe(mozjpeg({quality: 50}))

So you can wring out further byte savings, and for many pictures, nothing of importance is lost...

84K of -quality 50, piped, progressive, mozjpeg'd, flying pug

a still fly 84K of -qualtiy 50, progressive, mozjpeg pug

More info

mozjpeg-stream wraps the most excellent mozjpeg module by the imagemin crew, which in turn wraps mozjpeg from the most excellent Mozilla. So it's good stuff all the way down.

A (╯°□°)╯︵TABLEFLIP side project.