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Releases: tabularelf/lexicon

Lexicvon v2.0.1

25 Sep 15:47
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Hotfix update:
-Fixed lexicon_language_set from crashing the game. (Mistyped variable name)

Lexicon v2.0.0

24 Sep 00:51
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Updated: Lexicons loading & memory management. (It now loads/unloads on demand)
-Updated: CSV parser. (Thanks SNAP!)
-New: CSV parser multi-locale. (Just like with JSON, allows you to define more than one locale per language via an array format. Thanks SNAP from Juju Adams)
-New: Function lexicon_index_definitions. (Allows you to define all of the languages/files via a json file.)
-New: Setting LEXICON_USE_FIRST_ENTRY_ADDED. (Loads in the first language that's declared.)
-New: Fallback Locale. Lexicon will now attempt to fallback to a locale of your desire that was set via lexicon_locale_set.

This changes how the previous version of Lexicon worked. Making it a lot better to incorporate and update languages for the developers/translators. As well as a lot more lighter on the game in terms of memory. As previous versions would load all of the languages at once, rather than on demand.

Lexicon v2.0.0-alpha

06 Sep 19:27
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Lexicon v2.0.0-alpha Pre-release

Updated: Lexicons loading & memory management. (It now loads/unloads on demand)
-Updated: CSV parser. (Thanks SNAP!)
-New: CSV parser multi-locale. (Just like with JSON, allows you to define more than one locale per language via an array format)
-New: Function lexicon_index_definitions. (Allows you to define all of the languages/files via a json file.)
-New: Setting LEXICON_USE_FIRST_ENTRY_ADDED. (Loads in the first language that's declared.)

This changes how previous versions of Lexicon worked. Making it a lot better to incorporate languages.
As well as a lot more lighter on the game in terms of memory. As previous versions would load all of the languages at once, rather than on demand.

As this is a pre-release, somethings aren't fully finalized. Documentation is yet to be updated.

Lexicon V1.1.0

21 Apr 01:28
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Overhauled a majority of the internal system!
-Fixed many bugs in relations to lexicon_text
-Added in a cache system for those really large substring replacements
-Added lexicon_text_array to allow replacing large substring replacements by passing in an array.
-Added lexicon_text_struct in request. This relies on using a different substring replacement system.
-Further separated Lexicons system into separate scripts, for easier management.
-Fixed issues in relations to parsing csv files in Lexicon.
-This release is the first release that includes both an example project and scripts only.

Lexicon V1.0.2

11 Apr 18:46
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-Fixed a critical issue with lexicon_parse_csv that would cause projects to crash upon downloading from repos.
-Still may want to consider changing Githubs config for newlines, as they autoconvert to unix upon repo upload. Hence the crashes.
-If the csv loads perfectly fine for you, then there's no need.

Lexicon V1.0.1

09 Apr 18:45
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-Fixed an issue with lexicon_exists_locale

Lexicon V1.0.0

09 Apr 16:39
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Initial Lexicon release!
Includes basic demo example.