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Kronos is a cross-platform job scheduler that helps you manage, monitor and inspect cronjobs.

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This project is being developed using RDD and is not production-ready yet!
Check the architecture of the project and feel free to contribute. :)

Table of Contents



You can find available binaries here.



git clone
makepkg -Si


brew tap taciomcosta/kronos
brew install kronos
brew services start kronos

// Removing: 
brew services stop kronos
brew uninstall kronos

By default, Kronos daemon uses :8080 as its host and creates a db named kronos.db.
You can create a file at <home-directory>/.kronosd/config.json to override this behavior.

    "host": ":8080",
    "db": "kronos.db"


> kronos
kronos is a cross-platform job scheduler that helps you manage, monitor and inspect cronjobs.

  kronos [command]

Available Commands:
  create         Creates a new job/notifier
  delete         Deletes a job/notifier
  list           Lists all jobs/notifiers
  describe       Shows detailed information about a job/notifier
  history        Shows execution history of a job
  enable         Enables a job execution
  disable        Disables a job execution
  assign         Assigns a notifier to a job
  unassign       Unassign a notifier from a job

  -h, --help   help for kronos

Use "kronos <command> --help" to learn more about a specific command.



Creating a new job with sugar expressions:

> kronos create job --name myjob --cmd ./ --tick "every day"

Alternatively, we can use regular cron expressions:

> kronos create job --name myjob --cmd ./ --tick "0 0 */1 * *"

Listing jobs:

> kronos list jobs
NAME            COMMAND             TICK               LAST EXECUTION             STATUS
myjob           ./         Every day          2021-01-01 00:00:00        Enabled 
myfiles         ls                  0 0 */1 * *        2021-01-01 00:00:00        Disabled
backup-db       ./backup            Every day          2021-01-01 00:00:00        Enabled

Describing a job:

> kronos describe job myjob
Name: myjob
Command: ./
Tick: Every day
Last Execution: 2021-01-01 00:00:00
Status: Enabled

Executions: 4 
 - 3 Succeeded
 - 1 Failed

 - Average CPU: 50%
 - Average Memory: 300MB
Assigned Notifiers:
  - my-slack

Showing execution history of all jobs:

> kronos history
NAME            EXECUTION                  STATUS           CPU TIME (ns)        MEM USAGE (MB)
myjob           2021-01-01 00:00:00        Succeeded        12320                364
myfiles         2021-01-02 00:00:00        Failed           7513                 60
backup-db       2021-01-03 00:00:00        Succeeded        6470                 211

Paginating executions of a specific job:

> kronos history myjob --page 3
NAME            EXECUTION                  STATUS           CPU TIME (ns)        MEM USAGE (MB)
myjob           2021-01-01 00:00:00        Succeeded        12320                364
myjob           2021-01-02 00:00:00        Succeeded        12320                364
myjob           2021-01-03 00:00:00        Failed           0                    0

Deleting a job:

> kronos delete job myjob



Add kronos's slack bot to your workspace
Add to Slack

Then you can create a slack notifier with the auth token generated and a comma separated list of slack channel ids:

> kronos create notifier slack --name myslack --channel-ids 123456,123456 --auth-token #123
myslack created successfully

Lastly, you can assign your new slack notifier to any job you want

> kronos assign myslack myjob
myslack assigned to myjob

> kronos assign myslack myjob2 --errors-only
myslack assigned to myjob2

Or unassign it:

> kronos unassign myslack myjob
myslack unassigned from myjob