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Collections of ChromeOS Devices

Ross Scroggs edited this page Aug 22, 2021 · 28 revisions

Collections of ChromeOS Devices


Basic Items

List Items

Command data from Google Docs/Sheets gdoc <UserGoogleDoc> and gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>

<CrOSTypeEntity> ::=
        (all cros)|
        (cros <CrOSIDList>)|
        (cros_sn <SerialNumberList>)|
        (cros_ou|cros_org <OrgUnitItem>)|
        (cros_ou_and_children|cros_org_and_children <OrgUnitItem>)|
        (cros_ous|cros_orgs <OrgUnitList>)|
        (cros_ous_and_children|cros_orgs_and_children <OrgUnitList>)|
        (crosquery <QueryCrOS>)|
        (crosqueries <QueryCrOSList>)|
                (<FileName>|(gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>)
                        [charset <Charset>] [delimiter <Character>]))|
                ((<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+)|(gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet>)
                        [charset <Charset>] [warnifnodata] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>])
                [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)]
                (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)*
                [delimiter <Character>])|
        (datafile cros|cros_sn|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children
                (<FileName>|(gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>) [charset <Charset>] [delimiter <Character>]))|
        (csvdatafile cros|cros_sn|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children
                ((<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+)|(gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet>)
                        [charset <Charset>] [warnifnodata] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>])
                [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)]
                (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)*
                [delimiter <Character>])|
        (csvkmd cros|cros_sn|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children
                (<FileName>|(gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>)
                        [charset <Charset>] [warnifnodata] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>])
                 [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)]
                (keyfield <FieldName> [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] [delimiter <Character>])+
                (subkeyfield <FieldName> [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] [delimiter <Character>])
                (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)*
                (datafield <FieldName>(:<FieldName)* [delimiter <Character>])*)|
        (croscsvdata <FieldName>(:<FieldName>*))

CrOS Type Entity

Use these options to select Chrome OS devices for GAM commands.

All ChromeOS devices

  • all cros

A list of ChromeOS deviceIds

  • cros <CrOSList>

A list of ChromeOS device serial numbers

  • cros_sn <SerialNumberList>

ChromeOS devices directly in the Organization Unit <OrgUnitItem>

  • cros_ou|cros_org <OrgUnitItem>

ChromeOS devices in the Organization Unit <OrgUnitItem> and all of its sub Organization Units

  • cros_ou_and_children|cros_org_and_children <OrgUnitItem>

ChromeOS devices directly in the Organization Units <OrgUnitList>

  • cros_ous|cros_orgs <OrgUnitList>

<OrgUnitList> may require special quoting based on whether the OUs contain spaces, commas or single quotes.

For quoting rules, see: List Items

ChromeOS devices in the Organization Units <OrgUnitList> and all of their sub Organization Units

  • cros_ous_and_children|cros_orgs_and_children <OrgUnitList>

<OrgUnitList> may require special quoting based on whether the OUs contain spaces, commas or single quotes.

For quoting rules, see: List Items

ChromeOS devices that match a query

  • crosquery <QueryCrOS>


ChromeOS devices that match any query in a list of queries

  • crosqueries <QueryCrOSList>


<QueryCrOSList> may require special quoting based on whether the queries contain spaces, commas or single quotes.

  • Surround <QueryCrOSList> with " "
  • Surround each query with \" \", separate the queries with commas.
queries "\"orgUnitPath='/Path/To/OU 1'\",\"orgUnitPath='/Path/To/OU 2'\",\"orgUnitPath='/Path/To/OU 3'\""

ChromeOS deviceIds in a flat file/Google Doc

  • crosfile (<FileName>|(gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>) [charset <Charset>] [delimiter <Character>])
    • <FileName> - A flat file containing a single ChromeOS deviceId per row
    • gdoc <UserGoogleDoc> - A Google Doc containing a single ChromeOS deviceId per row
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple deviceIds per row separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single deviceId per row

ChromeOS serial numbers in a flat file/Google Doc

  • crosfile_sn (<FileName>|(gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>) [charset <Charset>] [delimiter <Character>])
    • <FileName> - A flat file containing a single ChromeOS serial number per row
    • gdoc <UserGoogleDoc> - A Google Doc containing a single ChromeOS serial number per row
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple serial numbers per row separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single serial number per row

Selected ChromeOS deviceIds in a CSV file/Google Sheet

  • croscsvfile (<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ [charset <Charset>] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]) [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)] (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* [delimiter <Character>]
    • <FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ - A CSV file and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet> - A Google Sheet and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • warnifnodata - Issue message 'No CSV file data found' and exit with return code 60 if there is no data selected from the file
    • columndelimiter <Character> - Columns are separated by <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_column_delimiter from gam.cfg will be used
    • quotechar <Character> - The column quote characer is <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_quote_char from gam.cfg will be used
    • endcsv - Use this option to signal the end of the csvfile parameters in the case that the next argument on the command line is fields but is specifying the output field list for the command not column headings
    • fields <FieldNameList> - The column headings of a CSV file that does not contain column headings
    • (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* - The criteria to select rows from the CSV file; can be used multiple times; if not specified, all rows are selected
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple deviceIds per column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single deviceId per column

Selected ChromeOS serial numbers in a CSV file/Google Sheet

  • croscsvfile_sn (<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ [charset <Charset>] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]) [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)] (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* [delimiter <Character>]
    • <FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ - A CSV file and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet> - A Google Sheet and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • warnifnodata - Issue message 'No CSV file data found' and exit with return code 60 if there is no data selected from the file
    • columndelimiter <Character> - Columns are separated by <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_column_delimiter from gam.cfg will be used
    • quotechar <Character> - The column quote characer is <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_quote_char from gam.cfg will be used
    • endcsv - Use this option to signal the end of the csvfile parameters in the case that the next argument on the command line is fields but is specifying the output field list for the command not column headings
    • fields <FieldNameList> - The column headings of a CSV file that does not contain column headings
    • (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* - The criteria to select rows from the CSV file; can be used multiple times; if not specified, all rows are selected
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple deviceIds per column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single deviceId per column

ChromeOS devices from OUs in a flat file/Google Doc

  • datafile cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children (<FileName>|(gdoc <UserGoogleDoc>) [charset <Charset>] [delimiter <Character>])
    • cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children - The type of item in the file
    • <FileName> - A flat file containing a single item per row
    • gdoc <UserGoogleDoc> - A Google Doc containing a single item per row
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple items per row separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single item per row

ChromeOS deviceIds from OUs in a CSV file/Google Sheet

  • csvdatafile cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children (<FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ [charset <Charset>] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]) [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)] (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* [delimiter <Character>]
    • cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children - The type of item in the file
    • <FileName>(:<FieldName>)+ - A CSV file and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • gsheet(:<FieldName>)+ <UserGoogleSheet> - A Google Sheet and the one or more columns that contain ChromeOS deviceIds
    • warnifnodata - Issue message 'No CSV file data found' and exit with return code 60 if there is no data selected from the file
    • columndelimiter <Character> - Columns are separated by <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_column_delimiter from gam.cfg will be used
    • quotechar <Character> - The column quote characer is <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_quote_char from gam.cfg will be used
    • endcsv - Use this option to signal the end of the csvfile parameters in the case that the next argument on the command line is fields but is specifying the output field list for the command not column headings
    • fields <FieldNameList> - The column headings of a CSV file that does not contain column headings
    • (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* - The criteria to select rows from the CSV file; can be used multiple times; if not specified, all rows are selected
    • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple deviceIds per column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single deviceId per column

ChromeOS devices directly in or from OUs in a CSV file/Google Sheet

  • csvkmd cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children (<FileName>|(gsheet <UserGoogleSheet>) [charset <Charset>] [columndelimiter <Character>] [quotechar <Character>]) [endcsv|(fields <FieldNameList>)] (keyfield <FieldName> [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] [delimiter <Character>])+ (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* (datafield <FieldName>(:<FieldName)* [delimiter <Character>])*
    • cros|cros_ous|cros_ous_and_children - The type of item in the file
    • <FileName> - A CSV file containing rows with columns of the type of item specified
    • gsheet <UserGoogleSheet> - A Google Sheet containing rows with columns of the type of item specified
    • warnifnodata - Issue message 'No CSV file data found' and exit with return code 60 if there is no data selected from the file
    • columndelimiter <Character> - Columns are separated by <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_column_delimiter from gam.cfg will be used
    • quotechar <Character> - The column quote characer is <Character>; if not specified, the value of csv_input_quote_char from gam.cfg will be used
    • endcsv - Use this option to signal the end of the csvfile parameters in the case that the next argument on the command line is fields but is specifying the output field list for the command not column headings
    • fields <FieldNameList> - The column headings of a CSV file that does not contain column headings
    • (keyfield <FieldName> [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] [delimiter <Character>])+
      • keyfield <FieldName> - The column containing key values
      • [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] - Allows transforming the value(s) in the keyfield column. If only keyvalue <String> is specified, all instances of <FieldName> in keyvalue <String> will be replaced by the item value. If keypattern <RegularExpression> is specified, the item value is matched against <RegularExpression> and the matched segments are substituted into keyvalue <String>
      • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple values per keyfield column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single value per keyfield column
    • (subkeyfield <FieldName> [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] [delimiter <Character>])*
      • subkeyfield <FieldName> - The column containing subkey values
      • [keypattern <RegularExpression>] [keyvalue <String>] - Allows transforming the value(s) in the subkeyfield column. If only keyvalue <String> is specified, all instances of <FieldName> in keyvalue <String> will be replaced by the item value. If keypattern <RegularExpression> is specified, the item value is matched against <RegularExpression> and the matched segments are substituted into keyvalue <String>
      • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple values per subkeyfield column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single value per subkeyfield column
    • (matchfield|skipfield <FieldName> <RegularExpression>)* - The criteria to select rows from the CSV file; can be used multiple times; if not specified, all rows are selected
    • (datafield <FieldName>(:<FieldName)* [delimiter <Character>])*
      • datafield <FieldName>(:<FieldName)* - The column(s) containing data values
      • delimiter <Character> - There are multiple values per datafield column separated by <Character>; if not specified, there is single value per datafield column

ChromeOS deviceIds from data fields identified in a csvkmd argument

  • croscsvdata <FieldName>(:<FieldName>*) - Data fields identified in a csvkmd argument

Examples using CSV files

You want to print information about ChromeOS devices at your school from Org Units based on graduation year.

Example 1 CSV File OrgUnit.csv, exactly the data you want, keypattern and keyvalue are not required.


For each row, the value from the OrgUnit column is used as the Org Unit name.

gam csvkmd cros_ous OrgUnit.csv keyfield OrgUnit print cros

Example 2 CSV File GradYear.csv, you have to convert GradYear to Org Unit name /Students/GradYear, keyvalue is required.


For each row, the value from the GradYear column replaces the keyField name in the keyvalue argument and that value is used as the Org Unit name.

gam csvkmd cros_ous GradYear.csv keyfield GradYear keyvalue "/Students/GradYear" print cros

Example 3 CSV File GradYear.csv, you have to convert GradYear to Org Unit name /Students/LastTwoDigitsOfGradYear, keypattern and keyvalue are required.


For each row, the value from the GradYear column is matched against the keypattern and the matched segments are substituted into the keyvalue argument and that value is used as the Org Unit name.

gam csvkmd cros_ous GradYear.csv keyfield GradYear keypattern '20(..)' keyvalue '/Students/\1' print cros

Examples using multiple queries or Org Units

Example 1 Print information about all ChromeOS devices with a serial number that starts with HY3 or 5CD.

gam crosqueries "id:HY3,id:5CD" print cros allfields nolists

Example 2 Print information about all ChromeOS devices in two Org Units that contain spaces in their names.

gam crosqueries "\"orgUnitPath='/Students/Middle School/2021'\",\"orgUnitPath='/Students/Middle School/2020'\"" print cros allfields nolists

This is equivaluent to:

gam cros_ous "'/Students/Middle School/2021','/Students/Middle School/2020'" print cros allfields nolists

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