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Users Gmail Forwarding

Kim Nilsson edited this page Jul 16, 2019 · 12 revisions

Users - Gmail - Forwarding

API documentation


<FalseValues>= false|off|no|disabled|0
<TrueValues> ::= true|on|yes|enabled|1
<DomainName> ::= <String>(.<String>)+
<EmailAddress> ::= <String>@<DomainName>
<EmailAddressList> ::= "<EmailAddress>(,<EmailAddress>)*"
<EmailAddressEntity> ::= <EmailAddressList>|<FileSelector>|<CSVkmdSelector>|<CSVDataSelector>


An email address must be defined as a forwarding address before it can be used to forward. A user can have multiple forwarding addresses, none or one of them can be active at a time.

Manage forwarding addresses

gam <UserTypeEntity> add forwardingaddress|forwardingaddresses <EmailAddressEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> delete forwardingaddress|forwardingaddresses <EmailAddressEntity>

Display forwarding addresses

gam <UserTypeEntity> info forwardingaddress|forwardingaddresses <EmailAddressEntity>
gam <UserTypeEntity> show forwardingaddress|forwardingaddresses
gam <UserTypeEntity> print forwardingaddress|forwardingaddresses [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

Manage forwarding

gam <UserTypeEntity> forward <FalseValues>
gam <UserTypeEntity> forward <TrueValues> keep|leaveininbox|archive|delete|trash|markread <EmailAddress>

Display forwarding

gam <UserTypeEntity> show forward|forwards
gam <UserTypeEntity> print forward|forwards [enabledonly] [todrive <ToDriveAttribute>*]

  • enabledonly - Do not display users with forwarding disabled.

Here's an example of how to get a list of all users with forwarding enabled and send that list to a Google Sheet, and to use multiprocessing to speed it up a little. Limiting the number of parallel threads to 5 to not be rate-limited by the API.

gam config auto_batch_min 1 num_threads 5 redirect csv ./forwards.csv multiprocess all users print forwards enabledonly todrive

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